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"One of the three sun and moon gods in the front is an old man. This old man has the highest cultivation level, and at least all of them have broken through the realm of emperor and the eight realms. They are two middle-aged men, and their cultivation practices are very high. "

Qin Yi carefully sensed the front with the spiritual consciousness. The breath of the three Sun and Moon gods revealed to Yan Meiniang their situation.

Yan Mei Niang frowned, listening carefully.

"As for the weapons of the three men, the old man used a wooden sword. From his wooden sword weapon, this person looked like a Taoist disciple, and the weapons of the two middle-aged men were Two **** swords. "

The three Sun and Moon religious believers in the front came very fast. Between Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang, they had already arrived within 100,000 feet of them.

"They are about to kill, let's welcome them."

Qin Yi turned the palm of his hand, took out the smoke cloud spear, held it tightly in his hand, and immediately shook it with Yan Meiniang, and immediately unfolded it and disappeared in place.

At the next moment, the two of them have appeared tens of thousands of feet away.

In their sight, three figures were looting towards them, impacting the air in front of them turbulently, like a water surface, a circle of ripples appeared.

With the appearance of Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang, the three fast-going Sun and Moon Christians in front of them all couldn't help but stunned, and the three people's shapes also suddenly stopped.

"Looking at this posture, the two of you are Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang who are going to be killed by the Sun and Moon God Church?"

Looking at Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang in front of him, the old man's eyes slightly condensed, and he slowly took the wooden sword on his back with his backhand.

Although it was a wooden sword, there was a strong sword gas above the sword body.

And the two middle-aged men around him also subconsciously gripped the sword in their hands.

The swords of the two men are very wide. Even under normal circumstances, they are both up to two feet wide, and the length is up to ten feet, and the end is extremely powerful.

A red flame raged on one of the blades, and a blue flame raged on the blade of the other.

From the weapons of these two men, it can be seen that they are a combination, and usually, the combat power of a combination is increased geometrically compared with the combat power of a single person.

"Yes, I am Qin Yi, and the one next to me is Yan Mei Niang."

The Yan Meiniang beside Qin Yizhao spread her hands, all over her face, with a light, unhurried smile from beginning to end.

"Well, the two of us are Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang, who are going to be killed with all your strength."

Yan Meiniang on the side also smiled and nodded her head, then she raised the blue war sword in her hand slowly, and pointed to the three people in front: "Since it is installed here, then, just Do n’t talk nonsense, let ’s see if you three have the ability to kill both of us? ”

"We are not capable of beating you. I'm not sure. What I can be sure is that the three of us will go all out. The mission given to us by the gods, even if it's going up the hill and the sea of ​​fire, we're all going.

The old man holding the wooden sword said lightly, the eyes shot in his eyes slowly became unusually determined.

The two middle-aged men beside him also subconsciously lifted their chests, and the faces of the two also showed a firm color.

Seeing the appearance of the three of them, Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang all sighed in their hearts. The three people in front of them really are not sincerely sincere to the Sun and Moon Church, and they do not know the Sun and Moon Church In the end, what method was used to brainwash them, so that they could solicit so many strong practitioners and swear allegiance to them!

"Meiniang, the old man, I will hand it over to you, and the remaining two middle-aged men will hand it over to me. Is there a problem?"

Qin Yi raised the smoke cloud spear, pointed at the three Sun Moon gods in front, and said to Yan Mei Niang.

In terms of individual strength, the two middle-aged men are certainly not as powerful as the old man, but do n’t forget that the two middle-aged men are obviously a combination, so these two middle-aged men joined forces The combat strength should be a lot stronger than that old man.

"no problem."

Yan Mei-niang nodded her beautiful head, and she still had a certain degree of confidence in her strength since the breakthrough from cultivation to the mid-term of the eight emperors.

"It's a big talk!"

Hearing their conversation, one of the two middle-aged men shouted angrily: "We want to see, how powerful are the people who have been playing around with the son of Kowloon?"

After he finished speaking, he saw his hand wave: "Go!"


The two middle-aged men stomped their feet on the ground at the same time, and the huge force directly stomped the ground like a spider web.

