The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 1935: Miracles appear

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"Yes, we must try our best to kill all the enemies in front of the tomb master!"

The eyes of the two yellow towel luxuries were firm, and they became a little sharp, and the huge body was also a great pressure.

Feeling the coercion from the two Golden Rex, Tian Yu nodded his head with satisfaction, seeing the fighting power of the two Golden Rex, he stepped up to a whole new level, and Tian Yu killed him Qin Yi and the fight for miracles added a little more confidence.


In the eastern prairie on the fifth floor, with the influx of drifters, it has become turbulent.

All along, this fifth stratosphere has been carrying legends about the miracle. These drifters are always looking for the miracle. They have already developed an incredible sense of smell. Where there is a little wind and grass, they will immediately Can be noticed, but in a very short time, rushed past.

More than ten days later, the number of drifters who entered here has already exceeded 100. They either did not reveal the slightest breath on their bodies, or they were surging in the strength of the emperor's Dao.

A cultivator who can kill this fifth layer is absolutely impossible to be a general!

Moreover, most of the practitioners here have stayed on this fifth floor for decades, or even hundreds of years.

For hundreds of years, if placed in a small ancestor gate in a place, it is enough to rise and fall after a turn.

After entering the eastern prairie, these drifters did not immediately start operations, but set up camps one by one, squatted down, and then went out to find out the news through various means.

The inheritance of Xiangu Emperor, this temptation and confusion is too great, and no cultivator can resist it.

All of a sudden, camps rose up in this eastern prairie, and a smell of flame also followed invisibly on this eastern prairie.

Obviously, a scuffle has quietly begun.

This is the world of cultivators. Ever since ancient times, they have been full of fighting. Only the real strong ones can finally stand on the peak.

At this moment, dressed in a red robe, the gorgeous Yan Mei Niang, standing beautifully on the bluestone, like a fairy who fell from the nine days into this mortal.


She threw a lingwu in her hand into the air, turned her face to Qin Yi and others around her, and smiled: "In the south, about 3,000 kilometers away from us, a sky pit appeared. It is not clear what the situation is, but in this prairie, the appearance of such a tiankeng is obviously not normal, it should be that miracle. "

The miracle appeared!

Wen Yan, Dongfangzhi and Yang Shiqi around them all have their eyes lit up and looked at each other. Everyone's face is a happy look.

Qin Yi, who was refining the bronze mother tripod, couldn't help but stunned, and he collected the profound energy in his left hand. The purple flame that wrapped the bronze mother tripod immediately extinguished.

He reached out and grabbed the quietly suspended bronze mother tripod, put it in the ring, stood up, and smiled lightly at everyone: "Since the miracle has already appeared, let's go."

The seed of wood element has been searching for many years, and now it finally appears. Qin Yi's heart is naturally a little bit excited.

As long as this wood element seed is collected, the Kyushu magic knife can be re-condensed, and Qin Yi still has a fresh memory of the power of the Kyushu magic knife.

When he was still in the Star House in the past, the Lord of Nether Realm sent King Senluo to help him sacrifice a virtual Kyushu magic knife. Although the virtual Kyushu magic knife has only three chances to be displayed, it can only be split. Three articles, but with unparalleled power.

While still in the Lingyu Gate, in that magical fairy ancient journey, Qin Yi witnessed the scene of the king of Kyushu dominating the Sakura Emperor with the Kyushu magic sword vs. the Xuanzong plane. Qin Yi almost found the battle scene There is no adjective to describe him.

Frankly speaking, Qin Yihui has always been eager to have the five major element seeds. In addition to fulfilling his mission, on the other hand, he also hopes that he can own the Kyushu magic sword.

The Kyushu Magic Knife, in fact, is Qin Yi's own, because the King of Kyushu, who once owned the Kyushu Magic Knife, is his previous life, but Qin Yi never admitted that the Kyushu King was himself!

The King of Kyushu is the King of Kyushu, himself is himself, one is the pinnacle of existence in the ancient times, one is the rising star of the Hongmeng era, the King of Kyushu is a famous madman, in order to condense the magic sword of Kyushu, challenge the strong everywhere, but he has a family , There are parents, there are people they love, these are completely two people.

Qin Yi felt that he was much more complete than the King of Kyushu. The King of Kyushu during the centuries of Xiangu lived only for fighting and defeating the outside world.

And myself, although killed all the way, but more often, live for love!

"Okay, let's go now!"

Dongzhizhi, wearing red armor and blue robes on his shoulders, smiled, and there was also a look of anticipation in the beautiful eyes. In addition to the seeds of wood, there are other possibilities in that miracle. baby.

