The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 1890: Know past life

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It said nothing in its mouth, but the reaction had already explained everything!

At this moment, Qin Yi's heart really rolled up a huge wave, and the whole person was completely stunned there.

He has been thinking about his past life, which immortal emperor in the past, in the magical journey of the past, he has thought about the immortal emperor he encountered, but he did not think of Kyushu. king!

Of course, this is mainly the fame of the King of Kyushu. It was too big in the Xiangu period, and I dare not think about him.

Unexpectedly, he was the one who once led the gods of the ancient gods and launched the Second World War!

Killing myself all the way, it turned out that he was fulfilling his mission!

This feeling is like a big circle, and finally back to himself!

"All this is really like experiencing an unreal world!"

Qin Yi, who had come back to God, sighed: "Who would have thought that I was the reincarnation of King Kyushu. In the magical journey of the past, what I met was actually my own previous life!"

At this time, Bai Hu's mood also calmed down a little, and he exhaled lightly and said with a loud voice: "Actually, when I saw you from the first sight, I exuded from you the king's breath, it was already Guess you may be the reincarnation of the King of Kyushu, and then I felt a trace of magic from you, so I confirmed this even more. "

"But the king of Kyushu is not a demon. How can you tell me a devil's breath from me and you can conclude that I am the reincarnation of the king of Kyushu?"

After habitually touching his nose, Qin Yi looked at Baihu with confused eyes.

"You do not understand."

Bai Hu shook his head and pondered for a while, saying: "What should I say about this? Well, to be precise, you are not born from the reincarnation of the King of Kyushu."


Was n’t King Kyushu reincarnated?

Qin Yimei frowned, and the look on his face became more and more confused.

"During the centuries, there were many powerful people who knew that the King of Kyushu had cultivated two bodies, namely: previous life and this life. Now it seems that he has not only cultivated the previous life and this life, but also the next life, the previous life and this life. The afterlife and the union of the three generations means infinite reincarnation, breaking through life and death, and achieving true immortality. "

Now that Qin Yi has guessed his life experience, Bai Hu will no longer retain it, and he will simply say what he knows: "And you are the afterlife of King Kyushu, that is, the future King of Kyushu."

After a pause, Bai Hu went on to say, "But do you know who was the predecessor of the King of Kyushu, and who is it? That is the celestial demon that once slaughtered millions of miles. This is not a secret in the mainland of Kyushu during the centuries. At this point, I was able to tell you that you are the afterlife of the King of Kyushu on the magical energy from you. "

It turned out that the ancient demon was also king of Kyushu!

In Qin Yi's heart, the turbulent waves once again rolled up, very unsteady.

In other words, he is not only the ancient king of Kyushu, but also the demon god!

Until now, everything has finally been explained. Why can Tianmo's left hand be fully integrated with his own left hand? That is his own left hand!

Why can you collect all the seven forms of "The Seven Forms of Heavenly Demon" in the middle of the world? It turns out that it is your own martial arts!

Why are Tong Mingwang and Luo Feng not willing to reveal their identities, it is because they are the king of Kyushu!

He suddenly remembered a small detail revealed by the King of Kyushu during the magical journey of the past, that is, he nodded while looking at himself, saying that he had grown well!

In fact, everything is obvious, but myself, but I never thought of it.

"No, my Qin Yi is Qin Yi, the king of Kyushu is the king of Kyushu, and the devil is the devil, this is a different person from the three generations!"

Qin Yi, who had come back to God, shook his head and sighed helplessly: "It's such a big game. This game, King Kyushu, no, it was the Heavenly Devil in the time of the Famine, he had already begun planning, and it crossed the Fade Era, Xiangu Era, Hongmeng Era. "

In the Abyssal Era, the Immortal Era and the Hongmeng Era, there were the Heavenly Devil, King Kyushu, and Qin Yi respectively. These three people are three different people, but they are the same person!

A person has traversed three eras. This kind of deed is really like a dream.

"It's really a big enough game!"

Bai Hu also sighed: "During the ancient times, the devil of the heavenly demon was actually to cultivate the body of the King of Kyushu. That is you, only the previous life is dead, the next life can come out, and when you are in this life, it is the three life unity, immortal! "

This is indeed an extremely tragic and huge game, an absolute eternal situation!

Who would have thought that the vicissitudes of the sea and the eternal silence are all under the control of a certain person.

And this person is currently lying in Qin Yi's left hand.

