The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 874: Miss Xuanjianmen!

The whole body was imprisoned, and the vitality in his body was directly crushed to the point of obstruction. From the depths of his soul, the big man felt palpitations and hairs.

Looking at a resolute face close at hand, the big man couldn't help the horror in his eyes.

It turns out that this young man in front of him is actually much more terrifying than that woman, and he is actually an absolutely terrifying powerhouse.

"I ask a question, you answer a question, or you will die."

Su Yi looked directly at the big man in front of him, his gaze was cold, and now he really needed to know where this place was, so he had a good idea, and asked, "Where is this place?"

The big man was surprised and confused, his neck was seized, his voice came out of his throat with difficulty, he had difficulty breathing, his face was flushed, and he replied in a wet voice: "I don't know what you want to ask, but this is Shenlong Sea.

The big man was indeed a little puzzled, this young man appeared here alone, doesn't he know what this place is, he must have descended here from the sky.

Naturally, the big man would not have thought that Su Yi had indeed fallen from the sky, and he had no idea where it was.

"Where does the Shenlong sea area belong to? Is it Zhongzhou?"

It was Su Yi's turn to be quite puzzled. With his own understanding of the world, he really didn't know what this Shenlong Sea Region was. It seemed that there was no such place in Zhongzhou as the Shenlong Sea Region.

"The Shenlong sea area belongs to the chaotic domain. Strictly speaking, it is also within the chaotic domain. It is far away from Zhongzhou."

Although the big man was puzzled, he still answered Su Yi's question honestly, and dared not lie at all under absolute threat.

What's more, there is nothing that cannot be said about these issues. The big man only prayed that after he told the truth, the boy could really let him live.

"Have you reached the realm of chaos!"

Hearing this, while Su Yi was surprised, there was also a tinge of joy in his heart.

If this is really in the realm of chaos, then there is no need to be afraid of the holy mountain for the time being. In places like the realm of chaos, it is said that the powerhouses of the holy mountain dare not enter easily.

"Why did you hunt down that woman? Who are you?" Su Yi continued to ask without showing any trace.

"We belong to the Hailong Gang, and this girl is from the Xuanjianmen..."

The big man's eyes twitched, and he paused for a moment. His eyes were full of doubts and surprises, and he seemed to have something he didn't understand. He continued to Su Yi, "This woman seems to be the daughter of the head of the Xuanjian Sect. Our Hailong Gang seems to be the daughter of the head of the Xuanjian Sect. It was entrusted by someone to kidnap this girl, but it was later discovered that the maid of this girl had escaped. In order not to scare the snake away, the elder asked us to chase and kill the maid, but we were tricked. The one who escaped was the daughter of the head of the Xuanjian Sect. The one left on the boat is the servant girl."

Su Yi's expression was unrevealed. Listening to what this big man said, it seemed to be true. As for the Hailong Gang and Xuanjianmen, he had never heard of it, and they must be some forces in this chaotic domain.

"My lord, let me go, I've told you everything you want to ask, spare my life!"

The big man begged, hoping that the young man in front of him could save his life, he didn't want to die yet.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you, but whether you can survive or not is up to God. If you are destined to die, you can't blame me."

A coldness flashed in Su Yi's eyes, and he let go. At the same time, his five fingers clenched tightly, turning claws into fists, and immediately landed on the big man's belly.


The muffled sound spread, and when the big man felt that something was wrong, his pupils constricted, and his eyes were suddenly horrified.

But before he had time to react, a continuous stream of huge force in the big man's body directly blasted into the vortex of his dantian vitality, and a wave of dark energy swept across, directly smashing the vortex of his dantian vitality, and before he could scream out, he just His eyes went black and he passed out.

Su Yi was not polite to this big guy from the Hailong Gang. This big guy was not a good person, and keeping him would be a disaster. At least he kept his promise and didn't kill him.

Afterwards, Su Yi threw the corpses of the big man and the surrounding Hailong gang members into a small boat, and pushed the boat into the sea.

As for the waves sweeping across the vast sea, whether the big man can survive or be swallowed by the waves depends on God's will.

After tidying up the surrounding area, Su Yi arrived at the side of the fainted girl.

At this moment, Su Yi was able to carefully look at the girl in front of him. She was about sixteen or seventeen years old, dressed as a maidservant, but at this moment, her pale face showed a delicate and beautiful appearance. It's a beauty.

Although the girl was beautiful, Su Yi didn't pay much attention.

From coming to this world until now, Su Yi has always encountered women who are absolutely alluring women.

I have known Liu Ruoxi since I was a child, and when Su Yi walked out of the Man City, he met the girl who was disguised as a woman, Ling Qianxue, Shangguan Xiwei, Mu Yao, Gong Qi, Ying Qianqian, etc., any one of them was better than this girl. Victory.

However, at this moment, the girl's whole body was wet, and her dress was tightly attached to that graceful body, which made her already exquisite and embossed curves even more alluring.

