The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 1947: Leave now

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In the air, there is a strong ancient atmosphere, which makes people seem to have fallen into the ancient times.

"Wooden seeds must be in a certain tomb. We will look for them one by one and we will be able to find them."

Standing in front of a tomb, Dongfangzhi said to everyone: "I remind you again, in the process of searching, everyone must not be scattered, I have a hunch, I want to find the wood element seed, I am afraid that it is not so smoothly."

Everyone nodded.

Dongfangzhi is right. After coming to these dilapidated tombs, a chill is irresistibly born in their hearts, and there is a chilling feeling on their skin.

Without delay, the men immediately entered the first tomb and glanced at it, and found that the tomb was very large, but empty.

Several of them had just entered the first tomb. The figure of Tian Yu appeared above the tomb of the emperor. Those fierce beasts saw him appear and immediately gave way, and they looked respectful. Tian Yu seemed like a king of beasts.

At this point, we can see how high Tian Yu ’s control of the beast has reached. Fortunately, the beast is a beast after all. With limited wisdom, it is impossible to grow to the level of a cultivator no matter what. , Tian Yu is really invincible.

Tian Yu's eyes swept over the eight flags below, and at the corner of his mouth, some contempt raised slightly: "A low-level magic circle that can actually get it is really ridiculous."

He shook the blue jade flute in his hand suddenly: "Broke it for me!"

After he finished speaking, he was swaying himself, standing aside, looking at him coldly, and those souls had been controlled by him, and in fact had already become his puppet beasts, all with their heads slammed, Struggling towards the emperor's tomb below.

"Peng!" "Peng!" "Peng!" ......

In the strenuous impact of these fierce beasts, the emperor's tomb below shook violently, as if it would collapse at any time, but it never collapsed, because this emperor's tomb contains a formation, even if too many years have passed Moon, but after all, it has some effect, and the emperor's tomb will not collapse.

The dilapidated city wall is divided into eight directions with eight flags. The area is getting smaller and smaller. Although the eight flags have been upgraded by Toshiba, they have to resist so many fierce and massive warriors. The beast is obviously unlikely.

But for a moment, the area of ​​the eight flags was less than one meter wide. The defense power they contained could no longer withstand the impact of these fierce beasts. They were suddenly broken and the tide flowed in. In the tomb of the emperor.

"You are all here to stop other practitioners from coming in."

Tian Yu shouted, the fierce beasts were now becoming very well-behaved, snarled together and looked respectful, their souls had been controlled by Tian Yu, Tian Yu wanted them to do whatever they wanted, There will be no resistance.

"Finally came into this emperor's tomb."

Tian Yu glanced toward the broken tomb in the distance, and a pale color appeared on his pale face, clenching his fists, and he no longer delayed, rushing to those tombs quickly, and quickly entered Into it.

He had just disappeared, and there were several shadows, which came from the sky and stormed the air, bursting into the subtle roar of sound, and instantly entered the tomb of the emperor.

There are four of them in total, three middle-aged men, and an old man with white beards. Obviously, they are among the practitioners who came into this miracle this time. Apart from Qin Yi and Tian Yu, they are only A few people saved.

"A lot of fierce beasts, kill them, be sure to fight for the inheritance of the emperor!"

The old man with white beard shouted and waved at three middle-aged men. Four of them immediately fought against the beasts and had entered the tomb of the emperor. It was only one step away from the legendary emperor's inheritance. Away, they will naturally go all out.

However, they did not seem to know that the fierce beasts in front of them were driven by Tian Yu, and Tian Yu had already entered this emperor's tomb.

These four people can reach the fifth floor, and the combat power is natural. Although there are a large number of these beasts, they obviously can't help them. After more than ten minutes, these beasts have been killed by most of them.

However, at this moment-


A huge voice came suddenly from the high sky, like Hong Zhong Da Lu, shocking people's hearts, so that the blood in the human body quickly cooled down instantly.

The four cultivators who were fighting with the fierce beasts in the tomb of the emperor looked up and couldn't help but stunned.

I saw it in the sky, a huge golden fist, dazzling, and fell down hard, and immediately hit one of the middle-aged men.


In the loud noise, the middle-aged man only felt as if he was a huge mountain, hitting himself fiercely. The moment the body hit the fist, it cracked.

The huge impact force even knocked him out, but he heard a "roar", and in the distance, a fierce beast opened his blood basin and opened his mouth, biting the practitioner.

