
"hateful.....After being locked up for so long, I finally got out."

The young master of the Jiuchong family was released and stood stretching at the door of the detention center. He looked back and saw that he was alone now. After all, the rest of his men were all disabled and were not even detained. They were all lying there. Don't worry. Even if he ran away, it would be impossible for him to go to the ground. But he didn't care, as long as he had money, he could have as much as he wanted!

"whispering sound~!"

"Damn it!"

"That monster from the Kujo family actually dares to imprison me. Just wait, one day I will make her look good!"

However, he has always held a grudge against Kujo Sanra for imprisoning him.

But he doesn't care so much about the little girls who are still imprisoned. He has offended himself, and is looking at the other jailers. It is estimated that these people cannot be released, so let them continue to be locked up!

Turn around and return home.

The head of the Kouzhong family seemed to have done something insignificant in his own eyes, but it made others stunned. In the courtyard, He held a big banquet and invited some friends and people from the village. Regardless of whether it was a waste or not, it was good to eat the big fish and meat and be happy.

His son also seemed to vent his anger, eating and drinking, and even I found many women to accompany me for drinks, as if I wanted to make up for all the losses during the day.

"Haha, look, I knew that woman didn't dare not give me face. No, I just went to find her in the afternoon, and my son is out now?"

The head of the Jiuchong family held a small jar of wine and kept pouring wine while boasting.

"Yes, yes, the village chief is still awesome!"

The people around me are constantly accommodating and trying to please


"What village chief!"There are people on one side who can't stand it any longer.

"It should be the head of the family!!"

"Ah, yes, yes!"

"Master of the house!"

"Ah ha ha ha ha——"

Young Master Jiuchong occupies a space by himself, far away from the noise of other people

"Master, is your family really so powerful?"

The woman who was asked to accompany the drink asked curiously while pouring wine for Young Master Jiuchong.

"Huh, of course!"

"And let me tell you, the whole Daozuma City.....No, no one in Daozhu dares not to give our family face!"The young master of Jiuzhong seemed to be drunk too. He was a little confused and his mouth started to wander.

"That is why ah?"The rest of the people were even more curious.

"I think your family, young master, is not like a general’s family, nor is it a family of officials."

"Haha, of course it depends on that!"

The young master Jiuchong was so happy that he even leaned back and spread out on the chair. Then he pointed vaguely at the closed room behind the master of the Jiuzong family.

"A room?"Everyone looked very surprised.

"No, not the house......belch.....Rather.....The cherry tree in the house~"

Young Master Jiuchong smiled mysteriously, then burped, leaned against the person next to him, and became drunk and unconscious.



Everyone ignored the sleeping young master Jiuchong, and turned their attention to the house in the distance.

The surrounding windows and other doors were all sealed with thick wooden boards, and all the interiors in the entire small building were demolished and nothing was left. A room, and the floor in the center has been dug out, and even dug down several meters to form a deep pit. At this moment, there is a towering cherry tree planted in the deep pit, but if you stand near the deep pit, you can hardly see it. When you look at the main branches below, you can only see the upper and top branches and the pink petals.

Directly above the cherry tree, the ceiling has been changed into a huge skylight, and the moonlight falls from above, spreading on the pink cherry blossoms. On the tree.

For the civilians whose news has been blocked, they have no idea what supports the current thunderstorm circle in the sea outside Inazuma, so they also know the value of the cherry tree in the house!

And for Swain, Who would have thought that such a big cherry tree could be hidden in such a small two-story building?......

"Record file, aircraft flight test, the main test targets are the leg thrusters and the rear tail main thruster, the ninth full system test."

Sven put on the same outfit as in the afternoon again, but compared to that time, now there are four more small auxiliary thrusters on Sven's waist in four directions: left, front, left, rear, right, front, right, and rear. There is also a huge black mechanical backpack, and there are many propellers that have been eliminated before on the workbench. It is obvious that he has improved many versions this day. It is still the same process as before, system detection, testing begins, and steady improvement null

"The situation is normal, the height is 0.5 meters above the ground......."

"The next item is mobility testing and autonomous energy supply testing."Sven nodded and said lightly.

