The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 295: Put me in the palm!

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Although the time of the Xiangu trip was not too long, Qin Yi was no longer familiar with the Supreme Dragon Emperor.

At this moment, in Qin Yi's heart, there were turbulent waves, why did the sky-dark silver dragon in the ancient times appear in the eyes of Long Yan?

what does this mean?

Yang Shiqi, Elder Jiang, and Xi Xuan'er, seeing a vision appear in Long Yan's eyes, also suddenly shocked.

"Inverse Dragon!"

It is exactly the same as the last fierce battle between Huang Gui and Xiang Junruo. When these pictures disappeared, Long Yan broke out completely, his silver hair danced wildly, and he jumped up from the ground.

At this moment, the majestic Xuan Dao inner strength, violently opened from his body, trembling and majestic.

The ink gun in his hand really turned into a giant black dragon, constantly rolling, killing the sixty-four black palm prints that were shot against it.


Sixty-four palm prints shattered.

The majestic energy fluctuates like the ocean and the sea, and it opens wildly, hitting Elder Jiang fiercely. Elder Jiang can't resist, and his body flew out, falling down a few feet away.

too strong!

Actually, the elders such as Elder Jiang were down to the ground.

This scene is almost like an illusion.


Xi Xuan'er exclaimed and hurried to the past to help Elder Jiang get up.

Elder Jiang is gray-faced and looks embarrassed, but at the moment, he looks extremely happy: "Haha, great! This is definitely a miracle. I can meet such a pure disciple who inherited the blood of the Dragon Warrior. There is no regret in this life. "


What do you mean?

Qin Yi and the four of them suddenly froze.

Isn't Elder Jiang trying to kill Longyan?

Elder Jiang laughed for a while before he heard it. His big sleeves flicked away, and the forces that imprisoned Qin Yi and Yang Shiqi, respectively, disappeared suddenly. The two of them were able to move as usual.

"Sorry, the two of you were wronged."

Elder Jiang smiled apologetically at Qin Yi and Yang Shiqi. Immediately, he turned to look at Long Yan. His eyes were full of fanaticism: "Long Yan, you are quite good. Now, I decided to take you as my inner disciple, Your blood of the Dragon Warrior is unbelievably high, and its potential is immeasurable. In the future, I will do everything possible to stimulate the Blood Dragon Warrior in your body and make you a powerful person. "

Elder Jiang's attitude changed suddenly again, which made the few talented teenagers present extremely confused.

"Elder Jiang, you just ..."

Long Yan frowned, and his eyes still had a touch of war that had not yet faded.

Because of the blood of Zhanlong, the wounds on his body have been healed quickly, and there is no need to take any medicine to heal.

"Don't Yan, did the old man just say that? You are a descendant of the Zhanlong family. General potential testing equipment cannot test your potential. Therefore, the old man can only glimpse you if he pushes you into desperation. How pure is the bloodline inheritance and how high is the potential. "

Elder Jiang said, looking at the fast healing wound on Long Yan's body, Elder Jiang secretly stunned, but it was enviable, the War Dragon's physique is one of the strongest physiques in the world.

Listening to Elder Jiang ’s statement, everyone knew it. It ’s just that Elder Jiang ’s method is extremely extreme. Even Longyan was almost killed by him.

"Slave me!"

Qin Yi suddenly shouted, and in the astonishment of everyone, his left hand instantly became larger and transformed into Zhang Tian's left hand.


Qin Yi directly used the first form of "The Seven Forms of Heavenly Demon", and unhurriedly patted Elder Jiang, shooting him several feet away, and fell to the ground.

"Qin Yi, you are crazy, why did you suddenly attack my master?"

Xi Xuan'er, beside him, was startled and angry, and sipped.

Qin Yi ignored her, but just looked at Elder Jiang who had climbed up from the ground and stood there proudly, and said slowly: "This palm is for you to bully my brother just now."

"Haha, anyway!"

Elder Jiang smiled, not caring, and patted the dust at will.

Qin Yi's "The Devil's Left Hand" is certainly stunning, but it was still unable to hurt him when he was shot on a strong clan like Elder Jiang. The gap between the two is too great.

"Right, Qin Yi."

Elder Jiang suddenly remembered something, looked at Qin Yi, and said, "There is a vision in the eyes of Fang Cai Longyan. I heard you shouting 'Supreme Great Dragon Emperor'. How do you know that silver dragon, Is the Supreme Dragon Emperor?

Listening to his question, Long Yan, Yang Shiqi and Xi Xuan'er couldn't help but look at Qin Yi.

The Emperor of the Great Dragon, a name that shook the world today, everyone in the room has a certain understanding of it.

In that distant centuries-old era, the Emperor of the Great Dragon was the same as the ancient gods such as King of Kyushu, Emperor of Time and Space, and Sword Emperor. In that distant era, mankind ushered in the most prosperous period, but human enemies were also It appeared at this time, so that a group of masters such as the supreme dragon emperor and elaborate reservers carefully launched the final battle with the human enemy.

It's just a pity that in that battle, the strong human beings failed and humanity was destroyed. Therefore, that era was also called the era of great destruction by future generations.

These contents are recorded in the history books of the world.

"Sovereign Great Dragon Emperor ..."

For a moment, Qin Yi was a little lost, and his eyes became a little confused. It seemed to see the world where the gods were rising and the world was in chaos.

"Because I was sent to that world by a kind of magical power, and I have a connection with the Supreme Dragon Emperor."

Qin Yi did not elaborate on that bizarre journey of immortals and ancients, but only revealed one sentence at will. However, this is enough to make everyone present, and a violent wave suddenly rushes in my heart.

Unbelievably, the young man in front of him had even gone to the Xiangu era and had seen the Supreme Dragon Emperor.

"Just a battle with Elder Jiang just now, you see the Emperor Great Dragon Emperor in my eyes. So, the ancestor of our War Dragon family is the Emperor Great Dragon? It will appear in my eyes because of Cheng Is this the case?

Long Yan is more excited than anyone.

Xiangutong Tianshenlong, the supreme dragon emperor, is the ancestor of the family, which is a supreme glory.

"It must be like this, and you can't be wrong. Haha, I am Jiang Xian, actually taking the descendants of the Emperor Great Dragon as a personal disciple. All this is just like dreaming. At this moment, I feel extremely honored."

Elder Jiang was also very excited, staring at Long Yan with a searing gaze.

Yang Shiqi and Xi Xuan'er are both excited and shocked. They can't think of it in their dreams. The descendants of the Supreme Emperor Dragon will become their brothers.


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