Originally, a cultivator who could enter this fifth floor was extremely difficult to be swallowed by a beast, but this man was seriously injured by a punch. For a time, the whole person was beaten up, so he has not waited for his reaction. The fierce beast that bit him was already chewing quickly, and soon swallowed it, the scene was bloody.

In the blink of an eye, the four cultivators became three.

In the high sky, a giant with a height of tens of feet, like a gold casting, suddenly landed, his wide feet were kicked on the ground, and the entire tomb of the emperor was followed by a fierce shake. Huo Ran was a yellow scarf. .

With the emergence of this Golden Rex, Long Yan and another Golden Rex appeared quickly here, but they did not see Shi Yangyun.

In this case, you do not need to know that Shi Yangyun has been killed by Long Yan.

Shi Yangyun is very strong, but in the face of the Dragon Flame from the reincarnation of the Emperor Dragon, there will naturally be no chance of winning. There is only one ending. Speaking of it, Shi Yangyun ’s strength is not as good as the previous three Taoists. The disciple was at one go.

"Damn, kill them!"

In a blink of an eye, one person died, and the remaining two middle-aged men and the old man with white beard immediately screamed in unison and rushed to the two yellow towel fighters desperately.

Even if they knew that the two Golden Rex were very strong and there were a large number of beasts around them, they still had no fear, because they were lunatics.

Any cultivator who is trapped in this divine tomb is a lunatic.


In a loud shout, I saw a silver spear, and suddenly stab over it, blocking it in front of them all at once. The silver spear was buzzing and trembling with a mighty murderous intention.

Obviously, the person who shot was Longyan.

"You are not opponents of these two Yellow Scarves, if they are tough, they are just dead!"

With a gun alone, Long Yan stood proudly, wearing a silver robe, hunting, and silver hair with no wind automatically, said slowly: "In this emperor's tomb, whether there is an inheritance of the emperor is still unknown, and, here In addition to these fierce beasts and these two golden fighters, they also entered other strong men. Even if there is an inheritance of the emperor here, depending on the combat strength of the three of you, the possibility of the inheritance of the emperor is zero! "

Long Yan's words were cruel, but what he said was true.

The three cultivators in front of them cannot have the slightest chance to compete for the inheritance of the emperor.

"Roar ~" "roar ~" "roar ~"

During Long Yan's speech, a large number of fierce beasts, with their blood basins and mouths wide, and their long fangs with a few meters in length, had rushed towards him.

Long Yan stood still, the silver gun in his hand suddenly soared to 100 feet, struggling to sweep, a huge silver awn, just like the silver moon at night, rushed out, rushed to those fierce beasts, and suddenly those The fierce beasts all swept out, fell to the ground, and shook the mountain.

So strong!

Seeing these fierce beasts, so vulnerable in front of Long Yan, the old man with white beards and two middle-aged men were all stunned, and an unstoppable chill came up in their hearts.

"So, I advise you to leave immediately, and give up the so-called inheritance of the great emperor, otherwise, you will definitely not survive this emperor's tomb today."

Long Yan smiled faintly and continued.

His random shot just now completely calmed the old man with white beards and the two middle-aged men. They finally calmed down, and for a moment, looked at each other for a while.

They quickly speculated in their hearts that the three of them joined hands and it was estimated that they were not the opponents of the silver-haired youth. In this case, if they stayed here, they would really only die.

"let's go!"

The white-bearded old man was decisive and waved at the two middle-aged men around him.

The three of them did not make any delay, and immediately turned the profound energy in their bodies suddenly into the sky, and suddenly disappeared into the sky.

With the departure of the three of them, the situation became clear all at once, and now in the tomb of the emperor, only Longyan and his party, as well as Tian Yu and others, are left.

These two rivals are finally in this emperor's tomb, and they are completely engaged.

"Yang Shiqi and they seem to have entered here, and Tian Yu's **** seems to have also come in. No matter how strong Tian Yu is, it is impossible to defeat Yang Shiqi and several of them."

Long Yan glanced far from the tomb, grinning, and then raised his silver gun slowly, and slowly pointed to the two yellow towel men: "Obviously, our battle is not over yet."

Before, he fought a battle with the two Golden Lux and Shi Yangyun, killing Shi Yangyun, but the physical defense and strength of the two Yellow Scarves in front of him were too changeable and abnormal. To kill them, it was Long Yan who escaped from death three times or five times.

However, what Long Yan needs is to escape from death. Only in this way can he continue to break through the shackles of his body.

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