The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 2186: Black market killer

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In addition, they also learned that Yan Meiniang was the reincarnation of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient Great Emperor. This news is very important.

Next, the two no longer delayed, immediately left the cave, unfolded at a rapid speed, and headed towards the Northern Territory.

This next journey will not be too peaceful. The Sun Moon Church is trying to kill Qin Yi with all his strength. At this point, they have already been psychologically prepared.

"Bum ..."

Qin Yi urged his left hand to draw out spiritual consciousness and enveloped a full range of 200,000 square feet. Any strong man of Sun and Moon Goddess, once he broke into this range, he could perceive it as soon as possible.

In addition, Yan Meiniang took out the beast soul map and showed it in the air.

"Puff!" "Puff!" "Puff!" ...

Six Lingwu, when rushing out from the picture of the beast soul, swept away in six directions.

As soon as he rushed into the air, the six Lingwus burned up at the same time, and turned into six groups of flames. After a few blinks, they disappeared into the sky.

"The flying range of these six Lingwu is definitely far more than 200,000 square meters, but their exploration is not as subtle as your spiritual knowledge."

Yan Meiniang put the beast soul map into the ring, and clapped her slim hands: "This is double insurance, well, let's go on."

Although the cultivation of both of them has already broken through the middle of Emperor Dao's Eight Realms, and it is already regarded as the pinnacle of Emperor Dao, they still dare not have the slightest care in the face of the full attack of the Sun and Moon Gods.

Do n’t forget that the Sun and the Moon religion is a force second only to the Yongye Holy Pilgrimage. It ’s terrifying. I can imagine that now such a force is fighting Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang with all their strength. For the spirit jade on Qin Yi, it is bound to be obtained.

Fortunately, Qin Yi ’s possession of the Spirit Jade is known only to the Sun and Moon Gods and the Phoenix Ancient Clan. The Phoenix Phoenix is ​​a friend of Qin Yi and does not have the idea of ​​playing the Spirit Jade. If the door and the Yongye pilgrimage are also known, they will certainly not let such a baby go easily.

At that time, their situation is absolutely ten thousand times more dangerous than it is now!

This is a lucky luck!

One day later.

Yan Meiniang took back six Lingwu at the same time and browsed the pictures they had taken one by one.

"Meiniang, what is the current situation, did you find the whereabouts of the Sun Moon gods?"

Qin Yizi's eyes were slightly condensed, looking at the sky ahead. His spiritual consciousness was always in a state of dissemination, covering the two people with a radius of about 200,000 feet.

"Our trip to the Northern Territory was the last hope of the Sun and Moon God Church killing us. If no trace of the Sun and Moon God believers is found, that would be abnormal."

Raising her slender hand, Yan Meiniang habitually touched her clean and full forehead, and smiled a little helplessly.

"So, did you discover the whereabouts of the Sun Moon gods?"

Qin Yimeiyu, slightly slammed: "Let's talk, what is the situation?"

Yan Mei-niang flew the last spirit into the air again, and said slowly: "We have been surrounded by hundreds of people wearing black robes, and they should appear in your spiritual consciousness soon. "

"Isn't it a son of Kowloon?"

Qin Yi was slightly surprised.

"Kowloon son will definitely not show up at the beginning. They should send some cannon fodder to entangle us. When we are exhausted, the Kowloon boy will appear and then easily kill us."

Makes sense!

Wen Yan, Qin Yi ’s gaze, lightly lighted up, said suddenly: “Since they are all wearing black robes, then they are the black market killers of the Sun and Moon Church. I used to be in the fire, and the Sun and Moon Church was These killers are sent to chase me down. These killers are not necessarily very tall, but they have quite clever assassination methods. "

Yan Mei Niang nodded, frowned slightly, and groaned a little, saying: "Since they are so fast, they can find our whereabouts, that is to say, what should they have, can monitor our whereabouts, such as like Something like Lingwu. "

"This is not necessarily true."

Qin Yi shook his head and said, "Don't forget that the power of the Sun and Moon Religions spread all over the world of Xuanhuang. It is not difficult to understand our whereabouts."


Yan Mei Niang exhaled lightly: "Since the black market killer of the Sun and Moon gods has been siege to us, then, we are ready to fight!"

Between the words, her graceful and charming body was already surging, and she flipped her hand over, and took out the blue slender sword, holding it tightly.

With the removal of the blue war sword, a faint sword spirit followed from the body of the sword, revealing to Qin Yi's heart, an unstoppable leisurely breeding of a chill.

It can be clearly seen that after Yan Mei-niang's cultivation practice broke through to the middle of Emperor's Eight Realms, his strength was much stronger than before.

at this time.

Within Qin Yi's spiritual consciousness, hundreds of shadows suddenly appeared, looting from both sides towards them both.

