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Shizhou's face was ashamed, after all, he was a little afraid of the identity of Princess Taiping, and he dared not make it.

Immediately, Shizhou came to Yang Shiqi lazily again, eyes hot. Yang Shiqi is not inferior to Princess Taiping, but she does not have the status of a princess. This makes Shizhou less worrying.

"You dare to move her a finger, I will let you lie on the ground, can't get up in three days!"

A faint voice came slowly from Yang Shiqi's side.

Shizhou was stunned, and then noticed Yang Shiqi's side. There was also a handsome young man. The faint words came from the mouth of the handsome young man.

The young boy's face was light and windy, and there was a trace of obvious contempt between the eyebrows!

"Boy, it's arrogant."

Shizhou put his hands on his hips and looked like Dang Er Lang, looking at Qin Yi with a little surprise.

The new entry disciples all around saw this scene, and suddenly his face became a little fanatical, and even some people rubbed their hands in excitement.

Qin Yi ’s combat strength, these new entry disciples, are all in their hearts. In the second pass of the entrance examination, the “Bronzemen Pass”, they defeated the top nine bronze men in succession, but only lost the last bronze man. Strength, defeating Shizhou, should have little problem.

Even the noble Princess Taiping and the beautiful eyes are slightly bright, exquisite face, with a pleasant smile.

"Go to war, defeat him! Get ahead of our new group of disciples to let them know that we are not easy to bully."

Many disciples who are new to entry, cry out in their hearts, and for a moment, they only feel the blood boiling in their bodies.

"I was born so arrogant!"

Qin Yi smiled faintly, and looked at Shizhou, still a cloud of light and a light face.


Sure enough arrogant!

Everyone present was dumbfounded.

The corner of Shizhou's mouth lightly smoked, and a look of annoyance gradually appeared on his face, but he was keenly aware that both Qin Yi and Yang Shiqi had a faint breath.

Especially the silver-haired boy next to him, who was laughing, but in his eyes, there was a crazy fighting spirit faintly burning.

"Boy, do you want to make a start for this new group of disciples? Okay, let's wait and see. I will step on you in the future!"

After all, Shizhou was a bit afraid of Qin Yi and the three of them. After leaving this, they left angrily.

He speculated that he could easily defeat Qin Yi, and Qin Yi's cultivation was not high. He could feel it, but he had some doubts about fighting Qin Yi, Yang Shiqi and Long Yan, especially Long Yan, who was all over Up and down, there was a faint madness in his breath. He felt that this person was a little uncomfortable.


Seeing Shizhou leave, everyone was disappointed for a while, and felt it was a pity. I wanted to take a good look at the scene of Shizhou being beaten. Whoever thought that this Shizhou was a little vigilant, just left.

"Qin Yi, why did you leave him like that? Take the opportunity to teach him a good meal, how good it should be."

Feng Yu came to Qin Yi and said unwillingly.

He cultivated as the first among the new disciples, but he had to admit that his fighting power was far inferior to Qin Yi.

Qin Yi smiled lightly, didn't say much, stopped staying and turned back to his house.

He just didn't care about the collision with Shizhou. These are normal phenomena. No matter which sect, when he first entered, he will be oppressed by some old disciples.

When he first entered the Lingyu Gate in the past, Guang Yonggao also tried every means to oppress and humiliate himself.

His goal was to suppress Makita, or even to suppress the real people who worshipped the immortals, and finally rushed to the Kyushu Holy See. For people like Shizhou who can't even play a role, he would not care.

After exhaling lightly, Qin Yi began to prepare for cultivation.

His ancestors transferred out two martial arts, "Lingfeng Palm" and "Vajra Heart Sutra", and cultivated them seriously.

"Lingfeng Palm" is an extremely stunning advanced martial arts. If you practice the fourth level, you will crush the boulders with your palms, hurt people from the air, and the palm shape can break the space of five feet.

The "Vajra Heart Sutra" is also a pretty good defensive martial art. If you practice at the peak of the Fifth Realm, you are like iron and steel. Even if you throw it into magma and melt it for thousands of years, it will not melt.

Today, Qin Yi also uses "Vajra Heart Sutra" to practice the first half of the four realms. If he completely cultivates to the fourth realm, he completely ignores the attacks below Xuan Dao, and his body can block the army of millions without damage.

It's just that "Vajra Heart Sutra" is extremely difficult to practice. It's totally smelting the body with mysterious qi. The pain that the body is smelted is absolutely inferior to purgatory.

Qin Yi first transferred out "Lingfeng Palm" to practice. After memorizing the practice of "Lingfeng Palm" several times, he began to stand up, came to the center of the stone house, and began to drill according to the palm track.

The stone house inhabited by the disciples is not small enough for outside disciples to practice palm techniques or boxing techniques, and the walls made of stones can withstand energy waves that are not too violent as long as the exercise reveals energy live.


Qin Yi's serious exercise in "Lengfeng Palm" is discreet and meticulous.

The figure is like a leopard, extremely violent, and the palm is like a knife, and the palm strength is quite sharp. If it is not a stone house, then the strong palm strength, I am afraid that the house will be broken directly.

"Magic wind style!"

"Magic rain!"

"Magic Thunder!"


Qin Yi practiced the four major moves of "Lingfeng Palm" over and over again, tirelessly, and each type of action played will produce corresponding effects.

Magic wind style, a large blade of wind; Magic rain style, a large blade of rain condensed into a strong blade; Magic thunder, a thunderous sound unexplained in the space; Disillusion style, a large gray shadow of the world.

Every time he practiced ten times, Qin Yi felt his strength and strength.


After cultivating nearly a hundred times, Qin Yi finally stopped practicing and felt full of strength.

"Return to Life" is an auxiliary martial art that restores physical fitness and restores physique. Now he has developed this auxiliary martial arts into a great achievement, which can restore the consumed physical energy in an instant. At the moment, he played "Lingfeng Palm" hundreds of times, but he still didn't feel a little tired.

"If you practice at this rate, within a month, I should be able to practice" Lingfeng Palm "on the fourth level."

Qin Yi speculated that he was quite satisfied with this practice speed.

Leisurely, he remembered Makita again.

"I don't know at present, how important is Makita's martial art of" Lingfeng Palm "?"

Qin Yi's eyebrows fell slightly.

He estimated that the last time he used Lingfeng to suppress him, after entering the magic trail, with his extremely victorious nature, I was afraid that he would not give up "Lingfeng Palm" and would still practice madly and fight with himself. In the duel, he defeated himself again with "Lingfeng Palm" and found his place back.

Now, there is a real person who "immortals worship" personally instructs, Makita's progress, I am afraid that it will be a thousand miles a day.


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