Qin Yi looked inside, gazing at the sky demon body in the left hand, quietly floating there. For a moment, his heart was filled with emotion, and he couldn't think of it in his dream. This person has such a means of heaven, even if it is death Still holding the world firmly in his hands.

What makes him feel weird is that this person, to be exact, is himself, but it can also be said that he is not himself, just his predecessor!

"Now that you have guessed your life experience, I advise you to keep this secret. Once it is transmitted, the entire Three Realms will be sensational and chaotic, and you will encounter unexpected troubles.

Bai Hu looked at Qin Yi and warned.

"I naturally save this point."

Qin Yi nodded.

At that time, Tong Mingwang and Luo Feng were always reluctant to disclose their lives to themselves, and naturally they were also scrupulous about this.

"Okay, now that you have taken my twelve palms and qualified to enter the fifth floor, go out."

Bai Hu said.

Qin Yi said no more, stood up, and walked forward with an extremely complicated mood.

And when he walked out thirty feet away from the White Tiger, the figures of Yan Meiniang, Yan Zhuxin, and Xia Jiuyou appeared out of thin air in his sight.

Looking back, Bai Hu's body resembling Foshan Yue was not far behind.

"How about Qin Yi? Did you take the white tiger's twelve palms?"

Seeing that Qin Yi suddenly appeared in front of him, Yan Mei-niang's eyes were all light, Yan Yan-niang asked.

The Yan Zhuxin and Xia Jiuyou around him were also looking forward to him.


Qin Yi nodded with a smile.

"That's good!"

Wen Yan, the three Yan Yanniang, were relieved secretly, glancing at each other, the three people's petite and beautiful faces, a strong joy appeared.

"According to the regulations, from the fourth floor to the fifth floor of the central ladder, anyone who takes my twelve palms can carry no more than one cultivator into the fifth floor. Congratulations to all four of you. To qualify for the fifth floor. "

Bai Hu's hoop-like tiger eyes swept slowly on the four people of Qin Yi: "When you enter the fifth floor, the four of you will be separated, and only two of you will be together."

Wen Yan, the four of Qin Yi, are all clear.

Although the four of them have not discussed before, who is in a group with them, according to the regulations, they are two groups, and they will not be transmitted between the groups.

"Are you ready? I started sending, I wish you good luck."

Bai Hu no longer delays. When a front foot is about to be swung out, a huge white awn appears out of thin air, covering Qin Yi, Yan Meiniang, Yan Zhuxin, and Xia Jiuyou.

As they were covered by Baimang, Qin Yi and others also followed into a wonderful state. Time seemed to be still, and it seemed that the endless years were all lost in an instant.

They seemed to enter a tunnel of time and space, and the sun, moon, and stars appeared in front of their eyes, and their hands were reachable, like dreams and dreams, and the whole person was in a state of half-dream and half-wake.


It seemed as though he had gone through endless years, and it was like a moment, Qin Yi came back from that wonderful state and breathed a sigh of relief.

When I turned around, I saw Yan Zhuxin, who was wearing traditional costumes of the Yan tribe, standing beside her, and she was in a trance, apparently she had not fully recovered from her wonderful state.

"It's time to wake up."

Lifting a finger and gently scraping on Yan Zhuxin's beautiful Qiong nose, Qin Yi said with a smile.

Yan Zhuxin recovered, and grabbed the itchy nose bridge that was made by Qin Yi: "Baihu is dividing us into a group, and sister Mei Niang and Jiu You are in a group."

During her speech, she turned her eyes and swept around. She found that the fifth floor was still the same as the four floors below. It was a reckless mountain, and there was a trace of ancient breath in the air.

And where they are currently, is the peak of a mountain.

The five gods and devil cemeteries that exist on the mainland of Kyushu are five great miracles. At present, Qin Yi has gone into four of them. The four gods and deer cemeteries that have been there are all five continents, and no one can know. How they are formed.

As for the fifth **** and demon cemetery, at the foot of the Kyushu Holy See, it is Xuanhuang World.

The Xuanhuang Great World came from the time and space emperor.

"Then what are we going to do next? Stay here in place, and wait for Sister Mei to find us?"

Slightly raising his beautiful face, Yan Zhuxin asked Qin Yi.


Qin Yi nodded: "Meiniang has seven Lingwu, it is not difficult to find us, wait for them to find us, and then start other actions."

The enemy that exists on this fifth floor is Tian Yu, ranked 9th on the Guardian Guardian List. This person is too strong and must be cautious.

Moreover, Tian Yu, who does not know where he is now, has obtained the news that they have entered this fifth floor, and may even have begun to plan **** them.

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