The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 1924: Escape (on)

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And he looked at Tian Yu's gaze, it seemed to be ... looking at a fool!

"what is the problem?"

Tian Yumeiyu frowned, revealing a confused look. Although his heart was full of anger, he asked patiently.

"It's just being abused into an old dog, what is it like? You haven't told me the answer yet."

Qin Yi shrugged his shoulders lightly and felt a sudden murderous influx behind him. He didn't even look at it. He used a humanoid weapon in his backhand and slashed behind him.


Behind him, there was a scream of a fierce beast.

Only a huge strange bird was seen, and he was separated by hundreds of feet from his humanoid weapon.

"Feeling your mother! Sigh ..."

Seeing Qin Yi, he was always entangled in this issue, and Tian Yu was spitting blood out of anger again. This issue was something he would never want to hear.


Tian Yulian even wiped away the traces of blood remaining on the corner of his mouth, but turned his hands and took the jade flu out again.

This blue jade flute is not only the thing he used to control the beasts, but also his weapon.

With Yu Xiao in his hand and Tian Yu's chest, he was instantly killed and hatred, and it was almost bursting.


The next moment.

"Wow ... Spoon!"

Behind him, those fierce beasts that originally formed a circle here were suddenly masterpieces.

Although they are far apart, you can still see the heads of the beasts, who were suddenly shot into the sky and then hit the ground again. The beasts were in chaos and rammed.

"What do you mean?"

Tian Yu, who was against Qin Yi, couldn't help but stiffen his body. He turned around and hurriedly took a look. There was no reaction in his mind for a moment.

In the distance, Shi Yangyun and others, who were meditating cross-legged and silently refining Huadan medicine to heal their wounds, were all startled and quickly stood up.

Qin Yi, Yang Shiqi, and Yan Meiniang all smiled happily on their faces.

They knew very well that the fierce beasts in front of them would suddenly be in chaos. That's because Dongfangzhi led Yan Zhuxin, Long Yan, Xia Jiuyou and Xuan Lan to kill them.

After taking away the hand of the "destroying beings", Qin Yi still looked at Tian Yu with a stupid gaze, because his spiritual power had already sensed the arrival of Dongfangzhi and others.

In fact, Tian Yu's spiritual power is stronger than Qin Yi's spiritual power. But before Tian Yu was abused by Qin Yi into an old dog, and Qin Yi's three people were already in sight, so he didn't have any more Induce spiritual power.

If he also draws out the spiritual power, it is impossible to find the arrival of Dongfangzhi and others.

"Tomb Master, it seems that a strong enemy is coming!"

Seeing the front, the fierce beast group was in chaos. The beasts on the head were instantly beheaded. Shi Yangyun hurried to Tian Yu's side and said.

Lu Feng and the three Taoist masters were all stunned, and for a moment, they stared at each other.

Even those two Golden Rex, at this time, all of them frowned.

Sudden changes made the group of fierce beasts that had already been in chaos in front of them suddenly become more chaotic.

"Boy Qin Yi, you have other helpers!"

Tian Yu, who had come back to God, turned his face, his eyes seemed to have two sharp swords, staring at Qin Yi, and his voice was cold as if to freeze the blood in the body.

"You are right."

Qin Yi was very frank and touched his chin: "We have more than three people ourselves, and there are several others. At the beginning of our confrontation, we divided our troops.

"The soldiers are divided into two ways?"

Tian Yu hadn't spoken yet, and the teacher Yang Yun beside him had already asked, "Why should we separate the soldiers?"

"Ha ha……"

A delicate laughter sounded from the other side, it was Yan Mei Niang, who was dressed in a red robe and had an extraordinary style.

She habitually touched her beautiful forehead and said, "Tian Yu, you're really on the guardian's list, ranked ninth, don't you see it? This is a big net from beginning to end, waiting for you What about this big fish? "

"You keep pulling a big net and waiting for me to catch this big fish, what do you mean?"

Tian Yumei Yu squeezed tightly, for a moment, the reaction could not come.

Still by his side, Shi Yangyun, a strategist who responded quickly, carefully pulled Tian Yu's shirt and said, "The tomb master, they used a strategy of attacking on both sides. Look at us now, not on both sides. Are there three people in front of Qin Yi, and their associates in the back ...

"From the beginning to the end, it turned out to be a trap. When we appeared here, we got into their trap."

Hearing what Master Yang Yun said, Tian Yu suddenly realized how irritated and suffocated his heart was at this moment. It is conceivable that the whole body was trembling unceasingly, and his teeth were gurgling.

