The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 1886: Huangdi's anger

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During the conversation between several people, seven people with bamboo fiber cores have used their respective precepts to dress up their emperor liquid and rushed up from below. After saying goodbye to Qin Yi and others, they rose into the sky and several blinked, It disappeared into the sight of Qin Yi and others.

Obviously, after refining the Emperor Liquid from their narcissism, they were afraid that they would immediately have the strength to enter the fifth floor.

On the field, only seven people left Qin Yi.

Yan Mei-niang ’s gaze withdrew from Skyrim and turned to look down, the Emperor Liquid in the stone pool: "Actually, I have been thinking about myself for a long time, the ancient man who arranged this large gathering of spirits and gathered the spirit of the emperor Powerful, what is the purpose of this move? It's a pity that I haven't been able to predict this. "

"If it is said that the archaic strong man arranged such a spiritual formation, it was really just for the benefit of future generations, to create a great opportunity for the cultivators who are destined, it seems indeed somewhat doubtful."

Qin Yimeiyu frowned, exhaling lightly: "Why didn't he refine himself by so many emperor liquids, and improve his strength?"

"Yeah, this matter is really incredible."

Gong Xi Ge Yu also nodded deeply.

However, they did not know that there was a cave inside the mountain. The huge body of Gongzulu collapsed. The mountain cracked along the cave.

The cave was extremely deep, and it passed through the heart of the mountain from the entrance of the cave, and then there was a stone pond. This stone pond is also the supporting point of this gathering.

And this cave that has cracked actually has a name called "Tianyou Cave".

The person who created this Tianyou Cave by means of heaven is the second-generation Pope Qingdi of the Kyushu Holy See!

In the past, the Qing Emperor had no other purpose to create this Tianyou Cave. He just wanted to benefit future generations. At his height, he apparently had no contempt for refining Emperor Liquid.

And this Tianyou Cave, which caused this unprecedented melee, is undoubtedly not in his prediction.

"Conjecture what to do? Since there are so many emperor liquids in front of us, I'm going to refine it."

Xia Jiuyou smiled happily, and then jumped lightly, with a pop, jumped into the stone pool.

The people no longer delayed, jumped into the stone pool, and bathed the whole person directly in the emperor liquid.

If other cultivators can see such a scene, I am afraid that they will vomit blood directly. Usually a drop of Emperor Liquid is extremely precious, but now, they bathe directly with Emperor Liquid!

As the body soaked in Emperor Liquid, every pore on the body suddenly opened up, like the hungry and thirsty devil, which absorbed the essence of Emperor Liquid into the body.

In the liquid state of emperor liquid, it is naturally impossible that all of them are essences. There is a certain amount of water, and the emperor liquid that has become solid has completely evaporated the water and the essence has solidified.

After these emperor liquids were absorbed into the body, everyone was refining them, and Qin Yi's body had nine qus, so the speed of refining emperor liquid was nine times faster than that of several others. Times!

However, this time, Qin Yi has converged a lot and did not enjoy refining. If not, most of the emperor liquid here will be refined by him alone, and the refining combined by the other six people The speed is not as fast as him!

Under the circumstance of madly refining Emperor Liquid, everyone can clearly feel that their bones, muscles, and major meridians are becoming stronger at a rather gratifying speed, and their body is profound. It is also a constant increase in self-esteem.


Kyushu Holy See.

On the huge mountain where the upper floors live.

The Yellow Emperor, wearing a silver robe, once again came under the huge **** guard list, looked up, staring at the top 12 positions motionlessly, his face gloomy.

At the 12th place, the name of the original Gongzulu has disappeared, and it is replaced by Qin Yi's name.

At the moment, he only felt that the word "Qin Yi" was extremely dazzling.

"This kid, actually killed Gong Yinlu, the Onmyoji from the plane world of Xuanzong, was all killed. It was really scarier than I expected. How did he do it?"

Yellow Emperor's **** rose and fell violently.

Gong Zulu can be ranked 12th in the guardian list of the Kyushu Holy See. How strong he is, it is entirely conceivable that even in the Yin and Yang division of the Xuanzong plane world, they are very high.

However, such an existence was actually killed by Qin Yi!

After taking a few deep breaths, Huang Di ’s mood finally calmed down, and the word “national” appeared on his face, and there was a confusion on his face: “Which Xian Gu emperor is reincarnated?” At this point, the Qing Emperor will be secretly protecting him like this. "

"A Xiangu emperor you must worship!"

In the air, a deep and old voice suddenly sounded.

Yellow Emperor's tall body suddenly shuddered and quickly turned around, only to see a light blue shadow in the sky. I don't know when, but he was already standing there, watching him quietly, Huo Ran was the Qing Emperor.

To be precise, it was a shadow projected by Qing Emperor here.

