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"First block the elite army, don't mess up!"

Among the army, the elite army saw another rush to rush, and the hot eyelid jumped and hurriedly drank.

It's just a pity that Qin Yi has already reached the abdomen of the army and is constantly waving his sword and rushing towards him. No one can resist his pace. The whole army has once again become a mess.

"Don't care about me, first stop the elite army behind!"

Fire gluttonously shouted: "Don't forget our task, that is, let the elite army break through!"

Just when his voice fell, he saw a red awn, and suddenly rushed out of the army, skimming over the dense long knife. After blinking, he swept to the front of the fire.

The fire was stunned, and when I saw the true face of this comer, I was completely stupefied by the car: "It would be you, Qin ..."

It's just that he hasn't spoken of a "Yi" yet. Qin Yi's Mo Dao has been slashed on his back. He rolled his eyes and passed out.

Qin Yi took a big look, lifted the gluttony in his hand, and jumped on the warhorse with his legs. He stood on the battle horse and directly raised the glutton: "Your general is already in my hand. You figure it out for yourself? Although the handle in my hand is only a wooden knife, it is still a breeze to take the life of your general! "

All the soldiers of the army from all sides were stunned for a moment, blinking in disbelief.

"Who is this elite soldier?"

In the distance, Duan Muxue has already seen all this in his eyes, and his shallow brows are tight, and he is confused to the extreme. Once upon a time, such a warrior appeared in this elite army?

Suddenly, in her heart, there was another flame of no name: "Damn, the elite army was against the military order, and the general's order was a shit, it must be that this person is doing a blame!"

In the training ground, the commander of the army of all parties was taken by Qin Yi in one fell swoop, and even stunned with a knife. The army was already in chaos.

While taking advantage of the chaos of the army of various parties, more than 10,000 elites are like sharp knives, rushed to the ground and inserted into the army at once.

"Armed by all parties, stabilize me!"

Duan Muxue saw all this, and shouted hard with his blue flag.

It's just a pity that this elite army in front of him has long been mad, one by one like a hungry wolf, his eyes wide and staring, waving the strange knife in his hand like lightning.


"Kill, we have to create myths!"

The monstrous killing sound rang in the elite army, shaking people's hearts, countless horseshoes pedaling on the ground, the mountain was shaking, the dust was like fog, and the handle of the knife was madly cut.

Although these strange knives are made of wood, under the condition that elite soldiers hold their feet full, they can be slashed with one knife.

The elite soldiers who are determined to create myths, all parties have already been in chaos, and the next scene can already be imagined. Although there are many people in all parties, hundreds of thousands, but this moment, it is a success. After a group of people from all over the world, the sharp swords lined up by the elite army came all the way. However, within half an hour, they had been completely rushed out of the army of more than 100,000 parties in a chaotic position.

In the army of various parties, a group of people turned their horses upside down and were in disarray.

Yuan Wu, the leading horse, wiped the sweat beads on his face with his hand and looked back. He had already been thrown away by more than one hundred thousand parties in the rear, and he blinked on his horse. Eyes: "We really did it? From the army of more than 100,000 parties, did we break through?"

"General Yuan, absolutely, we really did it!"

"Yes, now, the more than one hundred thousand military formations from all sides are standing at the back, and they can only watch us with their eyes open!"

"Hahaha, we really created a myth!"

"Paralyzed, all this is like dreaming!"

"Hey, there are still some regrets. These are our army, this is just a military training. If they are really the army of the tiger and wolf tribe, we can really kill the women who did them in the past!"

"Your sex, devil, will one day die on a woman's belly!"

The elite soldiers are all flushed with excitement, waving their wild blades wildly, these wooden blades are made of wood, most of them have been cut off in the previous desperate rush, and they have been cut badly. It has been broken in two.

However, these elite soldiers did not care, still waving the half of the wooden knife as if they were quite funny.

Compared with the crazy celebration of the elite army, the more than one hundred thousand troops in the rear are all stunned there, and the look on their faces is very bitter.

The more than 10,000 elite troops, actually with a wooden knife, successfully broke through, and all this is like an illusion.

"Hahaha, wonderful, really wonderful!"

Duanmu mark on the long side of the training, after watching it for a while, he recovered and stood there laughing wildly, quite excited.

The Duan Muxue, who was riding a white warhorse and had a unique style, was very happy and angry at this moment. The elite army finally lived up to her and completed an almost impossible task. Take elite soldiers In their own words, they created myths.

