"It turns out that it was given to the general." Kujo Takayuki thought

"Yes, father, you also know that the shogun is extremely powerful. He is extremely powerful with both his naginata and tachi, and he also has powerful powers."

"After taking the position of general, the country that should have been divided has now been integrated, and monsters are now rampant, but it can still ensure the safety of most towns and people."

"Now many people's hearts and minds have been won by him, and the general's position is becoming more stable day by day."

"If one day the problem of monsters is completely solved, I'm afraid it won't cause any trouble. The general will still be at the top and San Fengxing will be at the bottom........."

After Kujo Kamaji made the beginning of Ippei, he continued according to his intention.

"So you think, while our family is in this geographical location and so close to the general, while others are still waiting to see the situation, we can close the distance with the general in advance. At least our family can be the first in Sanfengxingshe. One person? Kujo Takayuki asked back.

"That's it, father"

"........"Kujo Takayuki was silent.

In fact, he had been thinking about this a long time ago. He had ambitions, but his strength......It’s really not as good as General Thunder!

"Okay, that's what you said"

"Now is an opportunity, maybe it’s time to make a choice......"

Kujo Takayuki figured it out, if this general was an ordinary human being, maybe he would try to fight like others, but manpower is always limited.

General Thunder and Lightning struck with all his strength, not to mention facing him head-on, even just looking up at him from a distance, he felt powerless from the bottom of his heart! Sense of fear! And a sense of surrender!

"Father, you mean?"

Kujo Kamaji originally wanted to find an excuse, but he never thought that he would decide the future direction of his family like this!?

"This dress is indeed okay, but it does not highlight the majesty and specialness of the general, and the style does not have the purple lightning that represents the thunder general. Although it is excellent, based on the recipient of the gift, this dress is not the first choice."

Although Kujo Takayuki is an old man, he has never done anything to please others, but even though he has never done it, he knows how others please him!"

"You can go again now and resize according to the size.......No, how do you know what size clothes the general wears?"

"It seems like you have never met formally?"

"Ah, this, this is just made by children according to the common body shape of common women......I just wanted to try out the work to see the quality and craftsmanship, and I didn’t directly intend to give this piece of clothing away!" Kujo Kamaji hurriedly explained

"That's right. It's really necessary. You really shouldn't be careless when giving items to the general. It's necessary to try them out.......But size is definitely an issue.......Okay, I'll let others do this. Take these clothes back, don't give them away."


When he came out of the study room, Kujo Kamaji held the suitcase in his hands. He originally thought that he would not be able to get it back, but he never thought that there would be another village in the dark.

He and the master and servant of Ippei looked at each other, and immediately felt a sense of weakness. He almost fell down while leaning on it.

And the head of the Kujo family didn't like to be sloppy in what he had decided at this moment, so he sent someone to the store that Kujo Kamaji mentioned that afternoon.


".......Eight-fold hall."

The person standing at the door of the store crossed his arms, his golden eyes narrowed slightly, and there was still no movement at the corners of his mouth.

The people around him were very surprised when they saw this rare face at the door, and many people were still stealing there. Whispering.

The person at the center of the topic was obviously used to it and didn't think there was any problem.

It was clearly afternoon, but the sun was not visible in the sky, instead it looked gloomy. There was a hint of coolness in the air, and mosquitoes were flying around. The sound is also very annoying

"I hope it doesn't rain for too long."

Moving her round and slender legs, her wooden clogs made a crisp impact sound on the bluestone steps, and she walked towards the interior of the store.

"Welcome light, light, light, light.....Come!"

After the clerk who was about to step forward to greet customers as usual saw the person coming from the door, his familiar words suddenly became stuttering.

The other people in the store turned to look, with capable short purple hair and golden eyes looking back and forth. In the store, it is none other than General Raiden's general - Kujo Sora!

Indeed, if anyone in this rice wife knows the general best, it is absolutely right to let Kujo Sora come!

But normal people would be surprised to see a person of this level. It’s inevitable that you’ll be nervous!

You might say it’s fine if you bump into someone by chance on the street or at a city gate, but it’s okay if you come to your door specifically.......It’s impossible to say you’re not panicking!

At this moment, Kujo Sora was not admiring the store, but from the moment she entered the door, she had a vague sense of crisis, as if it was dangerous inside?

But he was a shogun of the shogunate, and his martial arts skills were even better. How could he feel such a sense of crisis in a shop?

