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Zhou Qian didn't dare to carelessly exert his utmost skill and fought against He Gong, but he never showed any defeat.

"Trust the **** to cut the third type!"

He Gong's handsome face was always languid with a faint smile, and he chopped at random, and a sword with a length of two feet long broke out of the air and slammed toward Zhou Qian.

"Break me!"

Zhou Qian angered, his gentle and handsome figure, as sharp as a short sword in his hand, all over his body, revealing an incomparably powerful breath.

"Trust the **** to cut the fourth type!"

He Gong played the fourth style, which was still an understatement. His half-moon scimitar directly waved a dense shadow.

Zhou Qian waved his sword to resist, and shattered the endless shadow of the sword. Then, in his hand, the short sword burst like a meteor toward He Gong's throat, and suddenly he stabs him in front of him. Seeing it pierce his throat.

However, at this moment, He Gong's breath suddenly changed dramatically. The whole person was like a ghost, and the lines of his body were twisting. He stood still, and his neck suddenly twisted in a strange way. It was strangely fatal. A sword, to avoid the past.

At the same moment.

"Wait for this moment-trust the **** to cut the fifth form!"

He Gong's lazy voice suddenly sounded, his arm raised, and the half-moon scimitar was placed on Zhou Qian, which seemed quite casual.

Feeling a sense of coldness from his neck, Zhou Qian's face stiffened and he froze there for a moment.

The outcome is divided!


The audience was stunned.

Zhou Qian turned out to be so defeated. In the last way, He Gong simply lifted the half-moon scimitar at random. This kind of battle was almost strangely extreme.

"I said, you're just my enemy of the five types."

He Gong smiled faintly, and immediately withdrew the half-moon scimitar, looking at Zhou Qian in a condescending attitude, full of disdain.

Zhou Qian's face was white for a while, and 10,000 in his heart were unwilling, but he could only accept this fact. He had to admit that He Gong was terribly powerful.

The whole field fell into a silence, including the high-level leaders of Zongmen, who were shocked by He Gong's last form and couldn't recover for a while.

After a while, there was a sigh of exclamation before it slowly spread out in the field.

"This congratulation is simply a fighting genius. In the end, the winning formula is simply fascinating. The timing and angle are all in line with the score. Not only that, but also the courage to be able to use this style. Such a state. "

The ancestor who sat at the top of the stone steps seriously commented, and in his eyes, there was a little horror.

"It is a great blessing for Gonger to get such a high evaluation from the suzerain."

The immortal worshiper below hurriedly respectfully replied. The joy on his face overflowed with words. Immediately, he glanced casually at Elder Jiang around him.

This time, Elder Jiang didn't make any fun, and He Gong's performance did make him amazing. He had to admit that this disciple who was cultivated by the immortals was very good.

"Qin Yi, five days ago, didn't you say you wanted to challenge me, why don't you have the courage to come up now?"

He Gong on the ring suddenly lifted the half-moon scimitar in his hand and pointed it at Qin Yi under the ring, with a lazy smile on his face.

As he shouted out, all the eyes of the audience gathered on Qin Yi.

In an instant, including Zongmen's high-level people, weird colors appeared on the faces of everyone present.

He Gong just showed incredible power. Even the patriarch said that he was a fighting wizard, but at the next moment, he was a disciple who didn't even break through the patriarchal path. He wanted to challenge him!

Qin Yi did create an extraordinary record in the sect, and even defeated Makita in the challenge five days ago, but compared with He Gong, there is still an insurmountable gap.

"This Qin Yi, challenged He Gong five days ago?"

Gongzu looked at Qin Yi in the crowd with an inconceivable glance, and immediately sighed slightly: "The combat power is impressive, but it is a pity, but it is a reckless man."

"This guy really doesn't know how high it is."

Princess Taiping's ruddy little mouth opened in amazement.

"Nonsense! What the **** does this kid do?"

President Ye was not angry, in his opinion, Qin Yi was already his disciple. Hearing Qin Yi's challenge and merit at the moment, he was difficult to calm down, but the general manager Shi beside him was very helpless.

The immortal worshipers and Makita in the crowd suddenly laughed happily after stunned for a while.

The other Zongmen seniors and Zongmen disciples have different eyes on Qin Yi, shocked, shocked, sympathetic, gloating ...

"Qin Yi, come up and say challenge me five days ago. If you change your mind at this moment, I'm afraid I won't have the slightest status in the future."

Above the ring, He Gong smiled faintly. At the moment, he was very happy: "Of course, you can admit defeat now, but you will still not gain the slightest status in the future."


Qin Yi was amazed for a while. He didn't say much. After turning around and comforting Yang Shiqi and Long Yan, who were full of worries on his face, the body's profound energy slightly surged, and he jumped lightly. Standing in front of He Gong.

"Huh, in the old days, I defeated the star star, and at the moment, he abused his apprentice again. This feeling is really wonderful."

He Gong smashed his mouth, smiled happily, all over his body, and always felt a strange feeling.

"Shoot, there is so much nonsense."

Qin Yi's eyebrows were sharp, and Impatient picked up slightly.

Immediately, a strong internal energy emerged from his body. With the release of this internal energy, the space around him was slightly twisted.

"This is Zongdao inner strength?"

Feeling the powerful inner energy from the teenager, He Gong frowned, and the habitual lazy smile on his face was gone. Instead, it was an uncontrollable shock.


Zongdao inner strength!

The people under the ring were all shocked, and the immortal real person and Makita, and even Huo Di stood up on the stone steps, blinking in disbelief.

Isn't Qin Yi only the potential of "five rings"? It is basically impossible to break through the Taoism with such inferior potential, but now, he has broken through!

Moreover, the breakthrough time is only five days. When he battled Makita five days ago, he was just a disciple of Xuan Dao 9 Realm Peak. Five days later, he seems to be a strong Taoist!

"Illusion, this world is full of hallucinations ..."

Xi Xuan'er in that crowd murmured in her mouth. Once, she sneered at the potential of Qin Yi's "Five Rings". Who would have expected that now, he stepped into the realm of ancestry before himself.


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