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"All parties prepare troops!"

The blue flag on the left hand of Duan Muxue slowly raised it, and then suddenly waved: "Offense!"


The armies of all parties wearing blue battle shirts immediately burst into shouts and shouts, waving their swords one by one, riding horses, and rushing towards the center of the training ground like tens of thousands of elite troops.

"Fuck, after so many years, seeing such a scene again, my body will still be able to suppress the blood boiling!"

Looking at the scene of the ten thousand horses galloping and the long sword waving from afar, Qin Yi couldn't help but feel excited. The scene of the fighting between the army and the Fengyue army in the past once again appeared in his mind.

In the past, I led this elite army, breaking through the army of the Fengyue tribe like a knife, and played a key role in the victory of that war.

However, at that time, the elite of the Duanmu tribe had only 5,000 people. Today, after so many years, it has grown to more than 10,000 people.

At present, there are still many familiar faces in this elite army. Although they are all wearing armor and are far away from each other, they can still recognize them in the crowd at a glance with Qin Yi's current cultivation height.

Looking at these familiar faces from afar, Qin Yi couldn't help but burst into tears. The kind of warrior's iron blood and feelings, and the kind of sentiment between the soldiers' life and death, are not ordinary people can understand.

"Brother-in-law, my sister has been practicing these troops hard for years, because soon, we will join forces with the Fengyue tribe to fight the largest tiger and wolf tribe in this area. As long as we win the tiger and wolf tribe, then, we The Yufengyue Tribe, the leading brother in this area, and other tribes have to bow to us! "

Duan Muzhen rubbed his hands excitedly and grinned: "I heard that the Tiger and Wolf tribe has trained a large number of tigers and wolves to fight against them. Those rigorously trained tigers and wolves are extremely cruel and we have to be careful. Wait and be fully prepared, and my sister has been training in the past few years, and she has also practiced combat. Although the long knives are made of wood, they are only coated with a layer of paint, which looks the same as the real one, but the momentum It is inevitable that soldiers will be cut and wounded in such a huge actual combat drill. Sometimes, they will even be trampled to death directly by the war horse. "

Fight against the largest Tiger and Wolf tribe in this area!

Wen Yan said, Qin Yi stunned slightly, but did not say much.

He knows the folk customs of the Magnolia continent. The phenomenon of being sturdy and belligerent, weak and strong, is very obvious. It is common for a tribe to invade another tribe.

He, an outsider from the mainland of Kyushu, naturally has little to say about the decision of the Duanmu tribe.

"Brother-in-law, wait here for a moment, I will call my sister over."

Duan Mujian said to Qin Yi that he would rush into the training ground, but was caught by Qin Yi: "Master, let's look at it from a distance, don't disturb your sister."


Duan Muzhen nodded in agreement.

On the training ground.

"Elite, defense!"

The small red flag on Duan Muxue's right hand flew abruptly.


The elite, outermost row surrounded by the regiments of all parties suddenly lifted the shield and formed a shield wall around it!


The troops outside the army had rushed up with long swords and chopped continuously on the shield wall. For a while, it was impossible to break the shield wall.

"Move elite, open the gate, break through!"

Duanmu Xuejiao drinks.

The shield wall suddenly moved quickly, and all the long knives that had been cut off flew away.

Suddenly, somewhere on the shield wall, one point to both sides, an elite holding a strange knife rushed out at once, and the sharp knife generally penetrated into the army of various parties.

As this elite rushed out, all the troops were in chaos. Many soldiers were suddenly attacked by this elite. They were shocked and turned upside down. They screamed for a while. The whole scene was messy.

However, the formation of troops by these parties was not vegetarian, and after some confusion, they quickly stabilized their positions. Tens of thousands of people were surrounded by layers of horses, and the water was not leaking. The elite that came out was pressed back into the shield wall.

The elite army failed to break through!

Next, under Duan Muxue's only practice, he practiced several times, but the elite army did not break through once. Every time they rushed out, they were quickly prepared by all parties and pressed back.

"Elite, what are you doing?"

Seeing the elite army, Duan Muxue was very annoyed after repeated breakouts. The two big seats of considerable size in front of his chest experienced a violent ups and downs, even if he was wearing a war armor.

Her snow-white slender legs were pinched on the horse's back, and the whole person was like an arrow away from the string, and rushed past. The soldiers on the field saw that she rushed over, and they all gave way.

Duan Muxue rode a snow-white war horse, rushed to the elite army in diameter, and suddenly pulled the horse rein, the war horse's hoofs were suddenly raised high, and a "sigh" roared.

"Where is your sharpness? Is it so soft, like an elite army? In such a situation surrounded by a large army, without the sharpness of dying to die, you can't break through. If you can't break through, you can't just make trouble The enemy ’s position will be wiped out by the whole army! Do you not understand? "

Duan Muxue's eyes are as good as electricity, sweeping more than 10,000 elites in front of him.