With the help of this huge stomping force, the two middle-aged men turned into two afterimages and looted towards Qin Yi. During the looting, their swords were soaring in an instant. When he was more than ten feet long, the blue and red flames kept surging, revealing a murderous intention.

Looking at the two middle-aged men who rushed at the speed, Qin Yi's eyes slightly condensed, turned his left hand, and took out the skeleton weapon. The skeleton weapon was dark and surging with a faint light Black energy makes people feel a little desperate.

Seeing that Qin Yi suddenly took out the humanoid weapon again, and the two weapons were held tightly in the hands, one left and one right. Two middle-aged men rushed to the general figure, and they could not help but have a meal. A trace of dignity.

They could feel that the humanoid weapon was extremely extraordinary, and they were afraid of having a terrible lethality. In a trance, they even had the illusion that this skeleton weapon came from hell.

At this time, a strong space airflow suddenly came in. Qin Yi turned to look and found that Yan Meiniang and the old man had already got their hands together.

As he had expected, the old man was indeed a disciple of Taoism, and the wooden sword in his hand was constantly moving, and above the tip of the sword, there was a yin and yang gossip map. When it appeared, there was only a small point, but at the moment of flying out, the diameter suddenly rose to several feet, and the speed of rotation, with a monstrous killing intention, beheaded to Yan Meiniang.

Such a scene is very weird, and it looks dazzling.

And the blue war sword in Yan Meiniang's hands has already soared to tens of feet, and he has been swiftly chopping between the rooms, slashing the Yin and Yang gossip pictures one by one.

It can be clearly seen that Yan Meiniang has now been transformed into the body of the emperor, and Xiuwei has broken through to the middle of the Eight Realms of Emperor Dao. His strength is more than a little bit stronger than before.

Ning Yi watched for a while, Qin Yi nodded his head, and completely rested his mind, Yan Mei Niang was no danger against this old man, Yan Mei Niang's strength was obviously stronger than him.

The two middle-aged men saw the battle between the old man and Yan Meiniang, but the two men passed a bit of bitterness on their faces.

A middle-aged man gritted his teeth and said to another middle-aged man: "Andor Chang has no hope. Lu Qi, this battle can only be watched by us."


The middle-aged man named Lu Qi stared at Qin Yi in front of his face, and his face was full of perseverance: "Tang Wu, we were born as gods, ghosts as gods, now the gods want We beheaded these two people, and even if we were to die, we will also beheaded these two people. "

"Sad loyalty!"

Hearing the words of the two of them, he shook his head a little bit helplessly. Anyone would be afraid of death, but the two middle-aged men in front of him clearly realized that they were not their own. The opponent may die in the next battle, but they still swear to death, which makes Qin Yi a little puzzled.

"Qin Yi, I know you are very strong, otherwise you would n’t use the son of Jiulong as a monkey repeatedly. Not long ago, on the ancient emperor peak, the son of Jiulong brought the four holy lords of the gods to his side. , But you are still being played around by you, letting the five of them go empty-handed, but you wo n’t know one thing, that is faith. "

The middle-aged man named Tang Wu said coldly.


Qin Yi heard, he could not help but stunned, and immediately touched his nose: "In my opinion, faith is false, if you do not obey the command, it is true that the Sun and Moon God Church will let you live better than die."

In addition to this possibility, Qin Yi couldn't think of any circumstances that would allow a person to know so well that he might die, but he went without hesitation.

Hearing Qin Yi's words, both middle-aged men were slightly startled. The middle-aged man named Lu Qi suddenly became very angry and waved his hand: "Say more, Tang Wu, let's go ! "

The two no longer talk nonsense, each holding more than a dozen long swords in their hands, looting toward Qin Yi, and during the looting, the two of them split the swords in the air, red and blue. Daomang, it is from the two men's swords, and it comes out through it, and they are instantly brought together to form a huge blue and red knifemand.


The huge blue-and-red sword-man's blade was so full that he cut out the stern voice of emptiness and slashed towards Qin Yi. When he came over, Qin Yi in front was shocked by his clothes and hunting, and his black hair was all backwards, and there was a rolling wave.

Qin Yi's eyes suddenly froze, looking at the Baizhang Daoman, who was swiftly hacking, and the whole person stood proudly, unmoving.

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