The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter eight hundred and ninety second: Take the arrow!

As the golden arrow passed, it directly pierced the space, and the air ripples continued to surge and surge towards the sides.

The golden arrow also appeared in front of Su Yi in an instant, expanded in front of Su Yi's pupils, and came with a hot and fierce wind.

Jueming Yan Luoxi didn't move ruthlessly, and didn't even blink his eyelids.

Xi Wuqing didn't know Su Yi's true strength before, but now she knows it all.

It is true that Yang Chuan of the Golden Sword Sect is at the fourth level of the Yuanzhen Realm, and this bow is also a treasure, but Nalan Ruyu, who is at the fourth level of the Yuanzhen Realm, was defeated by Su Yi. With his cultivation base, Yang Chuan couldn't compare with Nalan Ruyu at all.


In the blink of an eye, Su Yi moved, with red vitality gushing out of his body, he reached out his hand, and the red vitality wrapped the palm, condensed into a red cuticle, and directly grasped the lightning-fast golden arrow in the palm of his hand.


The golden arrow clanged, and a huge momentum gushed out along with the fiery breath, but it was suppressed by Su Yi, and then subsided.

Looking at the scene in front of them, the complexions of Yang Chuan and the yellow-robed old man changed drastically at the same time.

How could they not be clear about what it meant that the other party was able to snatch the arrow directly with bare hands. The young man was not very young, but his strength was extremely powerful.

Immediately, Yang Chuan's complexion changed drastically, without any delay, the aura of the fifth level of the Yuanzhen Realm on his body was unreserved, and he roared away, the bow in his hand was once again filled with aura fluctuations, a golden arrow appeared again, and the bow was released quickly !


These are two consecutive arrows, like two golden lightning bolts, piercing Su Yi's eyebrows and chest.

At this moment, Yang Chuan's two arrows are more powerful than before, and he is doing his best.

Yang Chuan saw that the young man in front of him was not simple, he had already made a move without any carelessness, so there was nothing to say, he shot the young man with both arrows, and wanted to shoot the young man to death!

"Huh!" l cool p (craftsman = net b positive,. version. first release'l0vj

Su Yi snorted, with coldness in his eyes.

This Yang Chuan's attack was a killer move, and this time he wanted to kill himself, which made Su Yi's heart feel even colder.


A majestic aura surged, two arrows flew up and down, Su Yi stretched out his hands, and in front of his palms, there was a surge of vitality, which turned into two vortexes.

In the two vortexes, an invisible suction surged out, swallowing the two arrows, and the vortex surged, dissolving the power of the golden arrows, obliterating a lot of their light.

What Su Yi is using at this moment is the method in the ancient scriptures of Tianyao, which comes from Huolitian Luozhang.

It's just that Su Yi had an idea to slightly change Huolie Tian's palm, and in this way wiped out the power of the two arrows, and he held the two arrows tightly in his hand again.


The beast roared and neighed, and at this moment, the huge eight-winged black python had already rushed straight, with all eight wings moving, it rushed towards the nostrils with an astonishingly cold and evil aura.


Almost at the same time, a sharp claw like a hook in front of Su Yi was filled with a deep cold light, as sharp as a blade, it directly protruded out, accompanied by a wave of evil blood, and swung straight towards the eight-winged black python.

The wolf-headed demon bat is not a vegetarian, it has been staring at it, watching the eight-winged black python move, and immediately fought back.

Feeling the aura of the wolf-headed demon bat, the eight-winged black python's fierce eyes suddenly burst into fear, and the whole body trembled. Just as it swooped in, the wolf-headed demon bat scratched several marks on its head, and blood shot out. screamed for it.


Yang Chuan gave a cold shout, and his eyes were filled with anger. The eight-winged black python was his most beloved mount. His breath was surging, and the breath of the bow was permeating. He aimed at the wolf-headed monster bat and was about to shoot an arrow directly.

"Naughty beast, get down!"

Also at this moment, a domineering and destructive aura swept out from Su Yi's body, and the Hunyuan Supreme Power was activated.

The aura of the first level of the Yuanzhen Realm was released and diffused from Su Yi's body at this moment without reservation!


Under such a breath, the eight-winged black python and the black-scaled demon eagle suddenly showed fear in their eyes, their beast souls trembled, their bodies became weak, and they staggered and fell from mid-air.


Shouts of exclamation came from the mouths of the disciples of the Golden Knife Sect. Yang Chuan, who had just strung the bow, also changed his expression greatly, and immediately fell from midair.

"Young Sect Master, be careful!"

The yellow-robed old man's complexion also changed drastically, he didn't care about being shocked by the sudden terrifying aura gushing out of Su Yi's body, he immediately picked up Yang Chuan in his hands, and fell to the ground in panic.

"Bang bang bang!"

But many other disciples of the Golden Sword Sect did not have such a good life as Yang Chuan, they fell directly to the ground below, screaming endlessly, dust flying, and gravel spurting.

But there are also two middle-aged men who, although a little embarrassed, quickly stepped into the void.

The cultivation base of the two of them has reached the first level of Yuanxu Realm, and they are already able to step away.

"Kill him for me, quick, kill that kid!"

Yang Chuan, who was still in shock, changed his face. He never thought that he would be unable to do anything to that young boy who seemed to be a child.

"The kid wants to die!"

Those two big men in Yuanxu Realm were deflated by themselves. They were already shocked and angry in their hearts. Listening to the young suzerain's order, they each shouted angrily. Fuck Suyi.


The space fluctuated, and the figures of the two Yuanxu Realm men who had just rushed out suddenly stagnated for some reason.

The gazes in the eyes of the two of them were extremely startled, and a figure in a black robe appeared in front of them like a ghost.

At the same time, the vitality in their bodies seemed to be blocked instantly, and the void around them seemed to freeze.

The black-robed figure instantly expanded in the pupils of the two, and with two paw prints, it landed directly on their necks like lightning.


The two big men in Yuanxu Realm could clearly hear the sound of 'clicking' coming from their necks, and then a blur appeared in front of their eyes, as if the world was spinning, and their eyes could see their heads and bodies separated, and there was a spray of blood mist , and then lost consciousness, everything seemed to have fallen into endless darkness, and could never wake up again.

Two Yuanxu Realm big guys were instantly killed just after making a move.

It's like a song that just started and then suddenly stops.

Watching the two big men who had been cultivated at the first stage of Yuanxu Realm being killed, and the figure in black robe appearing in the void, the complexion of the old man in yellow robe has completely changed.

Jueming Yan Luoxi shot ruthlessly, with a calm expression, he killed two Primordial Void Realm cultivators, not paying attention, his eyes fell directly on the yellow robed old man, and his figure disappeared in place.

"No, it's a Yuanhuang Realm powerhouse!"

The old man in yellow robe seemed to have seen a ghost, when he watched Xi Wuqing disappear, his eyes were horrified, and he quickly retreated.


At the same time, the figure of the wolf-headed demon bat swooped down, and the bloody aura spread.

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