The anger is that their breakthrough action was completed in disregard of the military order. From beginning to end, they did not take her commander in their eyes at all. All their actions were all self-assertion.

Recalling this elite army, all of his orders were regarded as farting, hot tempered Duan Muxue, and couldn't help burning in anger, suddenly dropped the small blue and red flags in his hand and took the frame. War knives on horseback.

Her handle, but the real sword, was not made of wood, and it shone brightly.

So she carried the sword and rushed towards the army. She yelled in her mouth: "Give up, I want to defy this guy who ignores the military order!"

Her goal, obviously, is Qin Yi!

Although Qin Yi led more than 10,000 elite soldiers and successfully broke through, he disobeyed the military order, meritorious service, but overdone. Since he violated the military order, he had to decapitate the public and be able to establish his authority in the army.

Think about it, this time it is just training, if you really fight the Tiger and Wolf tribe, if you rebel against the military order, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Seeing Duanmuxue rushing violently, the soldiers on the field, where there is no slightest neglect, immediately clattered, and hurried to the two sides to give way.

At this time, Qin Yi was still standing on the back of the horse, holding a comatose firecock in his hands, celebrating with excitement.

Duan Muxue was coming very fast, carrying the sword, and in the blink of an eye, he rushed behind Qin Yi. Without a word, he swung the knife to Qin Yi's head.

"Dream trough, this dominatrix, is really not a general stout, even the fiance dares to cut!"

Qin Yi naturally felt that behind him, Duan Muxue quickly rushed over, but he did not expect that Duan Muxue really dared to cut him.

Surprised, Qin Yi didn't even turn his head back, his feet were a little on the horse's back, and the whole person rose to the sky. Duan Muxue's sword was marked with a cold mountain, under his feet, ruthless Cut off.

Duan Muxue was even more annoyed by his avoidance: "You dare to avoid it, see me not ..."

However, her voice didn't fall, and she stopped abruptly, holding the dagger of the dazzling sword, completely stunned there, tempting ruddy mouth, stunned open: "Actually ... it is you ..."

"Of course it is me. If not, who would be so brave?"

Qin Yi had fallen back on horseback, facing Duan Muxue, looking at Duan Muxue with a faint smile, but without the slightest humility.

He threw the glutton in his hand, and the soldier next to him quickly reached out to catch it.


The sword in Duanmuxue's hands fell to the ground, and he jumped a few times on the ground, completely immobile.

She sat on the back of the war horse, staring at Qin Yi in front of her eyes, her expression was a little demented, and she could not even dream of it. Qin Yi would be like a god, and suddenly came to this training ground.

Why was the elite army able to break through this time? It turned out that Qin Yi was in command. During the breakout, he was taking all military orders as farts.

"Am I dreaming ..."

Looking at the eyes, Jun Yi's still face, Duan Muxue muttered silently, scenes and scenes with Qin Yi appeared one by one in his mind, so clear, as if it happened yesterday.

"Gosh, it turned out to be Qin Yi!"

"Lying trough, he is the God in my heart, so excited!"

"Isn't he in the remote mainland of Kyushu, how can he suddenly appear on this training ground at this moment, still in the elite army, command the elite army to break through?"

"I said that this time the elite army can break through successfully, it turns out that Qin Yi is in command!"


When looking at Qin Yi's true face, the whole training ground suddenly made a lot of noise, and all the soldiers were full of enthusiasm on their faces, and they looked at the young man standing on the horse's horse with fierce excitement. Behind him, the robes of the battle were blown loudly and full of sao.

The battle with the Fengyue tribe was definitely regarded as the most famous anomalous war in the Duanmu tribe in the world. The soldiers around him, even those who did not participate in that war, had heard of Qin Yi's name.

What's more, this person is still the fiance of the great commander!

Qin Yi ignored the surroundings, and there was a lot of enthusiasm thrown on his body, leap forward, jumped off the horse, came to Duanmuxue's horse, and stretched out his arms towards Duanmuxue on the war horse: , This is not a dream, come, come into my arms and feel it. "

Looking down at the handsome young man under the horse, Duan Muxue's look was still demented, his arms unconsciously spread out, and slowly fell into Qin Yi's arms.

At the moment when the body touched Qin Yi's chest, two lines of tears flowed out, and the graceful and delicate body even shivered slightly.

She missed this embrace so much. Now, he finally hugged himself firmly and even felt his heartbeat.

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