The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 2200: Beast Knight

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On the spacious streets of Xingzong City, the pedestrians had already run away without a trace, and they did not know where to hide.

Most of the residents here are just civilians, and there is nothing to do. If they do n’t run, only Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang will be able to blast them into the scum through the turbulent waves of the fierce battle between them.

Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang stood there proudly, each raising their weapons slowly, pointing away.

Both of them had a drop of red blood on their weapons, which fell silently on the ground.

Austin, the host of Xingzong City, sat on the back of a huge white monster, looking at the ground, the ice king split into two petals by Yan Meiniang's sword, and blinked incredulously.

Ice King, in this city of Xingzong, is a god-like existence. Thousands of years ago, his majestic battle with a strange beast is still vivid in his eyes, as if it happened yesterday.

However, one such existence was killed by the two in front of him in two or three strikes, or split into two pieces with a sword!

After a while, Austin had recovered from the extreme consternation. For a time, the anger was agonizing, and the muscles on his face kept pumping and moving.

They are also members of the Sun Moon God Church, and the Ice King helped Xingzong City to kill a large number of strange beasts thousands of years ago. The friendship between the two is naturally not shallow, but now, the Ice King has been split into two pieces by a sword. This fact is hard for him to accept.

"You two boys, today's ending, there is only one, that is, the broken corpse, the soul is drawn away, smelted into my weapon, eternal life becomes a part of my weapon, and there will be no more days!"

Austin's words spit out as if it had been frozen for thousands of years.


Qin Yi couldn't hold back and laughed directly and shook his head: "Many people have said this to us, but they all died in the end. I said can you stop so much nonsense?"

It was heard that Austin's mouth twitched obviously, with a long knife in his hand, and he suddenly waved: "Take me to crush them!"

"Boom!" "Boom!" ...

With his order, the soldiers around him urged the crotch and the huge snow-white beast, waved their long swords, and rushed to death.

When those snow-white beasts ran up, their hoofs were off the ground, and their speed was surprisingly fast. In a blink of an eye, they were thousands of feet away and rushed around Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang.

The long knives in the hands of these soldiers were also specially made. Many of the knives were connected together. When they were suddenly cut out, all the knives were stretched out and reached a full length. When the knives were closed, they quickly retracted and changed. It became an ordinary long knife, which looked quite magical.


Hundreds of long swords with a length of hundreds of feet, from the outside of Baizhang, headless and faceless towards the center of Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang, cut down quickly, a long handle with a sharp handle, shining in the sun With the white flowers and thorns, a monstrous murderous intention is revealed.

Hundreds of long swords, in the blink of an eye, completely drowned Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang.

Just the next moment.

"Give me!"

There was a scream of anger, and suddenly from the dense long knife, it came out.

Immediately afterwards, a pounding air wave came from beneath the dense long knife, and suddenly burst into the air, impacting all directions.


The dense long knives all around could not withstand the impact of this wave of waves. The long knife with a shank was shocked into many cuts.

The two white shadows also followed, and Huo Ran was Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang.

"The thief catches the king first, Austin, take your life!"

In the cold sound, Yang Yu held a straight line with the smoke cloud spear, heading a thousand feet away, Austin, who was riding on the back of a snow-white monster, spurted away, as fast as a meteor.

"Buzz ..."

The smoke cloud spear was violently trembling, with a monstrous killing intention. The pressure from the spear penetrated the surrounding space, violently floating, as if it might break apart at any time.

With the stabbing of his gun, Austin, in the distance, suddenly had a sharp pain on his chest, as if a cloud of guns thousands of feet away had penetrated his chest.

"Stop him!"

Austin panicked and hurriedly shouted: "Bronze walls and iron walls!"


Thousands of monster beast knights, daring not to be neglected, moved and shuttled in a blink of an eye, just in front of Qin Yi, standing in a row, with a long knife in their hands, all moving forward, forming a "copper wall and iron wall" ", Protected Austin.

"These monsters are really well trained!"

Looking at the front, the densely packed beast soldiers, Qin Yimeiyu, slightly twitched, and the violent figure also couldn't help but follow a slight meal.

Just a moment after his meal, Yan Meiniang rushed over to Qin Yi ’s side and stood with Qin Yi. The blue long sword in her hand had already skyrocketed to dozens of feet. Move, Jian Qi vertical and horizontal.

