The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 1673: Hero Club (Part 2)

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Yu Gan shook his head and smiled lightly: "Someone secretly pushed the waves to help the practitioners here to kill each other, carried out a major shuffle, and then benefited from it."

Kill each other and have a big shuffle!

Wen Yan, Qin Yi, Yan Meiniang, and Yan Zhuxin were all stunned, standing on the ground and looking at each other. The hearts of the three were very uneasy. They sighed: The one who helped the secret in secret, really was What a great deal!

"So, 150 years ago, who was the secret promoter of that big shuffle? Who is it?"

Qin Yi frowned and asked.

Yan Meiniang and Yan Zhuxin also looked at Yu Gan with curiosity.

"150 years ago, I just entered the second floor from the first floor, and my strength is still quite weak. I hid in a cave all day long to practice, and I dared not come out for activities. My diligent training was a full ten years. After waiting ten years later, I came out of the cave and found that there have been earth-shaking changes, and I missed a wonderful big shuffle. Naturally, there is no way to know the behind-the-scenes push of that big shuffle. "

Yu Gan's expression seemed slightly regretful.

Qin Yi three people are clear.

Next, under the rapid rush of the people, five days later, their figure had already appeared in the "Hellbringer" organization base.

At this time, the Hero Club has also been going on for a full five days, and some basic conditions of the Hero Club, when Qin Yi was still on the road, had passed Lingwu and had a general understanding.

The entire hero will have four branches, namely Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, Xuanwu, and these four branches are located on four peaks.

And the peaks of those four peaks have already been repaired by the "Hellbringer" organization to make it into four large test venues.

In each contest, there are members of the "Hellbringer" who monitor the progress of the Wuhui, and record the results of the Wuhui. Because of the temptation of 200 drops of Emperor Liquid, participate in the Wuhui in each branch. The cultivators are also well-behaved, and dare not have too much skill.

Although the four branches were set up on four peaks, but in front of the "Hellbringer" organization base, the large square still gathered a lot of practitioners.

Obviously, the practitioners gathered here have already received their numbers and are waiting to enter the branch.

And Dongzhi, wearing a red armor and pedaling red boots, always stands on the high spire of the tower, and the smart eyes slowly move between the four points arranged in front of the "one" The scenes are all income eyes.

When Qin Yi and others were seen among the many practitioners below, Dongzhi's delicate face appeared a gentle smile, and then she turned around and left slowly.


"Qin Yi, you are finally here, Master Oriental, have been waiting for you for a long time."

A few days ago, the buzzing and lonely blue came to the four people of Qin Yi, and she smiled lightly, and saw a few people in Qin Yi. In her beautiful eyes, there was a slight surge of excitement: "Come with me, Several of you have just arrived, and some of the rules of this Heroes ’Club have to be told to you personally by the Eastern Masters."

Obviously, the Oriental Master in her mouth is Dongfangzhi.

After coming out of the tomb of Huanggu Emperor in the old days, Ou Guqing listened to Qin Yi's advice, led the nine people of Zhao Xue, and came to the organization base of "Hellbringer" with Dongfangzhi, and officially became "Hellbringer".

"Well, lead the way."

Qin Yi nodded, turned around and waved to Yan Meiniang, Yan Zhuxin and Yu Gan.

Under the leadership of Ou Guqing, Qin Yi and others quickly reached the fifth floor of this tower-shaped building.

The fifth floor is also the highest floor. Standing here, you can see everything around you at a glance.

Among the main halls on the fifth floor, Dongfangzhi, who was wearing a red armor, was waiting there quietly. He saw Qin Yi's people coming up, and a pleasant smile immediately appeared on his beautiful face.

"Eh, Yu Gan, why are you with Qin Yi?"

When he saw Yu Gan among several people, Dongfang Zhi blinked, and his mind slowly appeared in his mind. The five strokes defeated this person.

But now, this person actually came here with several people of Qin Yi, making her quite surprised.

"Meeting halfway, everyone was the guardian of the Kyushu Holy See, so they came together. Is it necessary to make such a fuss?"

Touching his chin, Yu Gan's expression was slightly uncomfortable.

The person who caused the biggest stain in his life is in front of him. It is strange that he can be at ease.

In this regard, Dongfangzhi just smiled a little, did not mention the past of the two, greeted everyone to sit down, and then said slowly: "I will tell you about the specific system of the hero meeting this time. , Xuanwu, Suzaku four points, I think you have already seen this. All the cultivators who entered the four points have signed the deed of life and death. The winner can freely plunder all the wealth of the dead, and the 'Hellbringer' organization will not intervene ...

"At present, Phoenix Patriarch, Wan Jian Patriarch, Yuwen Gongyang, and one of my previous powerful men are the hosts of these four branches."

No wonder I didn't see a few of the ancestors of Phoenix.

Several people in Qin Yi knew it.

Continue listening.

"The entire hero club is divided into three rounds. The first round is a free-roll contest. As long as you think you have strength, anyone can become a champion, accept the challenges of other practitioners, and finally decide the four strongest champions. ...

"Then in the second round of the semi-finals, the four champions made a lottery. The two winners will enter the finals of the third round. The final winner will become the guardian of the" Hellbringer "organization and receive 200. Didiye, and the second and third place, if they did not die in the final, they will also receive 100 and 50 drops of Diye respectively, and become the elders of the 'Hellbringer' organization. "

After a detailed introduction, Qin Yi and others have a clear understanding of this heroic meeting.

Normal heroes are divided into three rounds.

First round: From the four points, four contestants were selected to enter the semi-finals.

Second round: In the semi-finals, from the four champions, the two strongest champions are decided to enter the finals.

Third round: Finals.

"That is to say, this time the hero meeting, the 'Hellbringer' organization, will completely consume 350 Emperor Liquid."

Touching his forehead habitually, Yan Meiniang looked at Dongfangzhi, with an inexplicable smile: "Tongzhizhi, we all know that this time the hero meeting, your real purpose is to help us eradicate Donggong Fu , But, how do I feel that you seem to have more than one purpose? "

The first book of reading novels

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