The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 1847: Layer 3 password

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Although at present, it is still not possible to determine whether there is any treasure in the core area of ​​this gathering, but it can be sure that it is absolutely extraordinary. Otherwise, the practitioner of Taikoo will not be so generous in such a layout. Gathering the world together.

"No matter what the core area of ​​this gathering is, what extraordinary existence is supporting this gathering, it is clear that the answer will be announced soon."

Touching his nose, Qin Yi smiled faintly, and vaguely, he had an intuition. This time, he might get a great chance.

Shaking his head, he shook his head of illusion, Qin Yi breathed out a breath, and then turned his palm, a small three-story pagoda appeared in his palm.

A string of golden runes, surrounded by the **** pagoda, is constantly surrounded by slowly, and will never stop, it looks old and mysterious.

After setting his mind, Qin Yi stretched out his left hand and gently touched the string of golden runes. The string of golden runes was instantly copied into his mind.

Next, Qin Yi began to seriously decode the third layer of the seal password.

Prior to this, he has arranged 20 seal passwords in the third layer, and arranged 20 of them.

These 100 seal passwords can be arranged in countless situations, and the meaning of each golden rune is extremely obscure. To arrange them correctly, Qin Yi must first try to understand the meaning of each golden rune. If the meaning is there, if you don't know the meaning, then decipher a fart!

In the blink of an eye, five days passed.

During these five days, the seven Lingwus that Yan Meiniang released before returned two. Through the pictures taken by the two Lingwu eyes, Yan Meiniang learned that Xia Jiuyou four The dissemination operation has already taken effect, and some cultivators can be seen starting to rush towards here.

This is undoubtedly good news for them. It seems that the occasional speedy glance in Lingwu's eyes, Yan Meiniang's beautiful little face, gradually emerged with a smile.

"Everything is carried out in our plan?"

Capturing the light smile on Yan Meiniang's face, Qin Yi moved his gaze temporarily away from the ten squares in front of him, and Yan Zhuxin and Gong Xige Yu, who sat cross-legged on the ground, also looked inquiringly. , Looking at Yan Mei Niang.


Raising his slender hand, he pushed a mess of hair on his forehead to the white and then, Yan Mei Niang smiled happily: "It is clear that the current outside world, under the efforts of Xia Jiuyou four people, a piece of southern Deep in the ancient forest, there is news of reincarnation treasures, just like the plague, on the fourth floor of this **** and demon cemetery, crazy spreading. "

Listening to her, Qin Yi, Yan Zhuxin, and Gong Xi Ge Yu looked at each other in amazement, and a smile appeared on each other's faces.

It won't take long for this fourth layer to boil completely.

No one can resist the temptation of passing down treasures, especially cultivators!

If you get a handed down treasure that will help the battle, you can undoubtedly let your combat strength go to a whole new level in an instant, or even reborn from now on, and become a transcendent existence.

However, it is a little bit painful that for five days, Qin Yi just arranged out the seal passwords of the third layer of the three ten-square regions, and made his head as big as a fight.

"If at the current speed, I'm afraid I haven't waited until I had the opportunity to decipher all the third-layer seal passwords, and we have already been killed by Gongzulu."

Looking at the ten square hells in front of him, Qin Yi frowned and thought: "Is there a new way to decipher this third-layer seal password? The difficulty of this kind of deciphering is really too great. I have The devil ’s left hand is so difficult to decipher. What kind of wisdom did the blood witch use to design this set of seal passwords 20,000 years ago? It seems unreasonable. The blood witch is just a powerful wizard, there is no reason to have such a high level of attainment in the seal password ... "

The third level of the seal password is too difficult to decipher, and Qin Yi had to have such suspicions.

After frowning and thinking for a while, Qin Yi ’s eyes could not help but light up: "Is there such a possibility, this third layer of the seal password is simply unsolvable, its existence is just a guise, blood witch was originally The idea is that even if someone in the later generation luckily someone unblocks the tenth hell, the first and second layers of the seal password, and then uses the same method to decipher the third layer of the seal password, the result will never be decipherable, then, The body of her elder disciple Baguio will never rush out of the third floor of the **** in ten directions to harm the world? "

"If it's true as I guessed, sealing the password of the third layer is just a guise. What is the method of unblocking the third layer of **** in ten directions?"

Eyes are slightly condensed, looking at the third floor of Shifang District, the 120 golden runes that are slowly rotating, Qin Yi only feels that the temple is swollen and has a headache.

Twenty thousand years ago, Blood Witch was a giant, and her mind and vision were high, and it was definitely not something that ordinary people could speculate on.

After a long period of hard thinking, Qin Yi still couldn't figure out why, but could only secretly sigh, looking at the ten places in front of him at a loss.

Now, he has an intuition. If he tries to decipher the 120 seal passwords of the third layer according to the methods of the first and second layers, even if he finally deciphers the 120 passwords, he will always be busy. In the field, it was impossible to open the third floor and release Baguio's body.

To be clear, the only function of the 120 golden runes is to mislead the people who unblock the third layer, and it will not have any effect on uncovering the third layer.

Of course, this is just a guess of Qin Yi.

It is too difficult to decipher the 120 golden runes in this third layer, he had to make such a guess.

At a certain moment, when the afterglow of the corner of the eye touched the Yan Zhuxin who was concentrating and sitting cross-legged and quietly practicing there, Qin Yi's eyes could not help but shining slightly.

"Bamboo Xin, come over and carefully identify these golden runes to see if there are other mysteries in it."

Qin Yi expressed his thoughts to Yan Zhuxin: "This third layer of seal password is too difficult to decipher. I wonder if the 120 golden runes are actually open to this third layer. For the slightest effect, is there any other way to open this third layer? "

"Really? Then I'm looking at it."

Yan Zhuxin frowned slightly, stood up from the ground, came to Qin Yi's side, and began to carefully recognize the 120 golden runes.

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