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However, where is Qin Yi now? Why can his voice of Guzheng reach here?

Several people with bamboo fiber cores couldn't help but look around, but even Qin Yi's shadow was not found.


At this moment.


A loud noise!

The whole heaven and earth were trembling with this loud noise, dust was scattered, and even many nearby peaks cracked.

Yan Meiniang, Dugumen, Bamboo Fiber Core and other practitioners only felt that the blood in the body was turbulent by the loud noise, extremely uncomfortable, and the ears were buzzing.

Extremely shocked, everyone looked back, and suddenly they were like five thunders, and they were completely stunned. They opened their mouths one by one in shock and shook their chins.

I saw in their sight that the original thousands of feet tall, like the ancestors of the giant spirit god, suddenly broke down inch by inch, and the momentum was as great as the sky.


In the broken room of Gongzulu, one black, one green and two black shadows rushed out of it and set in the air.

The black shadow is a handsome young man in a black robe, holding a **** small tower, a string of golden runes, slowly lingering around, looking old and mysterious.

This young man in black robe, Huo Ran is Qin Yi.

And to Green Shadow, it was a woman wearing a green robe.

Her eyes were light, her skin was white as if it were fat, her eyebrows were shallow, her arms were pretty, and she was as pure as a point of beauty. They were even more beautiful than the blooming summer flowers.

She sat cross-legged and meditated on top of Qin Yi, above her knees, with a guzheng lying flat, her white and flawless fingers slender, jumping skillfully on that guzheng, a dreamlike guzheng song, It was from the string above, slowly pouring out.

She is the big disciple of the blood witches of the ancestors of the Yan tribe, Baguio!

"Gongzulu, your technique of Yin and Yang, it seems that you still haven't practiced home!"

Holding the Shifang area in his hand, Qin Yi smiled faintly at the broken ancestor record.

Seeing the current situation, he suddenly realized that he was trapped in the world of reincarnation just now. Huang Quan, Bone Bone, Neihe Bridge, Meng Po, and the dead souls that passed through Neihe Bridge were all in the belly of Gongzulu!

Indeed, the previous reincarnation world is in the belly of Gongzulu!

Of course, the reincarnation of the world does not really exist. All of them were created by Gongzulu through the technique of Yin and Yang.

Gongzulu's so-called sending Qin Yi into the world of reincarnation is just sending him into his own belly.

"Qin Yi ..."

When looking at the face of the dark shadow, Yan Mei Niang and others all exclaimed, blinking in disbelief, and then, a thick expression appeared on his face.

"The reincarnation world in Gongzulu's mouth turned out to be in his own belly, which is incredible."

Yan Mei-niang sighed: "Fortunately, the strength of blood witch big disciple Baguio seems to be really strong. He actually broke Gongzulu directly and rushed out of his belly."

"Oh, that's natural, don't look at who her disciple is?"

The most pleasant of these people is naturally Yan Zhuxin. She raised the two trembling seats in front of her chest lightly without any traces, and a proud look appeared on Jiaomei's small face.

The blood witch is the ancestor of their Yan tribe. At this moment, she feels quite proud.

"The woman in green robe, although playing the guzheng, did not reveal the slightest breath of life on her body, obviously it was just a corpse."

On the other side, the bamboo fiber core of the pedal jade lotus, after recovering, sighed heartily: "It is just a corpse that directly disintegrated the yin and yang technique recorded by the ancestor. It is really powerful. People dare not imagine it. "

Linger and other practitioners by her side looked at the Baguio who was sitting cross-legged and meditating in the air, playing the Guzheng, and they were all shocked to add.

Qin Yi's hand held ten directions of hell, his expression calmly calmed down, while Baguio, who was above him, was always playing the Guzheng slowly, as if he was playing a beloved tune, rather than fighting.

Soon, the ancestral record of thousands of feet was completely collapsed, and a middle-aged man with a normal figure appeared.

Obviously, this middle-aged man is the true face of Gongzulu.

"Who is she? What kind of ghost song does it play, how can I break my Yin-Yang technique?"

Gongzulu stood there staring staringly at Baguio's corpse in the air, full of shock, irritation, and fear.

At this time, Qian Yuxin, who had been blown up before being collapsed by Gongzulu before that time, also rushed back. Seeing that Gongzulu returned to its original shape, it was shocking to add: "Master!"

"Come on, collect those emperor liquids, as long as we collect those emperor liquids, this round, we have the possibility of reversal."

Gong Zulu shouted at Qian Yuxin.