This girl seems to have developed a lot earlier than her peers, especially in some places that are looming, making Su Yi still at a young age, so she can't help but take a few more glances.

"What are you looking at, don't look at evil."

Su Yi warned himself, scolded himself secretly, but his gaze was still reluctant to let go of the convex curve, and the faintly visible place, and took a few more hard look.

After checking, Su Yi found out that the woman should be fine, but she had consumed too much, it seemed that her injuries were not serious, and she passed out after being attacked by that big man later.

Anyway, this woman can't die, Su Yi plans to leave.

It's nothing to do with himself, so he finally escaped from the hands of the people in the holy mountain. Su Yi didn't want to get into the chaotic domain for no reason and cause any trouble.

There were still two small boats on the island. Su Yi planned to row away, took two steps, looked back at the unconscious girl, frowned slightly, and whispered: "Although I don't know each other, I can't be here Let's leave this deserted place, in case someone passes by, there will be wild monsters appearing..."

After hesitating for a while, Su Yi knew that this was already a chaotic domain anyway, so Su Yi was not in a hurry to leave.

Walking back to the girl, Su Yi checked the girl's injuries here, squeezed the girl's teeth, and saw that the silver teeth were white, the tongue was crystal clear and rosy, and a pill was stuffed into it in his hand.

"Doing good deeds without asking for reward."

No worries, no worries, and a healing elixir, this is a loss-making business, Su Yi can only comfort himself like this.

In order to fear that someone from the Hailong Gang would come, Su Yi hid the two boats under the rock, and then carried the girl into a wider gap in the rock.

With nephrite in his bosom, that almost looming delicate body was in his bosom, soft and fragrant, which made Su Yi's heart burn, and it was hard to suppress it.


The water and the sky are the same color in the sea area, vast and boundless, and the surrounding waves are still slapping towards the isolated island, stirring up waves.

The injuries on his body were too serious, and he was far from recovering, so Su Yi continued to heal his injuries.

Sitting cross-legged and performing the Hunyuan Supreme Kung Fu, Su Yi continued to breathe out and heal his wounds, and he still had the energy refining of the Jade Blood Spirit Ginseng Spirit Beard and Spiritual Liquid in his body.


On the vast sea area, a giant ship with a length of one hundred feet stands tall, carved with animal patterns, with faint light, moving like a giant dragon with a sponge exposed, neither fast nor slow.

On the deck, there are figures standing upright on both sides of the hull.

On the rickety boat, these figures remained motionless, with sharp breaths and fluctuations in evil spirits, obviously they were all used to this kind of sea life.

On the bow of the boat, there are quite a few figures standing at the moment, all dressed in robes.

At first, he was a middle-aged man in his forties, with a strong figure, short black hair, dressed in strong clothes, sharp eyes and full of energy.

"Why haven't you come back yet, can't something happen?"

Behind the middle-aged man, a slightly fat man opened his mouth and stared at the distant side of the giant ship, as if he was waiting for something.

"These guys must be unable to hold back anymore. They are all staring at that little girl. They must be having fun."

There was one person who spoke, and there was a little envy in his eyes, did he know who those guys were, and at this moment, he would definitely grab the maid to have fun together.

Thinking of that girl is still a young girl, and that scene, this person suddenly felt a little hot in his heart, with dirty eyes, he should have gone there in person if he knew earlier.

"Hmph, sooner or later, every one of them will die on the woman's body. If they break the official business, they will be punished severely!" The leader, a big man in a strong coat, had sharp eyes and snorted softly.

Hearing the words of the big man in strong clothes, the expressions of the people around him suddenly became solemn.

"Deputy leader, we succeeded this time, but if Xuanjianmen knows about it, I'm afraid we won't give up. Those people in Xuanjianmen are not easy to mess with."

Immediately, the chubby man who spoke just now had a secretly worried look in his eyes.

Xuanjianmen is not easy to mess with. This time, Hailong Gang kidnapped the eldest lady of Xuanjianmen. If Xuanjianmen knew about it, how could they let them go.

"Wealth and wealth are in danger, and someone from Xuanjianmen will deal with it. As long as we capture the girl from Xuanjianmen, we have succeeded. God knows this, and the rest of us know. As long as we don't leak the news, Who can know."

The voice paused, Jinyi's middle-aged eyes turned cold, and he said: "What's more, I'm afraid that in this chaotic domain, there will be no Xuanjianmen in the future. Once you hand over people, our Hailong Gang will not be what it used to be in the future." , the sun is soaring into the sky!"

"Hehe... The Sea Dragon Gang has always been able to stay in this Shenlong sea area. After having a backer, they can go ashore in the future." Someone smiled, looking forward to a bright future in their minds.

"Elders, deputy gang leaders, the big thing is not good, it is not good!"

At this moment, a panicked voice came from inside the boat, and a Hailong Gang disciple ran over in a panic.

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