The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 290: Zhan Xin Tang (Part 2)

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The beautiful young girl in white robe sitting alone was stunned slightly for a while, her face was also faintly worried.

However, Yang Shiqi and Long Yan in the crowd looked calm, and they already had absolute trust in Qin Yi.

In the fierce battlefield, Qin Yi saw the basic boxing techniques like "Bawangquan" to fight against himself. Xin Tang's heart was also full of joy. This kid was exhausted.

However, with the passage of time, Xin Tang became more and more shocked. Qin Yi's body was extremely powerful. Although "Bawang Quan" was simple, it was directly effective, and every time Qin Yi punched, it was full of strength. There is no sign of exhaustion at all.

"You kid ..."

Xin Tang was horrified. Qin Yi's overlord fist was not only strong, but also amazing. Every punch was a blow to his flaws. After a while, Xin Tang was already in a state of embarrassment.

"How do you think I'm exhausted? Ignorant! Naive! Overlord!"

Qin Yi smiled disdainfully and punched with a punch. In the middle of Xin Tang's flaws, Xin Tang was shocked and disappointed.


In spite of this, Qin Yi's fist punched Xin Tang out of a few strides. The huge punching force made Xin Tang's face glide a bit of pain.

"It turns out that you didn't exhaust, just humiliate me with such low-level martial arts?"

Xin Tang growled and shivered.

I was so angry that the kid in front of him was contending with a basic set of punches. This is a kind of contempt.

Everyone on the scene was also in an uproar. Qin Yi did not exhaust himself, but intended to fight out the low-level martial arts of "Bawang Quan".

In two games in Lien Chan, he is still full of energy, and, with a set of Xuan Dao basic martial arts, he contends the students of Zong Dao Wu of Xin Tang. How did he do it?

All people, while shocked, have such doubts in their hearts.

"Don't you mean to ravage me? Show your strongest fighting power."

Qin Yiqi was calm, his face light and calm.

"you wanna die!"

At this moment, Xin Tang was really irritated. He had originally thought about violating Qin Yi in front of Xue Bichen. As a result, he was forced to be embarrassed by him with a set of Overlord Boxing.

"Autumn Qiu Gong-First Form!"

Xin Tang roared, and the inner strength of the Zong Dao was getting bigger and bigger, and the palm of the Zong Dao was like a big river, rushing out of his palm and rushing to Qin Yi.

Feeling the inner strength of the Tao, Qin Yi did not dare to arrogantly, he displayed the step of Kuafu, and at the same time, the fist in his hand was directly converted into "Three Types of Bullying."

As Qin Yi stepped on Kuafu's step, his figure immediately became ghostly and unpredictable, and Xin Tang's palm directly emptied.

"Kua father step!"

The beautiful girl in white robe, who had been sitting quietly in a quiet battle, and her beautiful eyes, suddenly became bright and exquisite, and her body fluttered uncontrollably.

Immediately, her eyes became infinitely deep, seeming to see a mysterious world that ordinary people cannot know.

"Autumn True Power-Second Form!"

In the battlefield.

Xin Tang played the second form of "Autumn True Power". This style of inner strength is obviously much stronger than the first form.

Qin Yi was not panic. He stepped on his father's footsteps, his figure turned into a residual image, and he easily avoided this fierce attack. At the next moment, he spooked to the left of the hall.

Then, punch!

"Three types of bullying-the second type!"

The indifferent voice seemed to come from hell.

Feeling a powerful punch from the left side, Xin Tang was shocked and turned around to meet.


Fists of palms intersect, a huge wave of energy, raging open, and they both flew out fiercely.

Quite well!

"Autumn True Power-The Third Form!"

Xin Tang roared, and with the third form of Qiushui Zhengong playing, I saw a light blue strong air wave directly on his tall body, and on his arms, the road was like a green muscle like an earthworm. , Popped up.

Qin Yi in the horizontal flight suddenly fixed his figure. At this moment, his mind was burning with tremendous warfare, his clothes were hunting, his black hair was covered, and he was dancing wildly.


The seeds of the two elements of earth and fire at Qin Yidan's field burned violently.

With the burning of the seeds of these two elements, Qin Yi's physique defense and strength all doubled instantly.

"Three types of bullying-the third type!"

Qin Yi followed the third and third forms of bullying, and greeted Xin Tang. The energy wave like a monstrous wave, with the palms of the two intersecting, rushed with the blue ripples visible to the naked eye Four directions.

The people watching the battle were shocked by this energy wave, and they felt extremely uncomfortable.


In the distance, a somewhat outdated pavilion could not withstand the impact of this energy wave and collapsed.

The entire large martial arts stadium did not make a small noise. All the people opened their eyes wide and watched this mad war, fearing that they would miss any detail, and would regret it for life.

"It's over here!"

Qin Yi shook his head slowly.

"It's a big talk!"

Xin Tang growled. At this moment, he was full of war in his chest. The skin on his body appeared crimson, like a blood demon rushing from the Shura field. The wild eyes are more like bloodthirsty. The wildness is shocking.

"Autumn True Power-The Fourth Form!"

Xin Tang's red-red body, like a wild beast, shot toward Qin Yi with all his might, and tried his best to separate Qin Yi from the air.

Huge applause, raging the audience, the young man with black hair in front of him, all backwards, but his legs seemed to take root, standing there, immobile.

"Heaven, Devil, Seventh Form-First, First Form!"

Indifferent to the blood in the body, the voice almost solidified came from the mouth of the warlike young man. In an instant, the young man's temperament changed greatly. How did the ancient demon king, the demonic lingering, even reveal a trace of ancient breath.

"Pappa ..."

There was a sound of bone transformation in Qin Yi's left hand, and the palm of his hand rose when he saw the wind, and suddenly rose to a foot wide, and a trace of ancient devil qi lingered on it.


Zhang Kuan's Tianmo left hand fanned fiercely towards the madly killed Xin Tang, fanning a gust of wind.

The feeling of the magic palm is very strange, as if it were from ancient times. The speed of the clapping is extremely slow, but it contains everything in the world, no matter how to avoid it, the magic palm is straight towards you.

With the dispatch of this palm, time seems to be frozen in that moment. Above the stone steps, all people are motionless with their mouths open, and their expressions are full of surprise, shock, incredible ...

This novel comes from the book reader


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