The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 821: Holy King Protector Qi!

This blow was too powerful. It was the same blow that hit Lin Fan so hard that he couldn't fight anymore.

"It seems to be the claw of the dragon, but I seem to be better at this than you. Let's decide the outcome with one move!"

Xu Chen opened his mouth, his clear eyes opened and closed, his eyes were suddenly filled with lightning, his whole body was billowing with blood, electric arcs stirred, and dark clouds quietly gathered in the void, causing the surrounding light to be swallowed up, driving lightning and thunder, and his hair suddenly danced wildly, just like that in an instant A fierce god revived.


The fingerprints condensed, and Xuchen made a move, causing dark clouds to roll in the void, thunder and lightning, five fingers curled slightly, and a paw print came out.

Immediately before the paw prints, the void fluctuated, and the light was bright. There was lightning raging and the void exploded, and the thunder and lightning energy set off waves like a vast ocean.

Immediately, this claw turned into a big claw print in front of the void, colliding directly.

At this moment, Xu Chen's temperament was extremely fierce.

This claw opened and closed, shaking the entire golden boulder, and the void was also stirring.

Under countless gazes, the two paw prints collided directly.


With such a touch, the muffled sound vibrated and some onlookers got closer, could it be that their ears were buzzing and buzzing.

This piece of golden boulder was also completely covered by lightning, and the lightning soared into the sky, and the terrifying energy surged, such as the thunder and lightning hurricane swept across, it was extremely frightening.

For such a duel, the strong men of the major forces present were also moved and changed color, secretly marveling at it.

Everything came and went quickly, the thunder and light scattered, the energy dissipated, and two figures, one big and one small, appeared on the golden boulder.

The distance between the two is less than a few feet, but they have already closed their hands.


Suddenly, Xu Chen took two steps back, his face turned paler.

It was obvious that the consumption just now was great, and the right hand clenched a fist and trembled slightly, showing a little redness and swelling.


At the same time, the huge body with flame scales returned to normal again, a mouthful of blood spurted out from its mouth, and at the same time it staggered back a few steps, some faint red blood overflowed from its right hand.

"If I lose, I know I can't beat you."

Yanlin wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and stuffed the elixir that Xuchen gave just now into his mouth bluntly, smiled innocently, looked at Xuchen and said: "Go on, I'll wait for you below."

After the words fell, Yanlin jumped off the golden boulder.

Even if he tried his best, he was defeated, and Yanlin had already felt that he was invincible, and he was already very happy to be able to advance to this round.

Xu Chen smiled slightly, shook his numb right hand, and smiled wryly to himself, probably at this moment, only he himself knows how strong Yanlin is.

"It's almost over!"

A voice echoed indifferently, and Nalan Ruyu opened her mouth. The skin on her body was emitting a kind of sacred light from the inside out, and her wings were suspended in the void, and her whole body was full of sacred aura.

Han Liu's eyes were fixed, his body was ferocious, his aura was overwhelming, and a long white whip quietly appeared in his hand.

The whole body of the long whip is filled with white mist, the light flickers like lightning, and it is as agile as a dragon.

When this long white whip appeared, like a flood dragon in the air, it immediately danced around.

The energy in the surrounding world was pulled by a certain kind, and the wind was surging, surrounding the void around Han Liuyun's body, forming a vision above his head,

"Jade Dragon Soul Suppressing Whip!"

Within the five sects and three sects, some strong men suddenly exclaimed.

"It's actually the Yulong Soul Suppressing Whip!"

Many powerhouses trembled. The Yulong Soul-Suppressing Whip is not an ordinary thing. It is almost at the level of a magic weapon. It is rumored that it was made by a strong craftsman in Yutian Palace. The main material is a piece left over from ancient times. The real keel of the dragon, the day it was whipped, almost caused the vision of heaven and earth, and suppressed the soul by nature.

"Han Liuyun's status in Yutian Palace is not low, and he is actually carrying the Yulong Soul Suppressing Whip!"

Someone said that Yutian Palace was able to hand over the Jade Dragon Soul Suppressing Whip to Han Liuyun, which shows its status in Yutian Palace.

But no one would think it was so strange, judging from the talent and strength that Han Liuyun has shown now, it is enough to be so valued in Yutian Palace.


The long whip is like a dragon, stirring up the wind and clouds, rushing towards Nalan Ruyu violently, driving the power of the heaven and the earth, with a great reputation, if it is going to move mountains and seas.

It can be seen with the naked eye that such an attack has reached Nalan Ruyu in an instant.

But this terrifying attack, when it was still a few feet away from Nalan Ruyu, rippled out of the void.

With Nalan Ruyu as the center, a circle of dazzling sacred aura appeared, enveloping it.

The terrifying attack brought by the long whip like a dragon affects the soul, but it is blocked in front of Nalan Ruyu, and it seems that it is difficult to advance an inch.

The appearance of this scene made countless eyes unbelievable!

Han Liuyun's color changed, his handprints condensed, and the power on the long whip became more powerful. If he really turned into a phantom of a flood dragon, the ferocious beast shadow condensed by the remnant soul in front of him also roared out.


The terrifying power seems to be able to destroy everything, but all of them are blocked in front of the sacred light in front of Nalan Ruyu, which only makes the circle of light vibrate, but it cannot be broken.

"It actually condensed into a holy king's protective energy!"

Among the five sects and three sects, the strong ones changed their colors, and the eyes of the strong ones in Yutian Palace also changed drastically at this moment, they were very shocked.

"It's so strong that the Holy King protects the body, and it can withstand an attack like Han Liuyun's!"

There were also old and strong people in the crowd who saw the clue and were shocked by Nalan Ruyu.

At this moment, Han Liuyun really played all his cards and tried his best, which might be enough to leapfrog and kill an ordinary fourth-level Yuanzhen Realm cultivator, but he couldn't even break through Nalan Ruyu's defense.

Han Liuyun is powerful and terrifying, the best of his generation, but Nalan Ruyu is undoubtedly even more terrifying!

"This is already full strength, then it should be over!"

Nalan Ruyu's eyes were indifferent, and she covered the holy king's body with air, the light was like a small sun, her wings flapped behind her back, and the handprints in the back were condensed, and both hands were stretched out at the same time, turning into two handprints, and slapped forward.


The void roared, the sacred breath rose and fell, terrifying handprints emerged from the void, and the mighty energy fluctuated, crushing the whip with one hand and crushing the phantom of the giant beast with the other.


Many people in the audience exclaimed, their hearts were jumping with fear, this kind of power was too strong, visible to the naked eye, Han Liuyun's offensive was directly shattered inch by inch.


Shrouded in the holy king's protective aura, Nalan Ruyu looked even more sacred at this moment, as if the Son of God had descended and pushed everything horizontally.

Han Liuyun's color changed, and his attack was directly shattered. The opponent was too powerful. At this time, it still gave him an unfathomable feeling.


Finally, Han Liuyun vomited blood, his body flew and smashed down the golden boulder, and the Yulong Soul Suppressing Whip in his hand became much darker.

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