The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 2117: Ancient Phoenix

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"The woman in the middle is obviously the patriarch of this ancient Phoenix family, and the two elders on both sides are the elders of this ancient Phoenix family."

Qin Yi quickly made this judgment.

"Tianxue, Tianxie, Tianyu, how did you bring in the aliens? Forget the rules of our ancient Phoenix family?"

The patriarch of the Phoenix Ancient Clan, Feng Hui slightly condensed, asked the three of Tianxue.

"Hui Patriarch, this person is our friend."

Tianxue stepped forward and said respectfully: "This time I went to the Caomuxian domain to compete for the Xianzang left over by the Caomuxianxian. Fortunately, with the help of this person, we successfully won the Xianzang contest."

"In this way, are you competing for the immortal possession left over from the immortal domain of the grass and trees?"

The patriarch of the ancient Phoenix family, the phoenix eyes light up.

The other ancient Fenghuang people around him were all very happy.

"Hee hee, patriarch, would you say that? With our three celestial goddesses, plus the help of Qin Yi, the immortal possessions left behind by the immortals of the trees and trees are not all in hand!"

Tian Yu took the two well-developed seats in front of his chest, subconsciously lightened, and exquisitely small face, slightly raised, a puff of pride.

Seeing her like this, all the Phoenix people present were a little crying and laughing, and at the same time they were very happy.

The five ancient goddesses of the Phoenix ancient clan, because of the extremely pure Phoenix blood flowing in their bodies, is their identity in this ancient Phoenix clan, extremely dignified, coupled with Tianyu ’s youngest age, lively and enlightened, it is deeply won by the clan. favorite.

"Since this is a friend of our ancient Phoenix family, but also gracious to our ancient Phoenix family, we naturally deserve hospitality."

The patriarch's attitude towards Qin Yi immediately improved a lot, and from afar, Qin Yi showed a kind smile.

The matter was settled in this way. Qin Yi temporarily stayed in this ancient Phoenix family and planned his next action.

Qin Yi learned that the other two ancient maidens of the ancient Phoenix family, named Tianhen and Tianhuang, are currently retreating and practicing. It is precisely because they are practicing in closed gates that they did not follow Tianxue and they went to the Caomu Xianyu area to compete for Xianzang.

This time, Tianxue three people successfully won the fairy hidden in the grass and wood fairy field. The entire Phoenix ancient tribe was naturally a celebration.

In particular, the formation book left by Tianxue, which was obtained by Tianxue, has extraordinary significance for the entire Phoenix ancient clan.

With Tianxue's qualifications, it is only a matter of time to thoroughly study the book of formations left over by the grass and trees.

There is no doubt that, in time, their ancient Phoenix family will have their own piece of Phoenix fairyland, which is naturally indescribable to their ancient Phoenix family.

And Qin Yi is undoubtedly the first-class hero of this matter. If he had not helped him, he had pitted the three sons of Jiulong and the barbarians, and the three of Tianxue were almost impossible to obtain the remains of the grass and trees. Xianzang.

The hall of the ancient Phoenix people was dug directly on a huge ancient tree pole, warm in winter and cool in summer, very comfortable, and the furnishings inside are also quite luxurious, the materials for the production of table and chair lighting, It's all jade, and the light shines and it's full of dreams.

"The patriarch, this is the case. Qin Yi's next action was to assassinate Jiuhuang, the leader of Sun and Moon Shinto."

Tianxue led Qin Yi into the hall and said to the patriarch of the Phoenix Ancient Clan.

The Patriarch of the Phoenix Ancient Clan, named Feng Ming, is the eighth generation Patriarch of the Phoenix Ancient Clan. The seven patriarchs in the front have all abdicated to retreat and have never appeared easily.

Obviously, the seven patriarchs who had abdicated all possessed unfathomable cultivation practices, and it was precisely because of the existence of the seven old antiques that other forces in the Xuanhuang world did not dare to offend easily. Ancient Phoenix.

"The assassin of Jiuhuang, the leader of Sun and Moon Shinto!"

Wen Yan said, the faint trembling of Feng Ming's splendid body flickered across the phoenix's eyes.

The two elders beside her looked at Qin Yi with a stunned face.

The heart of the young man who really assassinated the leader of the Sun and Moon gods is really not that big. Such a thing, even their ancient Phoenix people, dare not think about it.


The Fengming patriarch recovered, and couldn't help laughing. A shallow dimple appeared on the cheek on the left, which immediately gave her the solemnity as the head of the clan, and disappeared. Instead, it was a playful look.

The face value of the Feng Ming patriarch is very rare in itself. This smile has a thrilling beauty. Seeing Qin Yi, he is slightly dumbfounded.

"It's really interesting."

