The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 1939: Man in blood

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With the help of this force, Golden Lux quickly greeted the man in black robe flying over, raised his fist, and hit it without a head or face. With one punch, he punched the man in black robe into the ground for more than ten feet.

"Not bad."

Shi Yangyun, who was watching the war quietly in the distance, tapped his head with satisfaction.

The man in black robe had reached the end of the strong crossbow before, and now he was punched into the ground more than a dozen feet by Huangjin Lishi with all his strength. Obviously there can be no signs of survival.

The two Golden Lux men who had not been pitted into the ground even looked at them, and they came to Shi Yangyun. The body of the two still showed a strong murderous intention on the table. Both respectfully said: " The prizes are all cultivated by the tomb owners. "

Shi Yangyun nodded, said nothing, and stretched out his palm, palms toward the ancient bronze spear thrown there by the black-robed man. As he turned the body's profound energy slightly, the ancient bronze spear flew to his hand. on.

"A good weapon should be a product of the ancient times. I happened to be short of a weapon that would be handy. The owner of this ancient bronze spear will be me."

With a satisfied smile, Shi Yangyun turned his palms and put the ancient bronze spear into the ring.

In the past, Shi Yangyun actually had weapons. It was a war sword, but was crushed by the opponent in one battle. Later, he followed Tian Yu and started as a counselor. There were fewer battles to participate in. Shi Yangyun I never got any more weapons.

But right now, in this miracle, the inheritance of the emperor is in front of them. These cultivators all want to inherit the emperor like a lunatic. The following fierce battles are inevitable. .

"Let's go and continue to kill other practitioners."

Shi Yangyun waved his hands towards the two yellow towel fighters, and the three no longer delayed, soaring into the sky immediately, rushing forward to find the next target.

Their purpose is obvious, that is, to destroy the practitioners here one by one, even including Qin Yi, so that the inheritance of the emperor existing in this miracle naturally falls into their hands.

Of course, this is just their plan, and it will be hard to say whether they will eventually be as they wish.

Somewhere, the looting Tian Yu, the powerful spiritual power, the scene of killing the two men in black robe by two yellow towel fighters, the feeling is really real, a satisfied smile: "Yes, I ’m good for these two Carefully cultivated by Lux. "

As they continued to move forward, the cultivators who came down here gathered together. After a few hours, Tian Yu ’s spiritual power had covered most of the cultivators, and he knew everything about their whereabouts.

This feeling undoubtedly made Tian Yu very happy. At this moment, he felt that he was God, overlooking these practitioners.

The powerful spiritual power is usually born and is difficult to cultivate. Qin Yi can have powerful spiritual power because he has the left hand of the devil.

To become a beast soul division, possessing strong spiritual power is a prerequisite. This is why the beast soul division is extremely rare. If a person has strong spiritual power, it means that he has a powerful soul, and only he has a powerful soul. In order to control the soul of the fierce beast.

Of course, the Yin-Yang master, which is rumored in the Xuanzong plane world, also has a strong soul, but there is an essential difference between the two. The Yin-Yang master ’s soul depends on the Yin-Yang soul for cultivation, as long as he can have cultivation The cultivation method of Yin-Yang's art decides to form the Yin-Yang seal, and then the Yin-Yang seal is bred into the Yin-Yang soul through the medium. General practitioners can also become Yin-Yang masters. Of course, how high the achievements in the future will be. See individual qualifications and perceptions.

But Beast Soul Master is unable to practice successfully. In other words, Beast Soul Master is born!

"It's a wonderful situation. I can kill anyone who I want to kill."

There is no doubt that Tian Yu at this moment is undoubtedly very happy, and it can be said that the whole situation is under his control.

Speaking of this, there will be such a situation. He has to thank Qin Yi for them. If it was not for them to flee to the east, they accidentally hit and arrived at the area where the miracles were placed. I do n’t know if this miracle will be cultivated until the year of the monkey. Found out.

At the moment, Qin Yi is still looting, and the bronze mother tripod is still suspended in front of him, constantly being refined.

He naturally knew that behind him, a group of cultivators were chasing him, including Tian Yu and others, and Yang Shiqi and others. Soon after he got here, he heard the sound of fighting behind him.

But he never dreamed that Tian Yu's spiritual power had enveloped him, and any of his dynamics were in the perception of listening to rain.

"This bronze mother tripod should be refined soon."

During the continuous looting, Qin Yi glanced at the bronze mother tripod in front of him. The purple refining flame was refined from outside to inside. After so long and continuous efforts, now, the refining flame The success of the bronze mother tripod has been infiltrated, and there is still one or two percent without penetration.

Once the flame of refining has infiltrated the entire bronze mother tripod, you are done.

"I hope that when I find the ancient tomb of the emperor, this bronze mother tripod can be refined by me."

A look of anticipation appeared on Qin Yi's face. There were too many strong men entering here. By then, a fierce battle would be inevitable.

Furthermore, who knows if there is any danger in the tomb of the emperor with seeds of wood elements?

