The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 269: Challenge alternate inner disciples (Part 2)

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"Haha, that's right, what kind of storms do the crowds want to set off? I don't know how high it is!"

Some alternate inner disciples laughed happily.

And those ordinary outside disciples, how could they be like **** that were defeated, downcast, and even the fighting power of Chang You didn't make ten moves in Liang Ji's hands, they had completely lost their confidence.

"Huh, this group of alternate inner disciples, Qi Yan is really crazy, and I'm so angry."

Princess Taiping beside Qin Yi bulged with cheeks on both sides, said angrily.

Between Yang Shiqi and Long Yan, and Meiyu, there is also a touch of anger, but with their current strength, it is still difficult to challenge the success of the alternate inner disciples.

"Qin Yi, the level of your challenge is even stronger than that of Liang Ji."

Long Yan said with some concern.

Yang Shiqi and Princess Taiping were also worried about their faces.

Qin Yi's combat strength is strong, but there is no level of existence between the alternate inner disciples and ordinary outer disciples.

Qin Yi didn't say anything, just smiled slightly, his face light and soft.

He glanced slowly at Qiping on the opposite side, and saw Qiping was also moving towards him. His eyes were full of provocation. Looking at that look, it seemed as if he wished he could rush over to fight Qin Yi now.

"In the second challenge, ordinary disciples are always right. Challenge candidate inner disciple Liang Ji failed, and Liang Ji alternate inner disciple quota remains unchanged."

Lord Linghu Tang indifferently announced the result, and immediately shouted again: "In the third challenge, ordinary disciple Gong Zhongping, challenge the alternate disciple Ning Shengcan. Start!"

That Gong Zhongping was a teenager around the age of sixteen or seven, and Xiu Wei had also broken through to Taoism. However, the challenges of the first two ordinary disciples ended in failure. He had no confidence in his challenge.

"A kid with a hairy head who actually learns to challenge alternate disciples inside the door, I will not allow you ten moves, eight moves, enough!"

Alternate inner disciple Ning Shengcan was disdainful. When he stood there, he had an impeccable perfection. Gong Zhongping looked at it, and he was even less confident.

"Come on, Maotou!"

Ning Shengcan waved his hand towards Gong Zhongping. Gong Zhongping only had a scalp on his head and started a fierce battle with Ning Shengcan.

This is a battle without any suspense. As soon as the battle started, Gong Zhongping fell. Ning Shengcan suppressed him everywhere, and Gong Zhongping retreated.

Such battle scenes made ordinary disciples all sigh and could not bear to look at it again.

Those alternate inner disciples, however, are full of enthusiasm, and their faces are filled with a sense of joy. The gap between alternate inner disciples and ordinary disciples. Ordinary disciples want to challenge success, is destined to be an unrealistic topic.

The second-ranked Xin Tang, who lost all interest in such a challenge, put his eyes together and focused on closing his eyes and raising his mind. His opponent was Xue Bichen, and only Xue Bichen was eligible to receive his attention.

It's just a pity that today, Xue Bichen, who made all the disciples have to look up, didn't show up. For this reason, Xin Tang couldn't express his regret.

In the middle of the Yanwuchang, Gong Zhongping stumbled into Ning Shengcan's 7th and 8th styles. Ning Shengcan's big hand flicked, and a huge sect of internal power rushed towards Gongzhongping.

"Oh, uh!"

Gong Zhongping couldn't resist it at all. He stepped back and withdrew more than ten steps. He fell to the ground with a buttocks, his face was defeated, and he walked out of the field with frustration.

Challenge failed!

Throughout the field, there was a brief silence, and everyone was stunned, looking at each other.

The atmosphere was extremely depressing, and it was faintly breathless.

Challenge failed! Challenge failed! Challenge failed!

The three challenges have passed, and the results of the three challenges have all failed!

The ordinary outside disciples who were present all looked dull and almost frustrated to the extreme. Through today's challenge, they originally had those who also had a heart of challenge and no confidence at all.

On the contrary, the group of alternate inner disciples on the opposite side is full of fighting spirit. Such a challenge is too **** for them. A group of ignorant and thick children should be hit hard.

"The third challenge, ordinary disciple Gong Zhongping, challenged alternate inner disciple Ning Shengcan failed! Ning Shengcan's alternate inner disciple quota, unchanged."

Lord Linghu announced the result soon.

"Today's last challenge, ordinary disciple Qin Yi, challenged alternate inner disciple Qi Ping. Start!"

Lord Linghu announced the final challenge.

"Haha, it's finally my turn to play!"

As soon as the voice of Lord Linghu was dropped, a loud laughter came.

Immediately, I saw that Qi Ping, who ranked 13th on the ranking of outside disciples, slowly came to the center of Yanwuchang.

Stand still, Qi Ping's wild look like a beast, cast towards Qin Yi: "Boy, come here, I can't wait!"

Qi Ping's whole body was full of wild and sharp breath.

He has a tall figure and his skin is bronze-colored, as if cast with copper. It does not need to leak breath. The sense of oppression exuded from his whole body is enough to deter Xuan Dao masters.

The body like the diamond tower stood proudly there, which made people feel suffocated inexplicably.

"So strong!"

With Qi Ping's appearance, not to mention ordinary disciples, even those alternate inner disciples, their eyes are slightly warm.

Ranked 13th on the outside disciple list!

This is a number of alternate inner disciples, all of whom are looking up to the ranking, full of admiration and admiration.

"Barely OK!"

Xin Tang, who has been keeping his eyes closed and raising his mind, opened his eyes slowly at the moment, and looked at Qi Ping with a little interest.

"Haha, I heard that the one who challenged Qi Ping was a kid named Qin Yi? He challenged Qi Ping and his head was caught by the door?"

"Challenging Qiping is indeed pure looking for abuse, courage is commendable!"


Alternate inner disciples, talking happily.

They were very curious. How could that ordinary disciple named Qin Yi choose Qi Ping to challenge?

"This flush momentum is indeed quite good. When the inner disciples are selected, it is basically no problem to enter the inner gate."

Some high-level magical miracles, Ziping gave affirmation.

The ordinary outside disciples, however, looked more and more sad, even with a bit of bitterness. The first three challenges had failed. They no longer had any hope for Qin Yi's challenge. Although Qin Yi once defeated Shizhou by five strokes.

The Lord Linghu did not say anything, but in the eyes looking at Qin Yi, there was a slight interest, defeating the nine big copper men in a row, and the two big masters competing for each other. This young man must have something extraordinary.

"Qin Yi ..."

Yang Shiqi whispered, and her eyes were full of worry.

This book was first published in Reading


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