The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 1979: Wait for me in vain

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Seeing Yan Zhuxin like this now, Qin Yi and others are all quite gratified, especially Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang, they watched Yan Zhuxin with their own eyes, The accomplice, stepped into the position of today's patriarch.

Yan Zhuxin didn't talk much, just looked at everyone's eyes, full of deep reluctance, everything was in silence.

"Okay, don't give it away, go back, I will come to see you later."

With a faint smile, Qin Yi waved towards the people, and then turned to Yang Shiqi and others around him and said, "Go."

"Brother Qin Yi!"

Behind him, there was a whisper of screaming suddenly.

Qin Yi turned around and saw a figure, gliding at a speed, and in the blink of an eye, he came to his eyes and struggled into Qin Yi's arms. Huo Ran was a dream of pity.

At this moment, Yan Lianmeng had already burst into tears and hugged Qin Yi: "Woo, brother Qin Yi, can you not leave?"

Seeing this scene, all the people present were sighing, Yan Lianmeng this time was the beginning of love, just with Yan Zhuxin, the relationship with Qin Yi was settled, but by ushering in the departure, it was indeed a bit cruel.

Embracing Yan Lianmeng's tender and boneless body in her arms, Qin Yi felt a little helpless, rubbing Yan Lianmeng's hair: "Meng'er, we are the people of the Kyushu Holy See, we can't stay forever In your tribe, we still have our business to do. "

"I know that your next step is to enter the world of Xuanhuang."

Yan Lianmeng said: "Moreover, I heard from Sister Zhuxin that there is a very dangerous world, so people just want you to stay, don't go."

Zhu Xin had already told her about the world of Xuanhuang.

Qin Yi was clear, and looked up at Yan Zhuxin, but Yan Zhuxin was still speechless. Looking at his own eyes, he was halfhearted and worried.

"Bamboo Xin, Meng'er, don't worry, I will come back from the world of Xuanhuang alive."

Touching his nose, Qin Yi's face loomed a little confident: "In the old demon cemetery, there were people laying down layers of killing there, but they didn't kill me. I think the world of Xuanhuang is just like that."

Yan Lianmeng let go of her arm, lifted her delicate face, and there were still two tears on the crystal jade: "Brother Qin Yi, no matter what, you must come back alive from the world of Xuanhuang. When the time comes, me and Sister Zhuxin, I will wait for you in vain. "


Wait for me here in vain!

Qin Yi was stunned, and he blinked there. The young girl of the Yan tribe is different. Such unhealthy words dare to be spoken in the public.

All the people present were also stunned, crying and laughing. The Yan Zhuxin, who was wearing luxurious costumes, had a cheek slightly red, and in his eyes, there was a faint glance of anticipation.

The original sad parting picture, but because of the unhealthy words of Yan Lianmeng, has become a lot easier. Many of the worries are unconsciously, and the smoke disappears.

Next, Qin Yi and others, without further delay, each swelled the metaphysical qi in their bodies slightly, soared into the sky and left.

Yan Zhuxin looked up, watching the figures disappearing into the sky, motionless, and in his mind, the scenes of Qin Yi and others in the devil's mausoleum repeatedly appeared in his mind.

I don't know how long after that, Yan Yao's voice sounded around him: "Patriarch, should we go back?"

Yan Zhuxin recovered, turned his face, and found that everyone behind him had not yet left, and was still silently beside him.

She is now the head of the tribe and has a distinguished status. Without her command, these people dare not leave in one step.

Nodding her beautiful head, Yan Zhuxin didn't move her steps, but turned her face and asked to Yan Yanmeng around her, "Meng'er, you said that Qin Yi can really come back from the world of Xuanhuang?"

"Well, surely, I believe him!"

Yan Lianmeng nodded and said firmly: "He is so powerful, he will definitely be able to come back!"

"Actually, I also believe he will be able to come back, let's go."

Yan Zhuxin waved a white, tender little hand.

In fact, there is one more thing, she did not tell Yan Lianmeng, that is, Qin Yi's previous life was the king of Jiuzhou, the ancient emperor of Qin Yi. The appearance of Qin Yi is a bureau, a burial situation that runs through several eras!

In the wild mountains and wild mountains, the figures of Qin Yi and others are looting.

"Okay, if you go further, you will get out of the northern wilderness, and I will send you here."

Wearing a red robe and red hair, Xia Jiuyou stopped suddenly and said to Qin Yi and others.

Xia Jiuyou is a descendant of the ancient gods, the Crane, and the Crane is also in this northern wasteland.

"Yes, then you go back to your Protoss and practice well. Maybe in the near future, a world war will come."

Qin Yi smiled faintly at Xia Jiuyou as the people stopped the violent figure.

