The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 317: World War I

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Who is so arrogant, even dare to disdain the comments of the immortal worshipers!

The upper levels of your ancestors were surprised, looking for this disdainful voice, and saw it, only to see the disciples below, a teenager with a handsome face, a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

The slightly disdainful words came from this young man.

Qin Yi!

The high-level leaders of your sect immediately looked at Qin Yi with great interest, and the worship of the immortal real person looked a little ashamed. In the eyes, a glimpse of annoyance slipped in the eyes, and Qin Yi turned out to be The disciple's face cut him so much that he felt quite faceless.

"Qin Yi, what do you think of Xue Bichen's and Ren Huo's test? You can't tell it, let everyone listen."

Immortal Baixian said lightly, but did not show the anger in his heart, but everyone could feel that at this moment, Realxian Wangxian, all over his body, had a faint chill.

All the disciples around him suddenly turned to Qin Yi and cast their gazes on gloating, but Yang Shiqi, Long Yan and others around Qin Yi were worried.

Qin Yi ignored all the eyes around him, and his eyes were slightly condensed. He looked again at the comparison between Xue Bichen and Ren Huo. He secretly entered the ethereal state, and after a moment of careful observation, he slowly said, "On the surface, it is true As the elder Baixian said, but in fact, it is not the case. Xue Bichen instilled the power of Zongdao into the long sword, plus the sharpness of her swordsmanship, I was afraid that soon she would defend Ren Huo. Broken, Xue Bichen's swordsmanship is sensitive and abnormal. Ren Huo's body style is faster. Once the defense is broken, he will soon lose. "

"Really? Qin Yi, your combat strength is good, but you can't talk nonsense here, you can see it in the eyes of the bright people. From the perspective of Zonghe's power, Ren Huo is stronger than Xue Bichen, but you are just Said Xue Bichen is stronger than Ren Huo. "

The immortal worshiper said disdainfully.


Qin Yi smiled faintly, and did not justify it, it was unnecessary.

At a certain moment.


Xue Bichen, who was above the ring, suddenly shouted, with a long sword in his hand, drawing a beautiful arc, and a dazzling sword with a length of nearly two feet, coming out of the sky and slashing towards Ren Huo.

This sword sword was like a thunder and thunder, thousands of murderous opportunities, endless sword energy, vast and open, on the face of Ren Huo, a small trace of blood suddenly appeared, it was scraped by the sword gas, and in the blink of an eye, He has become a **** face, shocked.

Ren Huo was overwhelmed with shock, his original unpredictable figure was fixed, and he hurried backwards.

Before he could stand firm, Xue Bichen changed shape and held a straight line with the long sword, as if a heavenly immortal, shooting towards Ren Huo.

The sword in her hand was buzzing and trembling, like a meteor, and she drew a dazzling sword awn, the speed was as fast as the limit, everyone in the audience felt that the sword awn was dazzling and dizzying.

By the time everyone got a little back, I saw that Xue Bichen's long sword was already on Ren Huo's throat.


Ren Huo exclaimed directly, with a **** face blankly, and his rounded eyes were full of shock and panic, standing there daring not to move.

"You lost."

Xue Bichen's expression was indifferent. There was no emotion in the face of the alluring city, and soon she withdrew her long sword and turned to walk down the ring.

what happened?

Xue Bichen really defeated Ren Huo!

This result is exactly the same as what Qin Yi just said!

Everyone on the stage blinked incredulously. They looked back at Qin Yi's eyes, which had become somewhat different and quite weird.

The immortal worshiper in the high-level of that gate was standing there in a daze. Some were unable to recover. His face was hot, and Qin Yi's slap in the face was really painful!

"Haha, Qin Yi, you kid, it's really good. Even the immortal worshipers didn't see what happened, but the result was seen by you."

Elder Jiang seemed to particularly like to see the emaciated appearance of Baixian Zhenren. After glancing at the red face of Baixian Zhenren, he laughed.

Hearing this, the face of the immortal worshiper turned red more and more, and a cold air appeared again and again, and he glanced secretly at Qin Yi in the crowd.

"This Qin Yi is really good."

The ancestor at the top of the stone steps also nodded his head towards Qin Yi. In his eyes, a faint glance passed by. The disciple's excellence was completely beyond his expectations.

The game is still proceeding in an orderly manner.

It is just that the strength of the inner disciple and the alternate inner disciple is too great. In the next game, the other alternate inner disciples have no achievements.




One by one, all the inner disciple candidates were knocked down by the inner disciple.

So far, in this second phase of the challenge, Xue Bichen, Princess Taiping, Xin Tang, Beimen Guang, etc. have been promoted. Such a result is completely expected. As a result, no surprises were shown.

It is not normal for the disciples between the inner disciples and the alternate disciples to be promoted to a certain number of alternate disciples.

With the passage of time, the alternate inner disciples defeated, and this second phase of the challenge is slowly coming to an end.

"It's my turn to play."

Slowly breathing out, Qin Yi stood up and looked at the ten-fold ring, slowly sweeping through, choosing the target of the challenge. The 10 inner disciples on the stage are no different than the outer disciples. General strength.

"Sister Qin, what are you still choosing? Don't you forget that there is a covenant between us? In my opinion, choosing a day is better than hitting the sun. The battle between you and me is today, what do you think? "

Above the ring, Makita stood proudly there, staring at Qin Yi from the top, burning his intent in the eyes.

With Makita's cry, everyone's eyes suddenly focused on Qin Yi's body and looked at him with playfulness.

Qin Yi was slightly stunned. He didn't expect that Makita was so eager to fight with himself. However, he did not flinch, and he smiled faintly toward the Makita on the ring: "OK, Brother, you are fighting, I will ... "

"Qin Yi ..."

Yang Shiqi, who was beside him, grabbed Qin Yi's shoulder with a worried look: "I think, you still have to choose another inner disciple to challenge."

"Yes, Qin Yi, it's not too late to challenge Makita after you break through Zongdao."

Long Yan aside, also said with a worried face.

Qin Yi's combat strength is very strong. Recently, he has been very popular in Zongmen, but his practice level is very far from that of Makita. Makita is already a strong man in the two realms of Zongdao. Have not yet broken through.


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