"Emperor Qing, you are already in the world of Xuanzong's plane, and found out the life experience of that kid?"

Huang Di asked in a cold voice, and his heart was not calm.

"Cangtian lives up to the people with heart!"

Qing Emperor's shadow nodded: "However, it was not found in the world of Xuanzong plane, but in the nether world."


Huang Di froze for a moment, and immediately asked, "So, who is he?"

"You don't need to know who he is, you just need to know, you can only worship him."

Qingtian said faintly: "Any ancient immortal emperor, you can only worship, because you can never reach their height."


It was said that Huang Di was immediately annoyed: "Qing Di, why do you always look down upon me like this? When I was appointed as the Pope of the Kyushu Holy See, but I was looking for better candidates, I tell you that the Pope of the Kyushu Holy See The best person for me is me! As long as you give me time, I will surpass Xiangu Emperor! "

Too angry, as the dignified Pope of Kyushu, was so despised.

Facing the thundering Huangdi, the shadow of the Qingdi seemed very calm, looking at the Huangdi and shaking his head: "Impossible, even if I give you 100,000 years, you cannot surpass the ancient emperor. Your qualifications are still It ’s okay, but it ’s narrow-minded, and a lot of misunderstandings have wasted good qualifications. ”

"You die for me!"

The Yellow Emperor roared, and suddenly slammed out across the air. A huge palm print that gathered with his palm strength came out of the air, and the wind brought a gust of wind and slammed out.

Even if they are far apart, the giant palm print is instantly split on the shadow of Qing Emperor.


There was a loud noise.

The shadow of the Qing Emperor suddenly burst and vanished.

"I'm impetuous, and it's hard to be a climate."

Qing Emperor's words came from Skyrim: "Yellow Emperor, I used to give you the opportunity to think too much in your own heart. You, the Pope, must be abolished!"

The position of Pope must be abolished?

Hearing this, Emperor Huang exploded even his lungs. His tall body shook and turned into a silver awn. In a blink of an eye, he rushed to the sky and screamed: "Qingdi, can you dare to fight me?"

It's just a pity that the Qing Emperor no longer has a voice, apparently no longer concerned about the Yellow Emperor.

Qing Emperor's two appearances were only shadows, and the real people did not appear.

Huang Di took a few deep breaths and calmed his mood a little bit, Meiyu slightly curled up again: "The last time Xuanhuang World was opened, when Qing Emperor appeared, he was obviously still in the world of Xuanzong Plane. Now, He said that he had discovered the past life of Qin Yi ’s kid, and naturally left the world of Xuanzong plane, where is he now? "

Obviously, the Yellow Emperor couldn't get this answer. In the ancient times, the great war between right and evil and the right path was a victory. The Qing Emperor passed the position of the Pope of the Kyushu Holy See to the Yellow Emperor, and left the Kyushu Holy See alone to pursue the corpse door. The ancestor, only this chase, never came back.

At first, the Yellow Emperor thought that the Qing Emperor was killed by the ancestor of the corpse door. Later, after thinking carefully, he felt that there was no such possibility. At that time, the ancestor of the corpse door was already seriously damaged, and only half of his strength was left. May have killed the Qing Emperor.

In that remote world war, the Yellow Emperor was just a guardian of the Kyushu Holy See. At that time, the Yellow Emperor and the Qing Emperor joined forces to fight the ancestor of the corpse door. The Yellow Emperor took advantage of the ancestor of the corpse door to prepare for it.

It was precisely because of this sword that the Qing Emperor was moved. After the war, the position of the Pope of the Kyushu Holy See was passed to the Yellow Emperor, and the Qing Emperor himself went to kill the ancestor of the corpse door alone.

In fact, even the first ancestor of the corpse door may not be able to kill the Qing Emperor in its peak period.

It was not until later that he learned that after the Qing Emperor had chased the corpse door, he went to the world of Xuanzong plane to find out the news of a fallen Emperor Xiangu.


Shenmo Mausoleum, the fourth floor.

Qin Yi, Yan Meiniang, Yan Zhuxin and others, soaked in the Emperor Liquid quietly, refining the essence of Emperor Liquid.

Time unknowingly disappears quickly.

In a flash, two years passed.

For two full years, the essence of the Emperor Liquid in the stone pool has been purified by Qin Yi and his seven people, leaving only some clean water in the stone pool.

After refining the essence of these emperor liquids, Qin Yi's cultivation practice also broke from the original emperor's four realms to the late emperor's five realms.

Yan Mei-niang broke through to the six realms of imperialism.

Xia Jiuyou, the pinnacle of Emperor's Five Realms.

Yan Zhuxin, the middle period of Emperor Dao's Five Realms.

Because Qin Yi is a Jiuqu spirit body, even when trying to consolidate Emperor Liquid, he tried to converge as much as possible, but the refining speed was still much faster than them.

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