An elder by her side nodded to her head, paused, and said: "But, what is the existence of Sun and Moon Shintos? Don't bother to say more, to assassinate the leader of Sun and Moon Shintos It ’s hard to get into the sky. Young people, it ’s good to have a dream, but do everything within your ability. Otherwise, you will not only make jokes, but also likely to accompany your own lives. ”

The other elder also nodded and said: "Boy, to be honest, you have this kind of impulse. The old man appreciates you and is happy to see the day when the leader of the Sun and Moon gods fell. If it is overdone, it is reckless, and a reckless person usually does not live long. "

The elder did not hide his dislike of the Sun Moon God leader at all, but it made people cry and laugh.

It was just a burly kid who suddenly appeared, but threatened to assassinate the leader of the Sun and Moon Religion, which in his view was undoubtedly a very absurd thing.

With a sigh of relief, Qin Yi glanced slowly at the faces of the three, and said, "The three seniors will look at me with this kind of vision. I can understand it naturally, and I thank the three seniors for their kind reminders, It's just that, for the sake of my friends, I have to assassinate the leader of Sun and Moon Shinto, otherwise my friends will be in danger. "

It turned out that the person in front of him wanted to assassinate the leader of Sun and Moon Shinto, for his friends!

Feng Ming and the two elders were all slightly stunned. Looking at Qin Yi's eyes, they became slightly different.

For the sake of their friends, no matter how big the danger is, they dare to take the risk. Such a chivalrous person, they have never encountered it before.

"Tianxue, it seems that your friend is a bit interesting."

Fengming Fengming circulated, looking at Tianxue slowly and said.

Tian Xue smiled shallowly, took a step forward, and said respectfully to Feng Ming: "Patriarch, I will say it clearly. Qin Yi followed us to the Phoenix Ancient Clan this time, hoping that we can help him to assassinate Jiuhuang. Now , He has a Tianbing armor, as long as he has enough earth god's milk, he can advance into Tianshen armor. In addition, in the past in the grassland, he also received a piece of spirit jade, so I thought As long as you can advance the armor of the heavenly soldiers into the armor of the gods, and then turn the spirit jade into a jade spirit beast, it is not a problem to assassinate the nine wastelands. "

Sky Armor, Lingyu!

Feng Ming and the two elders were stunned again. The faces of the three of them could not hide their enthusiasm.

"I understand, young man, you came to our Phoenix Ancient Clan this time, mainly to get some information."

Feng Ming quickly put away the enthusiasm on his face and said, "With regard to the earth's milk, this extremely rare magical medicine, it's up to chance to get it. We can't provide you with any clues. As for I haven't got any information in this respect for the magical charmer who made the Jade Spirit Beast, but you can ask the former patriarchs of the Phoenix Ancient Clan. Tianxue, take him to see the third-generation elder. "

Hearing the words, Qin Yi was very happy.

Next, Feng Ming told Qin Yi that the third-generation elder of the ancient Phoenix family, Zeng Yunyou, was well-informed and should have some information about Necromancer.

Tianxue led Qin Yi out of the hall, down the wooden ladder hewn out of the tree pole, down to the ground, and walked forward.

Soon, Tianxue brought Qin Yi into a stone cave.

The space inside the stone cave is not small, and there are some stone tables, stone chairs and other simple furnishings cut out with swords.

In the middle of the stone cave, an old man was meditating cross-legged. The old man was kind-hearted, his face was ruddy, and his head was bald. At first glance, he knew it was an old antique that had lived forever.

Behind the old man, a pair of wide flying wings could be seen faintly, slowly flapping.

This pair of phoenix wings is the blood heritage of the ancient Phoenix family. Any person of the ancient Phoenix family can phoenixize the human body after tempering the Phoenix blood in the body to a certain degree.

There is no doubt that this old man is the third generation patriarch of this ancient Phoenix family.

"Have seen Grandpa!"

Tianxue stepped forward and saluted the old man respectfully.

The old man slowly opened his eyes and saw Tianxue, he said with a smile: "Xue'er, are you here to challenge me again? I suppressed the skill to 30% last time, and I suffered a big loss, so I thought Well, this time, I can no longer suppress my skills to 30%, at least it must be 50%, I ca n’t be abused by you again, otherwise if I let some other old antiques listen, I have to laugh at me. "

It is said that Qin Yi was a little crying and laughing, and at the same time he was clear in his heart. It turns out that Tianxue will often come to challenge the third generation patriarch of the Phoenix ancient clan. The skill was too low, and the result was tyrannical by Tianxue, which made him sneer at other old antiques.

"Hee hee!"

In front of the third-generation patriarch of the Phoenix Ancient Clan, Tianxue was completely a child, and immediately smiled, and said: "Grandpa, who made you so belittle the enemy last time, hum, look down upon me, and you should deserve it ! "

"So, this time I won't underestimate the enemy. The skill should be suppressed to 50% at least. It cannot be lowered."

The third-generation elder said with a smile, and immediately, Qin Yi looked away: "Hey, Xueer, this is the helper you invited? No, you have a helper, I can only suppress the skill to six to make!"

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