The people around looked at Kujo Kaori who was standing there, but few dared to approach him. It was not that he had never seen some dignitaries here, but this was the first time for such a big one, and it seemed that almost no one on the street had seen Kujo Kaura. Luo came out to buy something.

Although she is an adopted daughter, she is still a Kujo family. For a wealthy family, these trivial matters should be done by servants.

Could it be that this person, like Kujo Kamaji, is here to customize clothes?

However, after thinking about the identity and position of the person opposite, many people felt that it was more likely that she was here to check the water meter!

"Miss Kujo?"

Seeing that no one dared to come forward, Xiaoxue put down her book and came out from behind the counter.

Everyone had to admire her with such ease and calmness in the face of danger!

Or maybe she was the boss's wife!

".....Ah, it's you."

Kujo Sora quickly remembered the origin of the person in front of him.

"It's the person who is with Yaegoyue."Kujo Sura nodded,

"Are you his wife?"

Xiaoxue didn't expect that the other party would ask this directly, what?

I really just came to check the water meter, have you already started checking family members!?


In the eyes of everyone in the gem who looked forward to it, Xiaoxue lived up to their expectations.

"I'm not"

"Eh......Xiaoxue........Your answer is a bit boring.~~"Sister Xiaoxue feels that her interest level has dropped. According to Xinhai......Interest value -5?

But who cares about her now?

"Is it......"

After receiving this answer, Kujo Sora didn't have any other reaction, his expression was still very calm, he folded his arms, looked at the counter on one side, and then asked Xiaoyue:"Is the store owner here?"

"There is a business that needs to be discussed."

As soon as they heard this, everyone felt relieved.

Fortunately, okay, I'm really here to do business, not to check the water meter~!

It's so good, I almost thought I was going to lose my job!

After hearing this, Xiaoxue also Before he spoke, he only heard the thunder in the sky outside. The previously windless sky began to slowly reveal his terror.

Boom boom boom——!

Whoosh whoosh——!

The howling wind mixed with the deafening Thunder resounded across the sky.

The trees that had stood motionless just now began to sway gently, and cool breeze blew into the store along the entrance. This cold feeling was completely different from the air-conditioning feeling, which made many people feel uncomfortable. He shuddered unconsciously.

Sven, who was lying on the side like a salted fish, seemed to have some reaction when the wind blew him like this. His hands on both sides of the table moved slightly.

Xiaoxue looked at Seeing the gloomy weather outside, he quickly ordered the store clerk to close the doors and windows. Seeing this, Kujo Sora had to stand aside and wait.

Many people who came not to buy anything, but just to escape the summer heat, also hurried back to their own shops. The rest of the shop assistants and some little girls, as well as Xiao Gong and Xin Hai were busy closing the doors and windows. The summer rain fell quickly and urgently.

It took less than half a minute to hear the thunder, and the windows were not even closed. There was a crackling sound of raindrops.

The heavy rain fell on the ground and splashed, and soon the drainage outside also began to gush. At this moment, Xiaogong wanted to run home again. It was too late, her home was so far away Wen's store was more than half a street away.

She stood in front of Swain's store with her feet propped up and looked downhill in the direction of her home, but the rain was so heavy that she couldn't even see the signboards of the shops opposite.

"Hmm......"Xiaogong looked around with a troubled nasal voice.

"It seems like we can’t go back until the rain stops."

"I wonder how dad is doing. Have you closed the doors and windows at home?"

"Ah, Miss Xiaoxue, why don't you lend me an umbrella and I'll go back?....."

"Fool."However, before Xiao Gong finished speaking, he was interrupted by Swain who slowly sat up.

The little girl came back from upstairs at this moment. She just went to check whether the window of Swain's room was closed.

When she saw Swain When he got up, he obediently walked behind him and rubbed his temples. He was so obedient and sensible!

As soon as the temperature dropped, Swain felt that he had energy again!

Although he still wanted to sleep...

"It’s raining so hard, why don’t you just hold an umbrella?"

"It's so windy outside, is it useful to hold an umbrella?"

"And can you see the road clearly?"

"What if you slip and hit something in the rain?"

Sven smiled and asked the little one to step back, walked out of the counter, and scolded Xiao Gong.

"Just stay here and wait until the rain stops."

"oh.....All right."Xiao Gong also knew that Si Wen was doing it for his own good, so he didn't refute. Instead, he returned to the rest area and sat and waited.

Anyway, his father also knew that he was running around all day, so he wouldn't worry about it. He also stayed overnight. A few times, it shouldn’t be a problem.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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