The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 276: Evaluation of medicinal materials (below)

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Ye Old Man froze slightly, and gave Qin Yi a strange look.

On the side of the Imei Alchemist and Princess Taiping, there is a faint shock on the face.

The question asked by Ye Old Man has actually been somewhat difficult. Without being very familiar with the Detailed Explanation of Medicinal Herbs, it is impossible to answer it at all.

"Huh, the content of rote memorization does not mean that you have already mastered" The Detailed Explanation of the Medicinal Materials "."

Old Man Ye snorted and continued to increase the difficulty of the question, and began to ask questions about alchemy: "You talk about the choice of alchemy medicinal materials and the matching with medicinal materials."

"Everything in the world, in fact, has its own unique attributes, and so are the medicinal materials. The medicinal materials with different attributes have different essences of medicinal power. At the same time, there are three relationships between attributes: attraction, Repel, neutralize. Choose medicinal materials to match, naturally you cannot choose medicinal materials with mutually exclusive attributes, you must choose attribute neutralization or attraction ... "

Qin Yi pondered the question slightly and answered the question fluently again.

"When refining the elixir, in addition to the selection and matching of medicinal materials, another very important issue is the control of elixir. You can talk about the relationship between medicinal materials and elixir control."

Old man Ye further increased the difficulty of the problem.

On the one hand, both the Imei Alchemy Master and Princess Taiping both opened their mouths in surprise. The question asked by Old Man Ye was actually quite harsh, not to mention the disciples like Qin Yi who had just started, even those who learned alchemy. The immortality boy for several years may not be able to answer.

Qin Yi frowned slightly, making a "contemplative" appearance.

Seeing him like this, Imelian was a princess of peace with peace, and he breathed a sigh of relief, finally stumping this kid, if he can answer this question, then he is a demon.

Unexpectedly, Qin Yi breathed out lightly.

"The medicinal herbs with strong attributes must be increased in danhuo, in order to refine their potency, and at the same time, the refining time cannot be too long, otherwise it is easy to produce waste dan. The medicinal herbs with mild attributes must not It does n’t smell hot, so it can maintain its power, and the refining process must be as long as possible, so that its essence can only be purified as possible. For the heat of the Danhuo, this involves another option. The problem with charcoal ... "

Qin Yi not only answered the questions fluently, but also made an inference.

Immortal alchemist and Princess Taiping heard petrification directly on their side. At the moment, no adjectives could describe the shock in their hearts.

Manager Ye was also stunned. Among his eyes, there was irresistible surprise and surprise.

You know, the question he just raised has reached the depth that the alchemist can only answer.

Qin Yi was able to answer it only after staying in the pharmacy for a few days. That is to say, in theory, Qin Yi became a "Pill Alchemist" in just a few days.

"Qin Yi, you answered very well. It turns out that the old man did not look away. You are indeed a super genius in alchemy."

Old Man Ye was very excited, with a strong sense of accomplishment on his face.

"Huh, guy, it's a thousand years of evil!"

Princess Taiping murmured quietly. Since she was a child, she thought she was a genius in alchemy, and was easily trampled by Qin Yi.

"Qin Yi, you can be involved in the alchemy field so deeply in just a few days, how did you do it?"

Imei Alchemist raised his own question.

At this moment, she even suspected that Qin Yi began to lie. He may have studied alchemy before.

It is impossible for Qin Yi to tell her the secret of his left hand, and said with a faint smile: "Maybe ... I am really an alchemy genius as Senior Ye said. . "

"Haha, kid, you finally admit that you are a alchemy genius? Very good!"

Director Ye smiled a long time, and his old arms were wide open.

In this way, under the persuasion of General Manager Ye, Qin Yi began to concentrate on following the alchemy master of Alchemy in the alchemy room, learning the alchemy for 15 days.

Now, Qin Yi has already mastered the theoretical knowledge of alchemy, and what he lacks is practical experience.

Any profession, with only theory but no practical experience, will not work, and will eventually become a mere talk.

This is especially true for advanced and direct alchemy. Many theoretical knowledge is easy to master, but it is not easy to apply to practice.

Take the control of danhuo, the theory is very simple, but in practice, the control of danhuo is actually a very demanding process. With a slight deviation, the danhuo is different. The refined elixir is also very different. .

In the first few days, the Yimei alchemy master was just called Qin Yi and Princess Taiping. He followed himself to fight, help to select medicinal materials, add charcoal to the Dan furnace and other things.

When it was determined that Qin Yi was indeed in the field of alchemy and had a surprising "talent", the Alchemy Master of the United States and the United States also saw him impressed. Any questions were explained patiently and without reservation.

Over the past few days, Qin Yi also accumulated some alchemy experience.

Now, Qin Yi is in the pharmacy during the day, following the alchemy master of Alchemy to learn alchemy. At night, he returns to the stone house and works hard to practice.

He has never forgotten that Xin Tang has already issued a war book to himself. With his current strength, Qin Yi does not think that he can beat the ranking of disciples outside the school without using the second form of "Seven Demon Forms". On the top, Xintang ranked second.

While Qin Yi was practicing while following Yimei Alchemy Master to learn how to make the Elixir, a thing he didn't know happened quietly ...

The night is dark and the wind is high. Somewhere in the magic trail is rare. There are two figures standing quietly in the night.

One of them was wearing a silver robe, and the other was wearing a white robe.

These two people are Xue Bichen, who is ranked first in the ranking of the disciples, and Xin Tang, who is ranked second.

"Xue Bichen, I haven't seen you for a few days, but I didn't expect you to have reached the middle of the state of Zongdao."

Looking at Qianli's white figure in front, Xin Tang's eyes were slightly warm, but more, but shocked and puzzled: "Are you intercepting me here, do you want to compare with me?"

"Compete with you? A few months ago, you were slightly behind me. At this moment, do you think you are still eligible to fight me?"

In the night, Xue Bichen only left Xin Tang with a perfect profile, and said lightly, on the exquisitely concave and convex figure, there was an invisible spiritual coercion.

Xin Tang froze for a while, and then laughed at himself: "You are a celestial wizard, and I am not as good as Xinmou. In the last battle, there was only a slight gap between you and me. Later I still thought, next time When we meet again, I can definitely defeat you. Who would have thought that you at this moment have left me far behind, and it is ridiculous to think of it at this moment. So, why do you stop me here now? "


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