The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 2156: Golden Mansions

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Of course, the current Lord Shura is naturally much stronger than the blood ghosts of the past, but the blood ghost is an immortal existence.

After paying attention to the five sons of Jiulong for a while, Qin Yi focused his attention on the seven ghosts of the Bloody Gate, and the two saints of the Yongye Holy Pilgrimage, and found that their combat power was also stronger than him The original imagination.

Basically, the treasure-robbing scene will eventually evolve into a fierce dogfight. This is the cultivation world, **** and crazy!


Just when these people were madly slaying together, the top of the ancient emperor peak suddenly rushed out.

The golden mansions are very vast, just like a huge golden pillar, rushing out of the nine clouds, reflecting this side of the world into a piece of gold.

"Gosh, the first emperor coffin!"

Behind Qin Yi, Xuan'er screamed, and her well-developed body was trembling.

Including Qin Yi, everyone on the top of the mountain was full of enthusiasm, looking at the huge golden light pillar on the top of the ancient emperor's peak, his heart was accelerated, and his blood was boiling.

"Okay, very good, this time, we finally want a real look of the first emperor's coffin!"

Tomb dust in a gray robe, the body trembling slightly, his face flushed with excitement.

"Hee hee, the first emperor coffin is about to be born, then, will it bring a chance to future generations? The answer will be announced soon."

Qing Mengmeng's pair of big eyes with water spirits stared at the huge golden beam of light in the sky as if they wanted to eat the golden beam directly.

Qin Yi, Yan Meiniang, and Murong Xian'er were also **** and staring at the huge golden beam, especially Yan Meiniang and Murong Xian'er, who had two large seats of considerable size on their chests. The ups and downs of the waves are rippling with fascinating waves.

Of course, at this time, no one will pay attention to this, so people's attention has been deeply attracted by the golden pillar.

"Xiandi coffin is about to be born!"

Under the ancient emperor's peak, there was an exclamation immediately.

Those strong practitioners who were fighting each other stopped for a while and stood there, looking at the huge golden pillar of light on the ancient emperor peak.

With the appearance of the huge golden pillar of light, an extremely ancient atmosphere also diffused, and instantly, every inch of space here was filled, making it seem as if it had fallen into a piece of fairy ancient time and space.

Around the ancient emperor peak, the fighting between those cultivators was too tragic, and it took less than an hour to fight wildly, and nearly one hundred cultivators have fallen, with corpses everywhere.

The ground beneath them is broken, and the **** smell in the air is intertwined with the ancient atmosphere.

"Xiandi coffin is coming soon!"

Holding the ancient bronze spear, the son of Jiulong looked quietly at the huge golden pillar of light on the ancient emperor's peak, and his unusually pale face.

Beside him, the Lord Silver Snow, Lord Shura, Lord Seven Kills, Lord Lord Thunder, also stopped fighting, standing there, gazing vigorously at the huge golden beam on the ancient emperor peak.

"Paralyzed, this momentum is really not ordinary!"

Lord Feng Lei stared at the huge pillar of golden light with a fanatical look, saying, "Master Jiulong, let's rush to the ancient emperor peak, see this situation, the first emperor's coffin will come out soon, we only have to rush to the ancient emperor peak first, To take the lead. "

"Push me!"

As soon as the voice of Lord Feng Lei fell, the son of Jiulong turned the bronze spear in his hand directly into a residual image, and rushed towards the ancient emperor peak on the sky.

Uh, uh, uh, uh!

Lord Silver Snow, Lord Shura, Lord Seven Kills, Lord Lord Thunder, also did not dare to be negligent, following the footsteps of the son of Jiulong, and quickly swept towards the ancient emperor peak.

"The Jiulong son of Sun Moon Goddess, they have taken the lead to rush to the ancient emperor peak!"


"Xiandi coffin, Laozi is here!"


With the action of the son of Jiulong, the other practitioners immediately noticed that there was a cry of shouts all around the ancient Emperor Peak, and all the practitioners turned into a stream of mansions from all directions. The ancient emperor peak swept away at a rapid speed.

That scene was quite spectacular.

The four sides of the ancient emperor peak are cliffs, like a knife, straight up and down, there is no place to stand.

However, the volume of the ancient emperor peak is extremely large, and there is no doubt that the top has an extremely broad ground. These cultivators must undoubtedly rush to the top of the ancient emperor peak in order to obtain the chance of the first emperor coffin.

However, they have not yet reached the top of the ancient emperor peak, but the fierce battle broke out again, and the cultivators are on the half waist of the ancient emperor peak, and the crazy fight together.