Qin Yi speculates that since there are seeds of wood elements in the tomb of the emperor, the burial person in it is afraid that he will not be a general immortal ancient emperor and should be a figure with a head and a face.

"So, which immortal emperor was buried in the tomb in front of him?"

Qin Yi frowned, filtering out the ancient emperors he knew, but still could not infer which immortal emperor would be buried on the fifth floor of this devil tomb, he could only throw himself away After shaking his head, he no longer thinks about it.

At this moment, the wonderful feeling in his heart had reached its extreme, and his left hand was trembling from beginning to end.

"Now I am not far from that emperor's tomb."

Looking at the left hand that was trembling slightly, Qin Yi's heart breeds a strong expectation.

Looking into his left hand, he found that the heavenly demon still floated there quietly, motionless, his black hair dancing continuously, and he seemed to have no slight perception of what happened here.

At one moment, Qin Yi's eyes lighted up leisurely: "Tian Yu and those practitioners behind me bite me, if I rushed to the emperor's tomb like this, wouldn't they all lead them Go there? I can't do this, I have to deal with them. "

Thinking of this, Qin Yi immediately changed direction and stormed away.

However, as soon as he turned around, a blood-stained sword with hundreds of feet in length came out of the air, and with a puff, a huge crack was cut at the place where Qin Yi had just established a foot. Later, Qin Yi flew out with a shock.

Flying backwards, Qin Yiding looked at him and saw a young man in a **** coat. The ghost appeared out of thin air. The person's face was abnormally pale, and he held a war sword on his hand. The blood was surging constantly, and the scalp was numb.

He stood there quietly, staring blankly at the flying Qin Yi, and said lightly: "I was on the fifth floor of this devil cemetery, and I spent a full two thousand two hundred years in order to be in this miracle. The existence of the inheritance of the emperor, whoever contends with me for the inheritance of the emperor, will eventually die under my blood knife, and there will be no exceptions. And I also heard the wind, you have tens of thousands of people. "

"This person is so strong, I am afraid that I will not be under Tian Yu."

Qin Yi's heart was slightly horrified. He was flying upside down, and his palm suddenly leaped out: "Lingfeng Palm!"

A dense gray giant palm print, without the slightest splitting process, with Qin Yi's palm splitting, immediately split in the chest of the blood-covered man, and flew the blood-covered man out at once.

And Qin Yi also suddenly dropped the profound energy in his body, stopped the flying figure, and fell down, and then his right hand was raised, and a huge golden palm print was suddenly caught from the sky. Grab the blood-dressed man and throw it fiercely towards the sky: "Want to kill me? Obviously not an easy task."

After the hand of the "Sky Destroyed All Beings" flung the blood-clothed man, Qin Yi no longer delayed, soared into the sky and continued to plunder forward.

Of course, his goal is no longer the emperor's tomb, so he rushed towards the emperor's tomb, too rash.

What's more, if in that tomb of the emperor, if not only the seeds of wood elements, but also the inheritance of the emperor, he naturally did not want other cultivators to be inherited by the emperor.

In particular, he did not want to see Tian Yu finally get the inheritance of the emperor. Do n’t forget that if he was granted the inheritance of the emperor, he would make great progress, and a few people would fear that he would really die without a burial place.

With Shi Yangyun carrying two yellow towel warriors, he continued to slash the cultivators while releasing the wind, Qin Yi had a lot of Emperor Liquid, this miracle has been completely chaotic.

And the fighting power of the two Golden Rex was indeed staggering. After a few hours, they had already beheaded more than 20 cultivators. Now, including themselves and Qin Yi Inside, there are only twenty people left.

Naturally, these remaining practitioners are also aware of the situation in front of them. The fewer practitioners here, the greater the chance for them to obtain the inheritance of the emperor, assassinate Qin Yi, and plunder his god's fluid.

Therefore, these cultivators are completely crazy, and their eyes are as red as bloodthirsty beasts. They have been dormant in this fifth layer for so long. Whether they can make a wish depends on this moment.

On a small mountain peak, Tian Yu stood quietly. His pale face was always covered with a proud color. His powerful spiritual power never recovered, covering the distance of about 100,000 feet. Living.

The whereabouts of the practitioners left here, including Qin Yi and Yang Shiqi, are well known.

"Huh? I found my whereabouts, a little bit interesting."

At a certain moment.

Tian Yu's eyebrows fell slightly.

Within the scope of his spiritual power, Yang Shiqi, Yan Meiniang, Dongfangzhi, Yan Zhuxin, Xia Jiuyou, and Xuanlan are all rapidly coming out to him.

Yan Meiniang is not too difficult to find Tian Yu's whereabouts, because she has six Lingwu.

Perceiving the six Yan Meiniangs, they quickly killed themselves. Tian Yu did not show any panic. Instead, a disdainful color appeared on his face, and then his palm turned over. It appeared on the palm of his hand.

The six Yan Yanniang quickly appeared, rushing from six directions at high speed, and slowly landed on the ground, besieging Tian Yu Tuan.

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