"We rushed together and beheaded Austin!"

Yan Mei-niang's suffocating beautiful eyes showed murderous intention, and the words spitting out of her mouth were extremely cold.

As long as they are Sun and Moon gods, they will never be weak.

"it is good!"

Qin Yi nodded, and in his chest, he instantly ignited a tremendous fighting will.


The two no longer have the slightest delay, immediately holding their respective weapons, and rushed towards the densely beast knight in front.

"Ping Pong Ping Pong!"

In an instant, Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang were fighting with the thousands of strange beast knights.

The cultivation of these monster knights is actually not too high, but the huge snow-white monster under them also has a certain combat power, which is no less than the general wild monsters, and the number is an integer. thousand.

Therefore, even if the cultivation practices of Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang are close to the peak of Emperor's Dao, it will be impossible to disrupt these thousands of strange animal knights at one and a half times.


Thousands of strange animal knights urged the crotch and the next strange animal to make a rush, which formed a majestic torrent, and the entire Xingzong city was shaken violently!

Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang were trapped among dense knights of strange animals. The dozens of feet of arms in their hands opened wide and fought wildly, but in a moment, there were hundreds of knights together with their bodies. The snow-white beasts below were beheaded and killed.

The bones are everywhere, the blood is flowing into the river, and the air is filled with a strong smell of blood, and the smoke is almost vomiting.

The entire Xingzong city has become a **** on earth!

"Smash these two boys!"

In the distance, Austin saw Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang continually beheading the knight and the beast, his eyes were cracked, his madness was exposed, and his sword roared.


A huge shadow intertwined!

Even if there are hundreds of huge snow-white monsters, they rushed up suddenly, lifted up their broad hooves, and stepped **** Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang.

The light above Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang suddenly dimmed.

"Grass, why is it so fierce, really ... rare to see!"

Qin Yi raised his head, and saw that there was a dense and wide sole above his head, and he suddenly opened his mouth in amazement, and sighed.

"dash forward!"

The Yan Mei Niang beside him, but with a clear drink, a finger of dozens of feet of blue war sword in his hand, and Qin Yi both skyrocketed into the sky. A snow-white monster over the sky.


Where was the snow-white beast above his head that could resist the two of them while rushing, and suddenly that huge body exploded into a piece of sky-shredded flesh and fell down one after another.

"Damn it, kill me, I will destroy you!"

An angry cry came.

It was the knight on the back before the monster exploded. As the monster exploded, he also fell down from the air, but only halfway down. He stopped his body again, and the long knife in his hand was facing hard. Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang split.

Yan Mei-niang didn't look at her face, her dozens of feet of blue war sword suddenly cut back.


In the blue sword-mantle burst, it was easy to cut the crazy knight into two pieces, which was easier than harvesting straw.

At the same moment, Qin Yi suddenly grabbed Yan Meiniang's arm with one hand, and rushed out of the hole that appeared after the beast exploded.

The two stood in the air, lowered their heads and glanced down, only to see hundreds of huge beasts, unable to hold back for a while, their broad hooves stepped on.


The countless wide hoofs stepped on the ground together, shaking the mountain and shaking, and the ground within a thousand feet immediately cracked like a spider web and continued to extend forward.

"Miss, look at me!"

Looking at the hundreds of huge beasts below, Qin Yi smiled faintly, and then suddenly raised his right hand, and a golden giant palm print condensed with palm strength appeared instantly, and hundreds of heads appeared below. All the huge beasts shrouded in.

"Hoo ..."

The Jinguang giant palm print roll with a gust of wind slammed down.


Hundreds of huge beasts, including those knights on their backs, were all flipped to the ground.

this is……

Austin in the distance, as well as other knights of the beast, could not help but stunned at the scene, blinking in disbelief on the back of the beast.

With one palm, hundreds of huge beasts and the knights on their backs were all turned to the ground. Such a momentum is really too vast, it is unreal as dreaming!

The huge beasts and knights who were photographed on the ground were all forced together. For a moment, they were stunned there. I didn't know what happened, but I felt a buzz in my head.

"One more palm!"

Qin Yili was in the air, looking at the beasts and knights lying on the ground below, raised his right hand again, and a golden palm imprint with his palm strength suddenly appeared again, followed by a gust of wind, and shot hard. Go on.

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