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"Roar!" "Roar!" ...

Amidst the angry roars, these mutant wild beasts rushed to Qian Yuxin crazy, because the genes have been mutated, and many species have fangs, even the python is no exception, and their fangs Usually it is more than two meters, Hansongsensen, scalp and numbness, cultivators below the ordinary emperor's four realms, I am afraid that they will be torn into pieces in the blink of an eye.

Seen from all directions, they are all fangs that are more than two meters long. Qian Yuxin's skeleton feet slammed on the ground, and a loud "bang" slammed the ground like a spider web. Suddenly cracked.

With the help of this force, Qian Yuxin quickly rose into the sky, and at the moment when the dense tusks bite himself, he quickly and dangerously broke out of the encircling circle of the mutant wild beast.

However, as soon as he rushed out, a golden retriever gibbons in the distance, with the help of flying wings, was like a golden lightning traversing the air, and instantly rushed to Qian Yuxin, six thick arms, gyros The general speed is spinning, and the wind brings a gust of wind.

"Bump bump bump!" ...

A loud noise.

Qian Yuxin was smashed by the Golden Retriever Gibbon, and his skeleton was extremely hard, otherwise it would have long since fallen apart.

After taking the "Fighting Souls", Qian Yuxin turned into a skeleton, and the skeleton was as hard as unimaginable. I was afraid that it would be ten times harder than steel.

I saw that he was flying backwards, and instantly stopped his body again. The lightning speed rushed back. A pair of skeleton hands were inserted fiercely, comparable to the top grade holy weapon, and the sound of "chirping" was instantly inserted. The body of the Golden Retriever Gibbon.


Qian Yuxin ’s abdomen uttered a roar, and his arms were struggling to tear to the sides. The strength was unimaginable. At once, the golden retrieved gibbons were torn in half, and the colorful intestines fell on the ground. .

However, he hadn't waited for his offensive. At high altitudes, there was a long roar of "唳". In the huge green mans flash, only one body covered with green hair mutant wilderness giant eagle, that wide flying With a wing, the speed is comparable to the teleportation. In an instant, it was thousands of feet away, and rushed to Qian Yuxin's side. With a green beak, he plucked hard and put Qian Yuxin in his mouth. Then he hit the ground fiercely.


Qian Yuxin was directly smashed into the ground several feet deep.

The mutant wild beasts that exist in the core area of ​​this gathering are all possessing unparalleled strength, and their fighting power is tremendous. Compared with the outermost mutant wild beasts, they are nearly twice as powerful.


Qian Yuxin rushed up from the pit a few feet deep underground, and looked embarrassed, but it was only embarrassed. The dark skeleton was not damaged in the slightest.

He had just rushed up, and the three golden gibbons rushed over again. The group surrounded him. The three golden gibbons seemed to be the same family as Qian Yuxin had just killed. The eyes of a golden-backed gibbons are full of the flames of hatred, the coercive pressure from the body, the soul that is so powerful, it is an unstoppable shudder.

The three-headed golden-backed gibbons were bullying at the same time, and with a thick arm, Qian Yuxin was driven into the ground. This time, it was actually dozens of feet deep.

It was also due to Qian Yuxin ’s black skeleton, which was unusually strong. If they were replaced by ordinary practitioners, the three golden-headed gibbons shot together, fearing that they would be beaten directly.

The next scene is already conceivable. Qian Yuxin just emerged from the ground, and the three-headed and six-armed golden ape attacked again, driving him into the ground again.

After repeating this for more than a dozen times, Qian Yuxin was completely furious. If he had a lung, he would be afraid that he would be blown away.


The whole ground suddenly blew up, and a big crater with a width of 100 feet was directly blown out. The sand and stones fell one after another. I saw Qian Yuxin's bronze mother tripod, and he was sacrificed again by him. He jumped into the sky fiercely, striking a golden retriever gibbons.

This bronze female tripod did not know exactly what Taoist magic weapon was, and its power was amazing. As soon as the female tripod hit the six-armed golden ape into the sky, the huge body had already cracked, and there was a golden blood , Gushing out.

It's just that there are too many mutant wild beasts here. Qian Yuxin just flew a golden retriever gibbons, but there are more mutant wild beasts, and rushed over at once, densely packed, with a scalp Tingling.

In the blink of an eye, Qian Yuxin was directly submerged by these mutant wild beasts.

These mutant wild beasts will be so tightly guarding the core of this gathering, the reason is already clear at a glance, that is, the large amount of emperor liquid that exists in the mountain they guard will exude the spirit of the weak emperor.

These mutant wild beasts vomit the qi of these great emperors, which can be continuously sublimated and cultivated to obtain a good promotion. It can be said that as long as they have been guarding around this mountain, the qi of the great emperor will become directly after the endless years. Demon, to the demon king.

If the demon king continues to break through, he will become a demon. There is no difference between wisdom and human beings, which can change the appearance of human beings and at the same time be able to possess human language.

In other words, this mountain with a lot of Emperor Liquid is a priceless treasure house for these mutant wild beasts!

Now, the treasure house they guard is invaded by human cultivators, and it is strange that they do not work hard.

"Give me!"

In the roar of roar, I saw that Qian Yuxin, who was submerged by the mutant wild beasts, rushed up at once, and each mutant wild beast suddenly flew away.

Qian Yuxin saw the sun again, and the ten-bronze bronze mother tripod was caught by him directly at the moment.

"All your beasts, die for me!"

Qian Yuxin raised the bronze mother tripod, and rushed to the mutant wilderness beast like a lunatic. The skeleton on his body gurgled loudly.

Feeling the strength of the bronze mother tripod, these mutant wild beasts also dared not push their fronts and fled.

Some of those who could not escape were hit by the bronze mother tripod, and the body that was smashed suddenly cracked and blood spewed.

After violently smashing for a while, the mutated wild behemoths around him were all rushed away, Qian Yuxin suddenly stopped his body, and he turned his head gurglingly, looking towards the front, the peaks of Jinmang looming through the dark eyes In the middle, there is another enthusiasm.

There is really a clear fanaticism, as long as it is a normal person, you can feel it.

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