The elite soldiers, who were scolded by Duan Muxue, didn't dare to say anything.

Duan Muxue's reliance is well-known throughout the Duanmu clan. At this time, she is in a rage. If anyone dares to hit her, it is very likely that they will be corrected in the next second.

"This time, our two tribes, fighting the Tiger and Wolf tribe, the situation is very grim, so my sister's training of the **** is ​​also hell, and if it is slightly unsatisfactory, this **** will be furious."

In the distance, Duanmuhen, who was watching quietly, said to Qin Yi: "The elite army of the Fengyue tribe is not as good as our elite army. After discussing with our two tribes, the plan was drawn up based on this Wanduo was elite, secretly inserted into the Tiger Wolf Tribe, and then, like the last Battle Wind Yue Tribe, come inside and outside to completely disintegrate the Tiger Wolf Tribe. "

Qin Yi listened silently.

After a pause, Duan Mujian continued, "It is conceivable how dangerous this elite army would be when it was inserted into the Tiger and Wolf tribe. Once the war broke out, they were likely to encounter various situations, so this **** It is also the most stringent for the needs of this more than 10,000 elite troops. After several years of practice, he still failed to meet the requirements of the dominatrix. "

Qin Yi was clear, the elite army of the Duanmu tribe would grow from the original 5,000 to more than 10,000 people now, obviously for the next preparation for the tiger and wolf tribe.

For the army, the number of more than 10,000 is actually pitiful, but the elite army is not the same. It is the elite that is elite, and the "elite" wins. There are many people. For the elite army, it is not necessarily a good thing.

To put it bluntly, the elite army is an army that specializes in surprise attacks, and the more people move, the bigger they are, but it is not conducive to action.

For the truly elite army, there are more than 10,000 people. In fact, this is already the limit of the number of people.

The battle between the army and the army is essentially different from the battle between the cultivators. The battle between the cultivators is about personal strength. As long as you are stronger than the other, you can crush the other.

However, the battle between the army and the army is about strategy. If your strength is strong, if the strategy is not used correctly, it will be defeated.

In this regard, Qin Yi, who once went to the battlefield, has a deep experience.

However, with more than 10,000 people, it is almost impossible to accomplish the task from the heavy siege of the army of more than 100,000 parties.

However, Duan Muxue obviously understands the power of the Tiger and Wolf tribe very well, so even if it is impossible to complete, it is necessary to complete this more than 10,000 elite!

Qin Yining looked at it for a while, then turned to smile at Duan Muzhen around him: "Master, do you still have the armor worn by the elite army? If so, please help me get a set, and the horse and the knife at the same time, Prepare it for me too. "

"Brother-in-law, what are you doing, training with these people?"

Duan Muhen was taken aback, and was immediately rejoicing: "Haha, brother-in-law, I really missed the appearance of the Sao Bao that you jumped in the army wearing a battle shirt, carrying a war knife, and I will help You go to prepare! "

"In the beginning, I was so powerful, that you were said to be a sloppy bag, you can leave me!"

Qin Yi was furious and lifted his leg on Duanmuhen's buttocks, kicking fiercely, Duanmuhen laughed away.

After a while, Duan Muzhen rushed over with a tall, scarlet horse, carrying a sword, armor, and shirt.

"Brother-in-law, this horse is the horse you used to ride."

Duan Muhen jumped off the horse and led the war horse to Qin Yi: "Since you left that year, this war horse has never been on the battlefield. It is arched by the **** as a bodhisattva every day, and it is carefully and personally raised Dominatrix is ​​usually fierce to anyone. Only when facing this horse, the eyes are full of tenderness. Obviously, on the horse, you see your shadow, hehe! "

Has this happened?

Qin Yi glanced at the training ground from afar, Duan Muxue, who was cold-faced and explaining tactics to the elite army, had a touch of emotion in his heart. It was really difficult for her in these years.

The maroon horse in front of him was indeed much stronger than it was then.

He patted the horse's neck. The horse immediately lowered its head and rubbed on Qin Yi's body, making him intimate.

"Sister-in-law, did you see that the horse still recognizes you and is intimate with you, let alone my sister's **** is ​​your fiancee."

Duan Muhen smiled and said: "Hurry up, you like this, suddenly appeared in front of the dominatrix, I really don't know how she will react, hehe!"

Now that so many years have passed, Duan Muhen still bites a dominatrix, and Qin Yi can't help crying.

No more to say, Qin Yi put on the silver war armor and put on the fiery red robe, then took the Modao knife handed over by Duan Muhen and jumped onto the horseback.

"Yes, yes, the appearance of Sao Bao was back!"

Duan Muhen looked at Qin Yi with a look of joy, and gave thumbs up to Qin Yi.

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