The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter eight hundred and thirtieth: Salute!

"It's just vulnerable, if you kneel down and kowtow three times at this moment, how about I let you admit defeat and surrender?"

Nalan Ruyu stared at Su Yi, her eyes twitched secretly, her voice was mixed with vitality and spread around.

These words seemed to be nothing, but they actually wanted to block Su Yi's retreat.

Looking at Su Yi's reaction, Nalan Ruyu was really afraid that Yi Su would surrender and admit defeat. If so, he would have no chance to continue attacking.

Although in the duel, it might be troublesome for him to kill the former with a heavy hand, but when the time comes, no one can do anything to him.

But if the former directly surrendered and admitted defeat, it would be really difficult for him to start.

Su Yi's eyes were heavy, and he understood Nalan Ruyu's words. This guy seemed to be a man of extraordinary prowess, like a gentleman, but he was just too arrogant. Even the other disciples of the Holy Mountain didn't bother to be with him, but he was just as sinister in his heart. Good bird.

But at this moment, Su Yi knew that he had no choice, if he continued to fight, he would not be an opponent.

This Nalan Ruyu's next attack would certainly be more fierce. From his eyes, Su Yi could feel the killing intent.

When the time comes, as long as there is a chance, Nalan Ruyu may not hesitate to use the killer without any scruples.

Of course, Su Yi also understood that if he had the chance, he wouldn't have any scruples, so he would kill this guy first.

Su Yi hesitated, with a dignified expression.

"Will Yi Su admit defeat?"

"It's not an opponent, and it's still severely injured. It's already the end of the battle!"

Among the spectators around, many people were discussing, and the atmosphere of shouting was exaggerated and tense for no reason.

"You seem to have reservations all the time. If it's because of scruples, it's unnecessary. I, Guyue, will always stand behind the little brother on behalf of Yutian Palace. You can let go and fight!"

Suddenly, such a voice came from Su Yi's ears.

This was the voice of old man Guyue. Su Yi followed the sound and looked sideways, looking in the direction of the lineup of Yutian Palace, looking at the palace master Guyue who was visible from afar.

Looking at each other, the old man Gu Yue nodded slightly.

Su Yi has been restrained all the time, and has never really let go to fight. This can't escape the eyes of old man Gu Yue. He guessed in his heart that in this situation, if he is restrained and hidden in the Shengwu Conference, he must be afraid that he has some scruples in his heart.

However, the old man Gu Yue is also very serious at the moment. Even if Yi Su lets go to fight at this moment, the gap between the peak of the ninth level of the Yuanling Realm and the peak of the fourth level of the Yuanzhen Realm is no less than a huge gap. Nalan Ruyu is not Ordinary warriors are the holy sons of the holy mountain. How can Yi Su overcome this huge gap, let alone Zhongzhou, even the favored sons of the six continents, three continents and one sea cannot bridge it!

"Can Yi Su fight again!"

Looking at Su Yi's eyes, the Deputy Palace Master Guanlan in Yutian Palace clenched his fists nervously. Not to mention that they have been secretly competing with Sheng Shanben, no matter how they look at it, they naturally hope to lose It was Nalan Ruyu, not Su Yi.

Xi Wuqing's expression was also very dignified. He naturally knew that Su Yi was still restrained and concealed his identity up to now.

Xi Wuqing knew a little about Su Yi's scruples, but he was not particularly clear about it. He only knew that Su Yi had entered the Divine Sword Sect present, and it seemed that something had happened, and then left the Divine Sword Sect. Perhaps it was because the Divine Sword Sect was in , making Su Yi scruples now.

"It seems that you are already planning to admit defeat and surrender. Why don't you kowtow three times and I will take you up to the holy mountain. From now on, you will follow me as a follower. Given time and your talent, it will be enough for you to make a big splash in Zhongzhou. Splendid!"

Nalan Ruyu stared at Su Yi, and her cold voice spread.

He also felt something strange, Yi Su in front of him seemed to have been a little restrained, and had never really let go of a fight, so he was also surprised in his heart, and he was watching the changes quietly, and did not dare to be careless.


Su Yi looked away from the Yutian Palace lineup in the distance, took a deep breath, the faint red light fluctuated in his eyes, and then looked at the lineup where the Divine Sword Sect was located.

Looking far away, Su Yi looked into the lineup of the Divine Sword Sect, and fixed his eyes on the figure with a thin body and an old face that was extremely incongruous at this moment.

"Hey, what is Yi Su doing!"

Suddenly, under the gaze of countless gazes, Su Yi suddenly knelt down on one knee and bowed to the old man who was as thin as a child but with an old face in the lineup of the Divine Sword Sect.

"What is he doing, it seems to be the direction of the Excalibur Gate!"

"Hey, Yi Su seems to be saluting, he seems to be someone from Shenjianmen!"

"what happened!"


At this moment, the audience was in an uproar, and countless eyes moved in an uproar.

Countless gazes followed the direction of Su Yi's salute, and then fell on the lineup of the Divine Sword Sect.

In the Divine Sword Sect, the figures changed color all at once, and they were secretly surprised, and they could feel that at this moment, the overlord Zong Yisu was saluting someone from the Divine Sword Sect.

Elder Su Kuangge was sitting upright, and suddenly his hands were tightly gripped on the armrests on both sides of the seat. The veins on the back of his hands were exposed, his eyes were narrowed, and there was a light in his eyes, like divine light, and the faint wrinkles on his face were also squirming. , trembling secretly and inexplicably.

At this moment, Elder Su Kuangge felt most clearly that the gaze that came from him was so familiar, that the fierce young man who appeared like a black dragon was saluting him.

"That guy seems... to be saluting to our Excalibur Sect!"

In the corner of the crowd, the young disciples of the Divine Sword Sect gathered together, looking at the edge of the mountain-like golden boulder, that fierce young man was actually saluting in the direction of the Divine Sword Sect, Situ Muyang, Liu Yunchuan, Gong Qi , Jian Shiyi, Ying Qianqian and others, could it be that their eyes were full of doubts and surprises.

Yutian Palace, Sacred Mountain, Five Sects and Three Sects were all full of doubts looking at this scene at the moment.

After a salute, Su Yi got up, and then looked directly at Nalan Ruyu who was floating low in the sky, a faint sneer curved up from the corner of his mouth, with a few wisps of still wet blood, adding a bit of ferocity.

"He still wants to fight!"

"Yi Su has no intention of surrendering at all!"

The audience was inexplicably tense, and there was a special atmosphere in the air, which seemed to have a strange tranquility, like the silence before a volcanic eruption.

All eyes subconsciously focused on the fierce young man at the moment.

Under the eyes of everyone and countless gazes, Su Yi stretched out his hand to wipe something on his face, and then, his body squirmed, and the sound of bones rubbing against each other came from his body.

"Are you going to let go and fight!"

In the lineup of Yutian Palace, a light flickered in Xi Wuqing's eyes suddenly.

Xi Wuqing knows best that if Su Yi wants to reveal his true identity, he must fight with all his strength!

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