"The strongest here is the son of Jiulong and they, as long as we suppress them, we will have the opportunity to get the coffin of the first emperor!",

During the fierce battle, someone heard a loud scream, and the voice was so loud that even Qin Yi, who was tens of thousands away, could really hear it.


With the loud roar, dozens of practitioners suddenly came from the west to the five sons of Jiulong.

"Exterminate them for me!"

Facing cultivators coming from all directions, the son of Jiulong was exasperated, and the eyes of a pair of vultures were full of crazy killing intentions.


The four Lords of Silver Snow, Lord Shura, Lord Seven Kills and Lord Thunder, instantly spread out from the side of the son of Kowloon and rushed to the four directions respectively.

The top four masters of the Sun and Moon God Church, under full attack, the fighting power is really terrifying to the soul of people, they can't help but want to fight.

Especially the Silver Snow Lord, the head of the four great Lords, her whole person has been fully integrated into the silver sword with a length of tens of feet. After struggling, she can instantly blow the other party into a blood mist and combat power. Strong, imaginable.

In just a few moments, the dozens of cultivators were slaughtered by the four holy masters. The corpses dropped from the waist of the ancient emperor peak, and the air was covered with blood and mist, filled with strong Bloody.

The figure of the Four Great Lords flashed back to the side of the son of Jiulong, arranged in the shape of "mouth", and protected the son of Jiulong tightly in the middle.


Mr. Jiulong ’s face was terrified, and he snorted coldly, with an incomparable bird-like look: "A group of things that do not know anything about life and death, but also want to suppress me, it is really ridiculous! Do not slaughter you with the most powerful means , How can I show the majesty of Sun and Moon God religion? "


The son of Jiulong waved his hand: "Let's go up, but I want to see, who can stop my pace?"

The five did not delay, and continued to plunder to the top of the ancient emperor peak. During the plunder, the position of the four main sacred places remained unchanged, forming a "mouth" shape to protect the son of Jiulong tightly.

The son of Jiulong is the son of Jiuhuang, and he is also a super genius. He is the future leader of the Sun and Moon Church. The four of them are naturally obliged to protect him. Once there is something wrong with the son of Jiulong, return to the Sun and Moon Church , Jiuhuang will no doubt blame.

At this moment, the four holy lords were silent. Everyone's face was completely murdered. They didn't believe it. This time, their top five masters of the Sun and Moon gods all shot together. Who really is here? Can stop their pace!

This fierce battle is really too tragic. So far, hundreds of original cultivators have been killed or injured by more than half.

Speaking of it, human psychology is sometimes strange. Originally, there were many people here, who came from a real view of the first emperor's coffin, but somehow, they were finally involved in this tragic fight. .

The six people of Qin Yi and his party were always standing on the top of the hill, watching the tragic melee from afar.

This situation is obviously that they must shoot at the last moment. Now, it is not the time to shoot.

Rumble ...

Suddenly a dull sound came from Gu Difeng's belly, as if there was something in the belly of Gu Difeng, rising slowly.

Hearing this dull sound, those practitioners who did not die in the fierce battle and were rushing up the speed around the ancient emperor peak, including the five sons of Jiulong, were all stunned. The look was extremely fanatical.

"This is the rhythm of the first emperor's coffin!"

"Mother, Xiandi coffin is really coming out!"


"Stop me, die!"


The cultivators all around boiled all at once, rushing up regardless of everything, and of course, in the full sprint, they forgot to kill each other!

Cultivating the world is really crazy!

The son of Jiulong stared like a torch, staring at the top of the ancient emperor's peak, and under the protection of the four holy masters, he rushed up crazy and rushed up.

The four holy lords around him, just like using a strangling machine, all cultivators who rushed to kill them and struck them down were all strangled by them.

However, from the outbreak of the fierce battle to the present, the five sons of Jiulong, the seven ghosts of the Bloody Gate, and the two saints of the Yongye Holy Pilgrimage have not met.

The thoughts of these three parties are actually clear at a glance, that is, they should try not to meet each other, save their strength, wait until the last moment, and then attack with all their strength to try to kill the other party.

At a certain moment.


A sad voice of breaking the sky.

I saw a very pale green awn, towards the son of Jiulong, who was tightly protected by the four holy masters, and spurted it violently, reaching the limit of speed.


Mr. Jiulong only felt a sudden pain in his temple.

That was caused by a powerful and sharp murderous impact!

He subconsciously tilted his head, a green awn, just past his facade, passing by.

At the next moment, a red line suddenly appeared on the forehead of Jiulong Jiong. Immediately afterwards, Yin Hong's blood flowed out.

Just one line away, he penetrated the head of Jiulong Ji directly!

This blow is too fast!

Even the four holy Lords who protected him tightly did not react for a while.

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