Next, the people did not delay, and they immediately rushed the profound energy in their bodies, rushed from the bluestone plate towards the south of this prairie, and swept away at a rapid speed.

One day later.

The seven people all suddenly took the profound energy in their bodies and slowly landed from the air.

In front of them, there was a pit. The diameter of the pit was tens of thousands of feet. The naked eye could not see the opposite edge, and the depth was unimaginable. The bottom was dark and the bottom could not be seen at all.

"Buzz ..." "Buzz ..."

Standing on the edge of the Tiankeng, Qin Yi's left hand was trembling constantly, and that strange feeling became stronger and stronger:

In that extremely distant past, he had lost a very precious thing in this pit!

"Absolutely, there is indeed a seed of wood element under this sinkhole!"

Touching his nose, Qin Yi smiled and couldn't help but feel excited for many years. Now, the seed of wood element is finally in sight.

Yang Shiqi, Yan Meiniang, and others around her are all fanatical.

"Now in the eastern prairie, in addition to Tian Yu and others, other drifters have also come a lot. Since we have now found this miracle, then Tian Yu and other cultivators should also Coming soon, do n’t forget, Tian Yu has many ghost eagles, and the smell of those practitioners should not be underestimated. "

Yingzi's refreshing Dongfangzhi, Qing shallow eyebrows twitched slightly, his eyes glanced at the faces of everyone: "I mean, let Qin Yi go alone, the rest of us, stay here, if we all If you go on, if they ambush here, when we come up, they will give us an ambush and hit us by surprise. "

Makes sense!

It is said that everyone present nodded in agreement.

It has to be said that this once second-level master was extremely terrifying in thinking and was almost leak-proof.

The matter was settled in this way. Qin Yi went down to the Tiankeng alone to get the seeds of wood elements. Yang Shiqi, Yan Meiniang, Dongfangzhi and others stayed on it to cope.

Of course, the arrangement of Toshiba has another meaning, which is to prevent other cultivators from entering, including Tian Yu.

They will swallow this miracle alone!

Toshiba was on the second floor and has been dominating for so many years. The way of doing things is so domineering!

"So, I'm going down."

Qin Yi took out the smoke cloud spear and said to everyone.

Yang Shiqi slowly walked under the white robes, two slender and slender beautiful legs, came to Qin Yi, stretched his hands to manage Qin Yi's clothes, raised his delicate face slightly, smiled at him: "Well, go Come on, be careful after going down. "

"Sister Yang, don't worry, I will be fine."

Qin Yichong rubbed Yang Shiqi's hair.

Seeing Yang Shiqi look like a well-behaved young daughter-in-law, the Yan Meiniang and Yan Zhuxin on the side, a little jealousy breeds in their hearts. There is no way. Who makes the family the boss?

On the other side, Dongfangzhi, Xuanlan and Xia Jiuyou, all had beautiful eyes, and glanced casually at Qin Yi's body. The three people's faces all appeared faintly with a strange color. In my heart, I was a little blessed: Well, I was so lucky that I didn't fall in love with this kid, otherwise, I'm going to be jealous now.

Let go of Yang Shiqi, Qin Yi no longer delayed, the body's profound energy, slightly surging, leapt toward the pit that day, and slowly landed down.

"Okay, now the six of us, let's come apart and hold each side separately."

Dongfangzhi's eyes have become somewhat sharp, and said to Yang Shiqi, Yan Meiniang and others present: "Although the strength of the six of us can't resist listening to them and other practitioners, this tiankeng is really It ’s too big, but I also hope that we can resist it for a while. Qin Yi can find the wood element seed as soon as possible. Of course, I do n’t think there is only that wood element seed in this miracle, ha ha! "

When it comes to this, the meaning can't be more obvious. Toshiba wants these people to swallow all the treasures that exist in this miracle.

"it is good!"

Yang Shiqi, Yan Meiniang and other people also showed fanatic colors on their faces, and then spread out at their own speed, respectively, guarding one position at the mouth of this tiankeng.

It's just that this tiankeng is really too big to spread out so that the naked eye can't see each other at all.

In such a scenario, Tian Yu and other cultivators wanted to be completely resisted, which is undoubtedly a fantasy. Of course, Dongfangzhi did not mean to completely resist them, but just tried to buy some time for Qin Yi.

In the tiankeng, Qin Yi held a smoke cloud spear and kept landing. After half an hour, his feet still did not step on the solid ground, and he did not know how deep he had fallen.

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