The shape of these people is very strange, like a plume of black smoke, as if they were hundreds of ghosts, rushing towards them.

Sure enough, it is the black market killer of Sun and Moon Shinto!

Perceiving these black shadows that plundered from all directions, Qin Yi was clear. The figures of these people were exactly the same as those of the Sun and Moon **** black market killers he encountered in the fire.

Qin Yi had long taught the means of the Sun and Moon gods to teach black market killers. He could only describe it as a ghost. On the same day, Nine Fire Mysteries could kill dozens of black market killers in one fell swoop, but they used one by one. the way.

Although these black market killers of Sun and Moon gods may not be able to perform teleportation, their speed is not inferior to teleportation.

"The black market killer of the Sun and Moon gods has appeared in the range of my spiritual consciousness."

Qin Yi flipped his hand and took the smoke cloud spear out. In a blink of an eye, he entered a state of battle.

The space around him suddenly swayed with the blast of air from his body, and even made a small sound of "Peng".

He knew very well that once he was entangled by the black market killer of Sun and Moon gods, he would not be able to escape, only to face the battle!

Therefore, he simply stood with Yan Mei Niang in place, waiting for the arrival of the black market killers of Sun and Moon gods.

"There are three of these hundreds of Sun and Moon gods’ black market killers who have cultivated their behaviors. I am afraid that they have at least broken through to the Eight Realms of Emperor Dao. The three of them are particularly prominent in their hundreds of killers. . "

Through spiritual knowledge, Qin Yi seriously perceives the hundreds of Sun-Moon religious black market killers. Although these killers are unbelievably fast and their body style is extremely strange, Qin Yi can still perceive them as real Eagerly.

Do n’t forget that everything that is covered by Qin Yiling ’s consciousness, in Qin Yi ’s view, will be more than twice as slow as normal speed.

Yan Mei-niang said nothing but listened carefully.

After a pause, Qin Yi continued: "These three people should be the leaders of the sun-moon **** black market killer. If I haven't guessed wrong, they have a total of three rudders, and the three people are the three generals. The helm, and the current situation, it should be the black market killer of the Sun and Moon gods, and he came out of the nest ...

"Even the black market killers are coming out of the nest. The determination of the Sun and Moon Goddess to kill us this time and fight for the spirit jade is obvious."

Qin Yi sighed and said: "Now, the three masters are not together, but in the shape of 'Pin'. They are rushing towards us very quickly. They arranged this way, obviously to prevent us from escaping. "

"Since this organization has come out to chase and kill us, we will take advantage of this opportunity to dissolve this organization."

Yan Meiniang ’s beautiful and extremely beautiful eyes swelled with a sense of killing. The words spoken in her mouth had become a bit cold, and slowly said: "At that time, the masters of the three black market killers We must beheaded, as long as these three people are beheaded, then their organization will naturally collapse.

The black market, in the early years, was actually a separate killer organization, but it was later taught by the Sun and Moon Gods and eventually became part of the Sun and Moon Gods.

The black market was equally terrible when it was not taught by the Sun and Moon Gods. Their whereabouts were secret and their means were fierce, but their position was neutral, and they never recognized money but people, as long as they could afford the price, Anyone can ask them to work.

The Nine Wilds of the Sun and Moon Religions in those days were only after seeing the results of the black market, and they were fully engaged.

After becoming part of the Sun Moon religion, Jiuhuang divided them into three rudders. The settlements of these three rudders are very hidden. Even Jiuhuang may not be able to find them. Only when they are asked to do things will they be special. Way to contact them.

The speed of the black market killer is extremely fast, and their body shape appears in the sight of Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang when the time of the two pillars is not enough.

Hundreds of black shadows came from all directions, rushing towards them both at a rapid speed. Each black shadow was like a ghost. These hundreds of killers rushed over without even making the slightest noise, even The shocking spatial fluctuations are extremely weak, and it is extremely difficult to notice them without knowing them in advance.

The hundreds of black market killers and the weapons in their hands are not as diverse as the black market killers that Qin Yi encountered in the fire field in the past, but all the ink swords.

It can be inferred from this that the hundreds of black market killers in front of us should be more advanced than the black market killers who assassinated Qin Yi in the fire area that day.

Among these hundreds of shadows, there are three shadows, the speed and body style are particularly prominent, rushing to the forefront, a few twists of the figure, rushing out of thousands of feet.

Obviously, these three shadows are the three rudder masters in the black market.

"These black market killers are really strong!"

Looking around, the hundreds of black shadows that came to them quickly, the eyes of Yan Meiniang, slightly condensed, and the blue war sword in his hand, under the instillation of her profound energy, instantly Soaring to tens of feet long, blue mansions surging, sword energy.

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