Xia Jiuyou, who was encountered by Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang on the second floor of the Shenmo Mausoleum, has been with them since then, and has a deep affection between each other.

"Hee hee, I don't have any interest in any quirky battle."

Xia Jiuyou smiled, although she was heroic, Xiao Xiao was quite charming, and even a small dimple appeared faintly on the left cheek. In her heroic style, she added a bit of tenderness.

She turned her eyes beautifully and swept slowly on Qin Yi: "However, after you come out of the world of Xuanhuang, if you can come to the He tribe to see me, I'm also very interested in washing things!"


All the people present were stunned, crying and laughing.

Qin Yi touched his nose, embarrassed to no avail, and could not help feeling squalid again: Man, do n’t look too handsome, otherwise it will be like me, all kinds of troubles, one after another!

"Okay, I'm not the kind of person who likes to hurt spring and sadness, and leave!"

Xia Jiuyou's temperament was very simple. He walked away, and the whole person rose to the sky. Before the looting, he suddenly turned into a huge golden crane, just like pouring a layer of gold water. Jin Guangcancan.

With a huge flying wing, Xia Jiuyou disappeared from the sky instantly.

In a blink of an eye, the eight people who came out of the Shenmo Mausoleum now have only six people left, Qin Yi, Yang Shiqi, Yan Mei Niang, Long Yan, Dongfang Zhi, and Xuan Lan.

These six people are all the guardians of the Kyushu Holy See!

"By the way, Sister Dongfang, you said in the past, after this time, you will not return to the Kyushu Holy See, but will return to your hometown Kwafu God Village. At that time, you still have a seal in Kwafu God Village. This is another way. What kind of seal? "

Qin Yi questioned Dongfangzhi around him while looting.

Yang Shiqi, Yan Meiniang and others all looked at Dongfangzhi with their curious eyes.

"Yes, I was talking about the seal that day at the battlefield of the Yan tribe."

Dongfangzhi nodded and said slowly: "That seal, which seals our **** village ancestors, praises the god's body."


Sealed the boast of God's body!

Wen Yan, Qin Yi and others, like the thunder of the thunder, were completely shocked and breathed heavily.

The ancient **** Emperor Kuafu ’s **** body was actually sealed in Kuafu God Village. This news is really shocking!

Xiu eyes circulated, glanced at everyone with a broken jaw, Dongfang Zhi smiled: "I know, you must think this is quite incredible, when I found this seal, it was the same as you. , It ’s hard to believe my eyes. Later, I read a lot of the history books of our God Village, and then I realized that in the World War Xiangu, the ancestors of our God Village praised their fathers like no other Like the Great Emperor, the ash was annihilated, only the soul was broken, but the body was completely preserved. "

About Xiangu Emperor Kuafu, there are not many records about him in the history books. The world only knows that he once created a shocking speed martial art-Kuafubu!

Now, Qin Yi and Yang Shiqi are practicing this martial art in terms of speed!

Hearing the words of Dongfangzhi, Qin Yi and others, it was obvious.

It only broke the soul, but the body was preserved. It has to be said that this is already a blessing in misfortune.

Dongfangzhi went on to say: "At that time, as a saint in the village, I wanted to unravel the seal, go inside, and resurrect our ancestors, but I have worked hard for thirty years, but I still haven't been able to The seal of the Tao is unraveling. The power of the seal is too great ...

"Later I realized that with the practice I did at that time, even if I was working hard for a hundred years, a thousand years, or even ten thousand years, it would be in vain, there would be no possibility of unraveling that seal, so I thought of entering the Kyushu Holy See. But the existence of that seal is a secret and must not be known to anyone else, otherwise it will definitely cause a huge sensation once it is spread, and even be met by people with bad intentions. Destruction, so I can only choose to quietly leave the divine village and enter the Kyushu Holy See. "


Qin Yi nodded: "In the past, I heard Bicheng say that more than three hundred years ago, you suddenly disappeared. No one knew your whereabouts in the entire Shencun, and you did not leave any clues."

"I ca n’t leave any clues, let alone tell the residents of Shencun that I went to the Kyushu Holy See, otherwise, once the villagers ask the reason, how should I answer, at that time my identity, but the sage, if the cause of the matter is not clear Say it, they will definitely not be willing to give up. "

Dongfangzhi said: "In the past, I chose to say goodbye and suddenly disappeared mysteriously, which is really helpless."

The "helpless move" in Dongfangzhi's mouth, and in the eyes of everyone, it is more meticulous thinking that is watertight. If it is replaced by ordinary people, in this case, in any case, it will be with The villagers said.

However, if this is done, trouble will come, and it is possible to exaggerate the **** body that the father stays in the world!

I have to say that the wisdom of Dongfangzhi, between this world and the world, I'm afraid that few people can match it.

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