"learn......The energy connection is disconnected and supplied by the internal energy backpack."

Bang, bang, bang!

The various lines connected to Sven's body were all disconnected on their own, but Sven was still firmly stagnant in the air, because the energy supply was all changed to the supply of the backpack on his back!

After losing the shackles of the lines, , Sven was able to let go of his hands and feet.

The output of the tail wing suddenly increased, and the whole person suddenly accelerated and flew forward. When he was about to hit the wall, he made an emergency stop in the air, and his feet looked like they were kicking forward. As usual, before he was completely steady, Swain once again increased his control and flew towards the ceiling. He changed his position halfway and flew freely over the basement. The four auxiliary thrusters located on his waist also did a good job of maintaining Swain's body balance. At the same time, it can also provide some rudder function.

Although large maneuvers are not yet possible, at least we have to wait until the huge difficulty of completing the dorsal wing is completed. However, at this stage, it can be said that the experiment was successful!

The space in the basement is still somewhat limited. Swain did not use his full strength. He only experienced a few laps before falling back to the experimental platform.


"Not a bad feeling."Sven smiled happily like a child who just got a new toy.

"List this series as the final product, save the records and experimental data, integrate the data for debugging, and match it to the armor"

"learn......The record is saved and form matching starts."

The voice of artificial intelligence sounded, and on the screen on one side, the virtual image of Sven's armor began to change. The flying wings just designed were matched on it, and there were many different outer armors attached to it.

However, because it would destroy the original There is some balance, and it is not completely assembled, so it will take some time to get the final design.

"Estimated output of design drawings.......Need to wait one hour and thirty-seven minutes........"

"Okay, let's continue designing the rest......."

As soon as Swain heard this, he was ready to move on to the next task.


However, Mei Lin's resentful voice sounded

"Do you know what time it is now?"

However, it was such a simple question that confused Swain.

"Forehead.......Three o'clock in the afternoon?"Sven scratched his head and replied uncertainly.

"I feel like that's time on the other side of the world"

"It's one o'clock in the morning."

When he heard this, not only Sven, but also everyone in the gem was shocked, and they stopped to watch Sven do research. They were so fascinated by it that they lost track of time. After all, it was such an experiment deep underground. In the room, there is no sunlight and you cannot see outside. The concept of time will definitely be blurred.


"Missed the appointment!"

"A missed appointment in every sense of the word!!"

As soon as Sven heard this, he looked flustered and hurriedly took off his equipment. Under the dumbfounded eyes of everyone, he threw the pile of crystallized wisdom on the experimental table like scrap metal. What a waste of natural resources.!

Do you, a bastard, know how long it takes humans to make this thing?

As a result, you made a mess in one afternoon, and you still treat it like this!?

This move is tantamount to irritating many people. Man, if man hadn't had a body, Sven would have been choked by someone and shaken back and forth, and yelled:"I'll strangle you to death, you bastard!""

Sven originally thought about changing into a suit and going out.

But he looked at the laboratory where the walls were cracked and there was a layer of dust on the floor, and then he looked at himself who was also looking as dusty.


It's absolutely impossible to go out like this!

Therefore, Swain hurriedly came out of the laboratory and returned to his personal room on the upper floor.

Swain at least had a rest room for himself here, where he could at least lie down and rest or take a shower.

No matter what, he rushed directly into the shower. between

"Eh! ?"


"I, we, this.......Hey, hey, hey!!!"

"We are still here!"


"This fool——!!"

However, no matter how much the people present shouted, Swain could not hear it.......

And obviously he also forgot Xiaoxue's instructions.

By the time Sven finished cleaning up, changed his clothes, and returned to the ground, the moon was already high in the sky, and the only sound that accompanied the chirping of crickets was the chirping of night owls in the deep forest.

"Sorry, we will forget what happened today........"

Everyone acted in unison to apologize to Sister Xiaoxue, but.......Who would believe it?

Ignoring the noisy crowd, I returned to Inazuma Castle only to find that the tense shogunate soldiers I saw in the morning were now the only ones who regularly patrolled the city. It seemed that Kujo Sora had really accepted Sven's proposal and gave up the seal. city.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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