Qian Yuxin looked toward the mountain peak where Emperor Liquid existed. This look was completely dumbfounded. I saw that the mountain cracked when the Gongzulu collapsed just now, and it was a huge piece of gold. Mans, it is from that crack, rising into the sky.

At this time, Yan Meiniang and others in the distance also noticed the large piece of golden awns that came out of the crack, and all the faces suddenly showed a thick fanatic color, even the natural cold. Lonely and solitary doors are no exception.

In addition to them, they also found the bamboo fiber core on the other side, all staring at the large piece of golden awn that was revealed through the crack, and swallowed hard.

This time the big dogfight started because of the huge golden mountain. Now that they have witnessed its existence, how can they calm down?


Qian Yuxin around Gongzulu, after recovering from God, said nothing, and immediately turned into a black awn, rushing towards the golden awn quickly.


He just started.


A huge blue swordman's tens of feet long came from breaking through the sky. With a sword, he flew him out and fell out of the way.

On the other side, the gorgeous Yan Mei Niang, the delicate jade hand, already held a blue war sword tightly.

Obviously, it was her that cut Qian Yuxin away.

"Yan Mei Niang, you are looking for death!"

Gongzulu was furious, his arm was provoked, and the sky grabbed his hand. The huge **** palm print rushed out of his palm, and turned into a huge **** awn in the air. go with.

It's just a pity--


The **** palm prints had not rushed out ten feet away, but they suddenly burst and turned into a sky of blood mist.

"this is……"

Gongzulu was furious.

"With me in, can your Yin-Yang technique succeed?"

The faint voice came from Qin Yi.

He held ten directions to hell, step by step to Gongzulu, with a faint smile of calm confidence on his face. With the movement of his body, Baguio above also followed.

Obviously, now Qin Yi is in a happy mood. Before he unpacked Baguio ’s body, he was still worried about whether Baguio ’s body could compete with Gongzulu. After all, Baguio had fallen. In the endless years, even if her body was urged by Xuan Qi, the strength that she can exert is less than half of her lifetime.

Fortunately, the current situation is very optimistic. Baguio's strength is completely beyond his original expectations.

Baguio ’s piano music, which can record the ancestor of the ancestor with the technique of Yin and Yang, and the giant body that was transformed into a phantom directly shattered. This is not to say that the piano music can just suppress the Yin and Yang technique of the ancestor, but the power contained therein , Directly suppressing the yin-yang technique of Gongzulu.

"I don't believe that a person who has died for endless years can still suppress my Yin-Yang technique?"

Gongzulu suffocated his heart, and his mouth was roaring. It was a punch that directly hit Baguio's body. The fist instantly became extremely huge.

It was just that the fist had not yet reached half, but it burst into a violent burst, turning into a piece of minced meat.

Looking at the extreme anger and suffocation, the faces were all twisted Gongzulu, Qin Yi's eyes were chilling, he passed the profound energy through the palm of his hand, and suddenly instilled into the ten directions hell.

"Ding Ding Dong Dong ..."

As he indoctrinated and insane, the rhythm style played by Baguio above suddenly changed. From the original melodious sound, it became passionate and unrestrained.

This is clearly a war song!

"Crack!" "Crack!" "Crack!" ......

Along with the playing of this war song, Gongzulu's body suddenly cracked out of cracks, a series of blood, and suddenly sprayed from that crack.

"Good music!"

Seeing such a scene, Yan Mei-niang and others who were watching from afar were all stunned, and in their hearts, there was a turbulent wave.

Gongzulu is the 12th-ranked guardian on the Kyushu Holy Guard's Guardian List. How strong is it to imagine.

However, he was now cracked by a war piece played by a guzheng!

"Go to die!"

Gongzulu's body had been stained with his own blood, and he looked extremely tragic. There was a deep fear in his heart. He roared and rushed to Qin Yi desperately. , To tear him apart.

Qin Yi launched the teleport directly, his body flickered and disappeared in place.

The next moment, he appeared behind Gongzulu, palms still holding the mysterious and ancient **** little tower.

With his appearance, the passionate Guzheng song also suddenly sounded again. Over the ten hells, Baguio always kept his eyes closed, meditated there cross-legged, and played Guzheng as much as he could.

At this moment, her whole person became very vivid, as if she had been resurrected.

"Boy Qin Yi, die!"

Gongzulu suddenly turned around and rushed to Qin Yi crazy.

His body has completely cracked out, like a spider web, with blood spraying into the air.

Qin Yi's body shook again, disappeared again in place, and came behind Gongzulu.

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