The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 287: Enemy of two moves

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"Like the entry-level assessment potential test, it's too arrogant, hum, I'm so mad."

Xi Xuan'er, the disciple of the inner door, obviously remembered the scene of the potential assessment that day, and couldn't help but groan in exasperation. Many other disciples also showed some disdain after they came back.

"Four types of enemies? Big talk!"

Feng Wen's mouth twitched violently. He thought about taking advantage of this opportunity to have a good view. Who thought that Qin Yi would only allow him to do four styles!

This huge contrast between before and after made Feng Wen stunned for a while, and his chest was burning with anger.

At the next moment, a strong breath blew out of his body and flew towards Qin Yi.

"Miaoyun style!"

Feng Wen's body style is incomparably wonderful. He suddenly moves from left to right. His miraculous cloud style is actually combined with fists and palms. In a moment, he is fighting with Qin Yi.

Miaoyun style, that is a set of Zongdao martial arts, which is higher than Xuandao martial arts in terms of skill and momentum.

In the face of Feng Wen attacking like crazy, Qin Yi was not panic. He was not the first time he faced the strong sect of Taoism. He calmly released the "Lingfeng Palm" that he had just practiced on the fourfold.

"Lingfeng Palm's first style-magic wind style!"

As Qin Yi played this style, the whole field suddenly raged with a violent wind, and the violent wind formed a huge wind blade, and slammed toward Feng Wen.

Looking at the wanton blades of wind, sitting in the inner gate of Makita, his face froze stiffly, and immediately that Mu Na's face, there was a faint expression of viciousness.

"This kid actually cultivated" Lingfeng Palm "on four levels ..."

Makita clenched his fists secretly.

When he was in the Star House last time, he and Qin Yi confronted "Lingfeng Palm". His "Lingfeng Palm" practiced twice, thinking that it was enough to defeat Qin Yi. Who thought, Qin Yi's "Lingfeng Palm" Practice the first half of the four realms, always suppress him.

After entering the magic trail, Makita secretly practiced "Lingfeng Palm", and now, his "Lingfeng Palm" has finally been cultivated to half a step and four levels. As a result, Qin Yi's "Lingfeng Palm" has already been trained to four. Heavy, once again leaving him behind.

"Sister Qin, I must surpass you in" Lingfeng Palm "!"

Makita secretly ruthlessly.

Everyone on the scene felt that the sternness of Qin Yi's "Lingfeng Palm" was also secretly surprised. However, when thinking of the entry examination, Qin Yi lost 9 consecutive bronze men in one breath. The hearts of everyone were somewhat relieved. .

In the challenge field, Feng Wen's wonderful cloud style is certainly powerful, giving people an unfathomable feeling, but Qin Yi has always calmly faced the battle and played "Lingfeng Palm" to the fullest.

Not only has he been through a hundred battles, but he can freely enter the ethereal state created by his left hand. Feng Wen ’s moves are unpredictable, but in Qin Yi ’s eyes, he is so clear.

"Lingfeng's second form-magic rain style!"

"Lingfeng's third form-magic thunder!"

"Linfeng's fourth form-disillusionment!"

No accident happened. When Qin Yi shot the last disillusionment form of "Lingfeng Palm", the huge gray palm shadow fiercely flicked Feng Wen out one by one, crashing to the ground.

"You lost!"

Qin Yi stood proudly in the field. His javelin-like body seemed to blend in with the natural avenue without any flaws. The whole person became a part of the world.

In his beautiful eyes, there was a hint of war.

Feng Wen is defeated!

Just four styles, defeated!

A strong sect, even in the hands of Qin Yi, only stuck to the four forms!

On the whole field, for a moment, it became quiet. All the people looked at the phoenix who had fallen down, and then looked at the young man standing proudly there. There was a slight illusion in his mind. , I feel all this is an illusion.

That Feng Wen was full of anger and unwillingness, but he had to accept the fact that he was defeated. After glaring at Qin Yi fiercely, he had to retreat sadly.

When Feng Wen left, the inexplicable dullness on the whole field was broken.

"This is a normal result!"

After slightly surprised, Linghu Hall Master recovered and smiled faintly.

Normal result?

Everyone in the room heard the words of Lord Linghu, all of them were stunned. Immediately, when he remembered Qin Yi's defeat in defeating the nine bronze men in one breath, he also defaulted the words of Lord Linghu.

"Take it, I challenge Beimen Guang."

Qin Yi stood still without moving, but looked at the slightly burning gaze of war intent, looking at Beimen Guang in the crowd, black robe, hunting in the wind, seemed to exude an invisible war intention.

He heard that his next challenge was Beimen Guang instead of Xin Tang. Many people's faces even showed a disdainful smile.

This continuous challenge is extremely exhausting. According to normal circumstances, it should be the first to challenge the strongest Xin Tang, but now, he put the strongest Xin Tang at the end. When he challenges Xin Tang, he even Is it undefeated, and can you still challenge Xin Tang?

But how did they know that because of the relationship between the "Fate of Life" has been cultivated to the peak, Qin Yi's physical strength is always at the peak, and it is not important for him to challenge who first.

"Boy, your combat strength is indeed surprising, but the next battle, I will let you see clearly, the great shore of a strong sect."

Beimen Guang came to the field and stood in front of Qin Yi.

He looked like a scholar, and he carried a simple long sword in his hand. On the body of the long sword, there was a sharp sword gas, which made his skin slightly chilly.

"This sword, named" Fateful Sword ", is a medium-grade mortal weapon. The sword contains the Fateful Fate, and how I cultivate it is the Fateful Seven Sword that matches the" Fateful Sword "itself.

Although Qin Yi defeated Feng Wen in four ways, Beimen Guang at the moment still had a touch of arrogance on his face.

"Don't talk so much nonsense, no matter how powerful your sword and sword skills are, I will defeat you in two ways."

Qin Yi's understatement, shocking words, spit out from his mouth.


Two ways defeat you!

All the people present shattered the jaw directly, blinking their eyes hard, thinking they had heard it wrong.

In the previous Feng Wen, Qin Yi defeated him in four styles. Now, Beimen Guang, who is ranked higher than Feng Wen, has only two styles!

Hearing Qin Yi's words, even Yang Shiqi among the disciples outside the door opened the ruddy little mouth in amazement, did he commit the sequelae of his brain caught by the door?

"Four styles defeated Fengwen before, and challenged Beimen Guang, but only two styles were allowed! This Qin Yi is really a big deal." Even the main lord of Linghu shook his head.


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