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Obviously, in his opinion, no matter how much Emperor Qin Yi collected, they were just making wedding dresses for them!

With that, he looked at the splits and cracks of the two halves of the stone mountain, and could n’t help sighing: “It can be seen that this is a sword, and it ’s a stone mountain. This kind of combat power is really amazing Marvel. "

"Why do you need to say? In the guardian of the Kyushu Holy See, how could there be general people, and Qin Yi is still the one who wants to be killed by Qian Qiushui's teachers, you can imagine how strong it is."

Tian Yu said lightly.

Lu Feng beside him said, "No matter how strong Qin Yi is, this time, he is dead. There will never be a second situation. At a distance of 3,000 kilometers, we have a maximum of two hours. You can kill the past, tomb master, let's do it! "

Lu Feng rubbed his hands, and there was a look of excitement on his face, thinking of Qin Yi, who now had tens of thousands of emperor liquid on his body, and he burst into blood.

And the three people of Chen Du, the elegant and elegant faces, all had a heartily happy smile.

"This time, Qin Yi was dead, but it was wrong to just kill it in the past."

Tian Yu glanced at Lu Feng's fanatical face with a faint sweep, and then took a jade flute out of his arms and raised it to his mouth.

The jade flute was blue and engraved with some obscure runes, which looked very mysterious.

As Tian Yu blew his breath gently into the jade flute, the rune on the jade flute came alive slowly, and a trace of blood began to appear on the score of the rune, swimming continuously along the score move.

At the same time, a melodious flute sound also came out of that jade flute. The rhythm is ancient and has a peculiar charm. When I listen to it, it is long and melodious, but when I listen carefully, it is full of wildness. Like countless fierce beasts, screaming in low voices made the scalp numb, and even felt a **** smell faintly floating in the air.

The blood-colored runes on the jade flute also rushed out with the sound of the flute, drifting into the distance at a rapid speed, dissipating into the invisible.

As Tian Yu blows up this peculiar flute, the blood of his body is slowly boiling up, and the blood in his body is slowly boiling up, and the blood in his chest is slowly boiling. The urge to kill.

Especially those two yellow towel luxuries, the full body of more than ten feet tall, all shivered uncontrollably, and their faces became crimson.

"Roar!" "Roar!"

They finally couldn't help it. They both roared and rushed out of the stone mountain, quickly rushing towards the front.

They need to kill to evacuate the strong sense of killing in their chests.

"Quick, stop them!"

Shi Yangyun was shocked and hurriedly shouted.

Lu Feng did not dare to be indifferent. He hurried up to the sky and hurriedly caught up with the two Golden Rex. He saw that he snarled, and he shot at the two Yellow Rex respectively.

Two false palm prints immediately rushed from Lu Feng's palms and shot towards the two yellow towel men.

"Pap!" "Pap!"

Two crisp sounds.

Two imaginary palm prints were shot on the backs of the two yellow towel luxuries. The tall bodies of the two yellow towel luxuries suddenly froze, and then fell from the air to the ground, shaking and shaking.

The back necks of these two Golden Lux are their weaknesses. There is an acupuncture point. As long as you shoot these two acupuncture points, you can open the acupuncture point without much effort. Xuanqi will vent out, and within a short period of time, it will not be possible to restore combat effectiveness.

Lu Feng swept forward and rushed to the side of the two Golden Luxes. He lifted them back one by one and threw them on the ground. He flicked two times with his fingers, and two drops of blood from the fierce beast were from his fingers. Out, rushed to the two yellow towel Lux.

As the blood of these two beasts rushed in, the body of the two Golden Luxes turned red from bottom to top, and in a blink of an eye, the full-length body turned into a red.


In the next moment, the bodies of the two yellow towel fighters suddenly burned, and the blazing flames wrapped them up, continuously tempering their muscles and bones.

After a while, the blazing flames suddenly extinguished, and the two Golden Lux had recovered their fighting power, and after hearing Tian Yu's flute, they no longer had any adverse reactions, but just stood there quietly. .

From the beginning to the end, Tian Yu didn't take a closer look at this matter, but just focused on blowing his Xiao.

Three thousand kilometers away.

Qin Yi, Yang Shiqi, and Yan Meiniang were looting, and a melodious flute sound suddenly came from the sky and into their ears.

Hearing the flute, the three people's violent figures could not help but stunned, standing in the air and frowning in confusion.

"This flute sounds so strange."