Since he appeared here, his heart broke, and it started. He was suppressed by Qin Yi's messy golden light palm all the time, and he photographed himself in a posture of dog eating shit.

Finally, the nightmare was over. I thought I was finally able to kill Qin Yi happily. I even kept thinking about **** him to be more relieved.

But now it seems how ridiculous it was to figure out **** Qin Yi himself!

It was only one step away that Qin Yi could be killed. As a result, Qin Yi ’s companions came. This kind of scene is particularly maddening.

Tian Yu was going crazy, and his blood in his chest was churning, his throat was sweet, and he was hard at work, almost spurting out.

"Qin Yi, to be honest, I have always attached great importance to you. I know very well that the people who want to kill everybody in the future will definitely not be ordinary people, and you can kill this in such a short time. The fifth level comes to illustrate this point even more. "

Tian Yu's words could almost freeze the air out of ice slag, and stared at Qin Yi with his eyes: "But now it seems that I still look down upon you! The situation in front of me is obviously from you all the time. Firmly in control, I do n’t understand, how exactly do you do this? "

Obviously, he competed with Qin Yi from the beginning, he was defeated and completely defeated.

"Fool, why should I tell you?"

Qin Yi lifted the head slightly, a slight arrogance appeared on his face.


Listening to his direct rejection of Tian Yu, Yang Shiqi and Yan Mei Niang, not far away, couldn't help but cover their mouths with both hands, and laughed out loud, this guy was really interesting.


Tian Yu's mouth twitched violently, even if he didn't tell himself, even a fool!

Qin Yi's spiritual power has always enveloped a range of about 80,000 square meters, and he has truly sensed the scenes of the five people of Dongfangzhi, Longyan, Xuanlan, Xia Jiuyou, and Yanzhuxin. Those who have long been in chaos The fierce beasts were punched by the five of them. They were suddenly pushed by the harvester. The beasts on the head were easily beheaded by them. In the blink of an eye, they were killed by them.

At the moment, the five of them, under the leadership of Dongfangzhi, are almost here.

Perceiving all of this, Qin Yimei immediately scowled, and in his eyes, a sense of killing appeared slowly.

Obviously, it was time to fight Tian Yu, he suddenly waved his hand: "Mei Niang, Sister Yang, fight!"

During the speech, he turned his hands over to put the humanoid weapon back into the ring. At the same time, he took out the bronze mother tripod. Although this bronze mother tripod has not been completely refined, it is currently his most threatening weapon. .

At present, the whole thing is developing exactly as expected, but whether Tian Yu can be killed in one fell swoop depends on whether the strength of these people is enough.

As Qin Yi waved his hands, Yang Shiqi and Yan Meiniang immediately gave up the fierce beasts in front of them. The war swords in their respective hands, the war swords of the two, were suddenly soaring to tens of feet in length Sheng, Jianqi aspect.


The two men's war swords drew two blue, one gold and two rainbow awns in the air, and burst out.

Goal: Tian Yu!

Tian Yu is their rival. The others are just Tian Yu's stooges.

With the swords of the two of them, Tian Yu's chest suddenly came with two severe pains, which was caused by the overbearing sword spirit.

"Sure enough there is some strength, but it is still difficult to kill me!"

Looking at the front, Yan Meiniang and Yang Shiqi who stabbed with a sword quickly, Tian Yu sneered: "Don't you know that in front of absolute strength, any strategy is just a joke?"

Under the infusion of his profound energy, the jade flute in his hand suddenly rose to tens of feet in length, and suddenly danced. The dense shadow of jade flute was in front of it, forming a jade of blue jade wall.

"Ding!" "Ding!"

Two sharp sounds almost punctured the eardrum.

The war swords of Yang Shiqi and Yan Meiniang were both stabbed against the jade wall. The huge force of rebound rebounded both of them fiercely.

Yang Shiqi and Yan Meiniang's arms felt slightly numb for a while, and there was some horror in their hearts: This Tian Yu, in addition to possessing the incredible ability to repelling beasts, also possessed an extremely powerful combat power. On the top, the ninth ranked guardian.

However, Tian Yu had just blocked both Yang Shiqi and Yan Mei Niang, and the sky was overhead, and there was a tremendous pressure, which was like a mountain of Taishan.

Tian Yu was shocked and hurriedly looked up, but he saw a bronze mother tripod with more than ten square feet, and suddenly pressed down hard.

Feeling the dominance of this bronze mother tripod, Tian Yu did not dare to be indifferent. His figure flickered and hurried out.

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