The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 1860: Refine soul

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However, it was obviously too late. The purple pupil mutant Honghuang beast in this gathering of spirits had already been killed by the practitioners, and there were few left.

It can be said that his blood more than ten years ago has been completely immersed in soup, and the whole number of Yin and Yang seals has been almost destroyed.

At the moment, although the ancestors recorded a kind smile on the surface, in fact, his lungs were almost exploding.

"It turns out that you are the guardian of the Kyushu Holy See, it really is some means!"

Qian Yuxin was slightly stunned: "The Kyushu Holy See is the most powerful in the world of the Hongmeng Plane. It is said that the war of righteousness and evil two thousand years ago was initiated by the Kyushu Holy See. You are the guardian of the Kyushu Holy See, and Qian Yuxin will be afraid of you. "

Qian Yuxin's eyes gradually became sharper, with a bronze mother tripod. Even in the face of the powerful Kyushu Holy Guard, he was somewhat confident.

"You are good for me. How should we calculate this account?"

Gongzulu said with a smile, the eyes looking at Qian Yuxin's eyes, a faint surge of murderous intention.

Any cultivator who has destroyed his seal of Yin and Yang, he will never let go!

"Gongzulu, you rarely spit people here. You say that I'm bad for your good deeds, then you talk about it, what good deeds do I have for you?"

Qian Yuxin also showed no signs of weakness, and asked coldly.

"Okay, then I will tell you."

Gongzulu nodded: "Did you kill the mutant wild beasts before when you killed those mutant wild beasts? Tell me, these purple pupil mutant wild beasts have mine in their bodies. Fayin, now, you killed them, and the Fayin that I broke into them naturally disappeared. You said, did you break my good deeds? "


Hearing the words of Gongzulu, Qian Yuxin couldn't help but stunned, and opened his mouth in shock: "Frankly, before that, I did hunt five or six mutant wild monsters, but these mutant wild monsters Among the beasts, I do n’t pay attention to whether there is a purple pupil. "

Later, his gaze was firm: "However, you can't be sure, among the mutant wild beasts that I killed, there must be purple pupils. You can't show any evidence to prove this. "

Wen Yan, Gongzulu's eyebrows rose slightly, stood still there, raised his eyes to the distance, and didn't know what he was thinking.

Seeing him like this, Qian Yuxin's eyes flickered, and he thought several times in succession, trying to urge the bronze mother tripod to kill the person in front of him in one fell swoop, but he was not sure.

After all, the fame of the Kyushu Holy See is too great, and as a pinnacle guard of the Kyushu Holy See, it is completely conceivable how powerful it is.

Moreover, he also feels that the person in front of him is unfathomable and is definitely not the one to provoke.

"Don't try to sneak on me, even if you have a Taoist magic weapon, it may not be my opponent."

Gongzulu didn't look at him, but he already knew his thoughts and said lightly.

As long as a person has thought of killing in his heart, there will be a killing intention revealed throughout his body. This killing intention may be extremely weak, and ordinary people simply cannot feel it.

However, Gongzulu is different. He has just purified his soul to the purest level. Even a slight killing intention can be captured by him.

Hearing Gongzulu's words, Qian Yuxin was stunned, and his heart was not calm. He secretly sighed: This person is really extraordinary, but fortunately he didn't take the risk.

Gong Zulu didn't move, and still looked at the distance quietly, the deepest part of this gathering, said slowly: "Obviously, the core area of ​​this gathering is extremely extraordinary, and I don't know where it exists. what?"

"There are a lot of Emperor Liquid."

Qian Yuxin blurted out.


Gong Zulu froze a little, turned around slowly, and smiled lightly at Qian Yuxin: "Emperor Liquid, for those of you as cultivators, that's a treasure, don't you ever think about that Swallow it alone? "

He thought that there were some treasures handed down in the world. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a lot of Emperor Liquid, which was contrary to his expectations.

"Don't you want to?"

After hearing this, Qian Yuxin blinked unexpectedly and asked rhetorically.

"Emperor Liquid, only in the eyes of you ordinary cultivators, is a baby, but in my eyes, it is no different from shit."

Gong Zulu shook his head disdainfully, paused, and then said: "If you are in this gathering, you just blindly rampage, and do it. You must be able to swallow those emperor liquids, and you must use wisdom. . "

Qian Yuxin ’s gaze was laid back, and a fanatical look appeared on his face. He hurriedly took a step forward: "How to use wisdom to swallow those emperor liquids alone? Please give me some advice."

It was Qian Yuxin's dream to swallow the emperor liquid that existed in the core area of ​​this gathering together. Now, the words from Gongzulu made him instantly see a glimmer of hope, and he was very excited.

"Give me a drop of blood, and I will tell you how to swallow those emperor liquid alone."

Gong Zulu's gaze became a little deeper, looking at Qian Yuxin and said slowly: "Don't ask me why I need your blood, you can give it or not, give it, and I will help you capture those emperor liquids, no Yes, let me go now. "

"Here, just a drop of blood."

Although Qian Yuxin didn't understand what Gongzulu wanted to do with his own blood, he was puzzled, but in front of Juli, he didn't even think about it. When even his **** reached into the entrance, he broke a mouthful.

Then he flicked his fingers, and the red blood was shot at Gongzulu. Gongzulu stretched out his hand, and the drop of blood floated motionlessly on his palm.


Looking at the drop of blood given by Qian Yuxin, Gongzulu smiled faintly: "Let you give it to you, it seems that you will be a faithful servant."

While talking, I could only see a light blue mango suddenly above his palm, and at once he wrapped the drop of blood.

"Bee ..."

On that drop of blood, a burst of green smoke suddenly appeared.

Obviously, Gongzulu is using Qian Yuxin's blood as a medium to refine Qian Yuxin's soul with a powerful technique of Yin and Yang.

The blood released from a person's body certainly contains all the characteristics of his people, and even a trace of weak spiritual knowledge. With the technique of Yin and Yang recorded by the ancestor, as long as a drop of blood is obtained, no matter where the other person is, You can use the obtained blood to directly refine its soul and let it become its own servant, or puppet, puppet, and let her be sent for life.

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