Yan Meiang frowned carefully and listened for a while, her small beautiful face showed a touch of surprise: "It sounds melodious on the surface, but if you listen carefully, you will feel melodious, but if you listen carefully, you will feel like there are countless The unclear beast is screaming. "

"indeed so."

Yang Shiqi nodded deeply: "The magical flute sound, the two different styles of rhythm, can be perfectly integrated."

"I'm afraid that only a master of temperaments like Baguio, the big disciple of Blood Witch, can do this."

Qin Yi sighed. As soon as his words fell, he couldn't help but stunned: "In the world today, in terms of temperament, does it really reach the height of Baguio? No, I don't believe that the fifth floor of this devil and cemetery still exists. The attainment of the temperament is as high as the practitioners of Baguio. This flute sound is too strange, I am afraid that Tian Yu blows it out. "

Now, the closest to them is Tian Yu.

Listening to his saying, Yang Shiqi and Yan Meiniang both had a bright eye, and Yan Meiniang nodded: "Yes, the melodious flute sound is real, and the low roar of fierce beasts, then It was sealed into the sound of the flute. "

To be sure, Tian Yu's flute sound was transmitted three thousand kilometers away, so that Qin Yi, Yang Shiqi and Yan Meiniang were all really listening.

I can't imagine how powerful Tian Yu's flute sound is.

"I understand, Tian Yu used this flute sound to drive away the beasts."

Qin Yi breathed out a breath, and the eyes radiated from his eyes had become sharp as a blade: "Prepare to fight, this time the fierce beast group, I am afraid that it is more difficult to kill than last time."

"This is not the point, the point is, Tian Yu, the big fish, is finally going to the net, hehe!"

Yang Shiqi beside Qin Yi smiled happily.

Their fishing nets are always open. According to their plan, as long as Tian Yu hands them on, then he will inevitably fall into the fishing nets.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Yang Shiqi's words just fell, and the ground beneath them shook suddenly.

After a while, Qin Yi's spiritual power enveloped a fierce beast group, and that number was too much. On the vast prairie in the east, the dark clouds quickly swept over, but he could not see the end. Must be calculated in thousands.

These fierce beasts came very quickly, and soon rushed into the fate of Qin Yi, Yang Shiqi, and Yan Meiniang, and then suddenly separated to the two sides, came towards them, trained, and blinked. It was the siege of Qin Yi, Yang Shiqi, and Yan Meiniang.

The three of them looked around, and all their eyes were full of swaying beasts, densely packed, which made people feel suffocated.

There are countless fierce beasts, of various types, such as wolves, lions, apes, snakes, eagles, etc. Each body is unusually huge, coming from the tide in all directions, the entire earth is in Shaking constantly.

Qin Yi, Yang Shiqi, and Yan Meiniang's backs were close together, looking at the fierce beasts rushing around. The temple suddenly jumped, and a violent fighting spirit was burning in the chest.

The three people's eyes chilled, and they swept all around like electricity.

The weapon in his hand, at this moment, soared to tens of feet long, so strong that the soul of the person shuddered, and it was full of every inch of space here.

In the blink of an eye, these tens of thousands of fierce beasts rushed within a thousand feet, and a pair of vultures reached the extreme eye, and the cold fangs of the monk, trembling in front of the eyes, saw the scalp hair hemp.


The three of them suddenly screamed in unison, their feet stomped fiercely on the ground, and the ground under their feet was stomped apart by a spider-like turtle.

With the help of this combat power, the three of them exploded like shells, carrying their own weapons, and suddenly they rushed into the fierce beast group.

As the three of them rushed in, even if there were more than ten fierce beasts, they were rushed into the sky and fell down, leaving a big hole in their bodies, which was already dead properly.

"Buzz ..."

The dozens of long guns in Qin Yi's hands continued to tremble, expressing a murderous intention.

He swept the gun, swept a dense gun shadow, and burst out like a huge wave. Suddenly, a "puffy" sound continued, and all the beasts touched by the spear were swept high. Heaven, fall to the ground.

However, there are too many fierce beasts around, just flew a piece, and there are more fierce beasts, all of a sudden came forward, drowning him completely.

Entrapped in the fierce beast group, Qin Yi only felt that there was no light in the sky, and his eyes were full of blood basins with big mouths, constantly shaking.

At this moment, the four element seeds of gold, water, fire, and earth at his Dantian were all urged to the extreme, and the madness of "whining" at Dantian was burning, giving him strength, speed, and physical defense. , Have reached the peak.

"Give me!"

In the raucous voice, Qin Yi ascended into the sky, the gun in his hand kept stirring, and the dense beast above his head suddenly burst apart.

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