
"You bastard!"

"Listen carefully to what people say!"

Kujo Sora felt that the person who made him so angry last time was the bastard who broke into the castle tower all day and night.

In comparison, this person felt even more irritating!

I always felt that he was the same as Binbin last night. It seems like a polite person is not the same person!

One of the two people in front was busy putting on makeup, and the other was passively accepting it. They didn't notice at all that a black shadow silently ran into the room behind him and climbed onto the bed at the back.

Nine robes Luo looked at the person in the floor-to-ceiling mirror in front of him. His figure was made more exquisite by the well-trimmed clothes. His original attire of a Tianling general seemed a bit wide, but now he looked like this......There seems to be an inexplicable discomfort.

Sure enough, this kind of clothes doesn't suit me?

I feel that the warrior's armor and weapons match better, which makes me feel more at ease.

And he also had makeup on his face....

When he took a quick look, even he was so surprised that he almost didn't recognize it was him.

The headband and mask that tied his hair were put away and changed into a pearl headdress and a pure blonde hairpin, and this disgusting bastard even added hair extensions for himself......

With waist-length hair, it seems that he only had long hair before he started practicing martial arts when he was a child, and has always had short hair since then.

With this look, let alone being recognized by others when walking on the street, probably no one would even know who you are if you ask her face to face!

"Look, she was a beauty originally, but now she looks even better, right?"Sven is still outputting unconsciously.

"......."Kujo Sora touched his lightly made-up face and said nothing.

"This is another piece of clothing for you, and this larger box here is for the General. Forget the payment, just consider this as my gift."

Sven handed the two suitcases, one large and one small, that were placed on the bed to Kujo Sora.

However, Kujo Sora, who was still able to get along with Swin in a friendly manner last night, came back to his senses in the mirror. At this moment, it seemed that his eyes could Like spitting out flames, he grabbed two suitcases.

He snorted arrogantly and left the Eighth Hall.

"Welcome next time~~"

"Miss Sanluo, you are welcome to come and play at any time~"

Sven smiled and waved goodbye to Kujo Sanluo. It didn't look like he had made a loss-making business at all.

When he returned to the house, he looked at Xiaoxue who was still sulking. During this time, she It seems that she has been in a bad mood, and Swain also wanted to go over and comfort the other person, but he had no idea. This woman seemed not to be interested in anything, and when Swain chose to attack directly and asked for the reason......

"Um? Are there times when the shop owner is confused?"

"You asked me specifically about something that you already had a clue about with just a little thought. Is it really just to find trouble?"

"Hey, as expected, you only come to me when there is a problem. You are not very active at ordinary times."

"The goldfish in the fish tank over there still have seven seconds of memory, but you turned around and forgot all about it. It really is you."

"Reading can make you smarter, but your IQ may be exchanged for emotional intelligence."

"Concrete seems so soft compared to your brain"

"Um? You said you were wrong?"

"No, it was always me who was wrong. What's your fault?"

Well, this is the consequence of taking the initiative to ask. This is quite good. Sometimes when the black air is filled, the words will appear more sharp and ruthless.

"Ahhh......Don't understand at all........"

Sven covered his head, feeling a headache.

Just when he thinks he knows something about girls, you find that you don’t know anything at all!

All that is an illusion, an illusion of life!

Just when he was distressed, he saw a little girl holding a plate of roast chicken, tilting her little head and looking very helpless.

"What's wrong?"Sven stepped forward and patted her little head from behind.

"Ah, Brother Swing.....actually......The little fox is missing."The little girl turned around and looked up to explain.

"Um?"Sven was stunned and turned to look around.

"That lazy fox who usually only eats, sleeps, or plays, can he disappear?"

"Can it still walk on its own legs?"

After saying this, Swain remembered that he really didn't see him crawling out of his nest to eat this morning. Usually he doesn't get up too early to have breakfast when he sleeps in, but at this time, he should be up. yes?

"Have you looked for it?"

"Well, we looked for every place it would go, but there was none........"

"Hmm.......Could this freeloader be able to run away from home?"

Sven crossed his arms. After raising them for so long, he has some feelings for them. Moreover, the furry tail and belly, as well as the soft fleshy balls in his palms, feel very good. It is a pity to lose them like this.

Besides , Having said that, I also want to get a fox scarf. How can I let this freeloader just slap his butt and disappear?

"Okay, let's all look for it together. If it doesn't work, go out and look for it, but remember not to do it alone."

"Well, I get it"........

"Hey, look, whose eldest lady is that?"

"Um? Ah, really, she looks so beautiful!"

"but......Why haven't I seen any followers?"

"Yes, and those are definitely Yaedo's clothes, but is it a bit too heavy for one person to carry two suitcases?"

"How about we strike up a conversation and come up to help?"

"However, she seems to be quite relaxed?"

"Forehead.......It seems indeed"

"I feel that after the two of us go up, there is a high chance that we will be knocked down with a punch........"

"Well, you're absolutely right."

Rumors and whispers like these reached Kujo Sora's ears. For the first time, she regretted that she had such sensitive hearing.

But she couldn't talk to these people or stop their behavior for fear of being exposed. I couldn't help myself, so I could only speed up my pace silently.

However, something went wrong when I was about to enter the house.

"Sorry, young lady, you are not allowed in without a greeting card."

The guard in front of me saw the 'strange' person approaching, and immediately stepped forward to stop the person.

The other guards also turned their heads slightly curiously. After all, there are beauties, and they can't be ignored.

However, it was such an accident that made Kujo Sora's originally stern expression became even colder, filled with a hint of murderous intent and anger.

She slowly raised her head, staring closely at the guard in front of her.

"Ah......I always feel a chill down my spine......."

"Hiss, the look on the other side seems to have been seen somewhere before?"

"It seems so recent, just yesterday........Forehead.....Ah!"

The guard kept recalling, and then he realized that something was wrong.

Isn't this the Kujo Sora of the Kujo family!?

Although he didn't know why he changed into such a gorgeous outfit that he had never seen before, and his hair became longer..

But there is no doubt that this is his own general who is worshiped by the Heavenly Leader!

"Yes, I'm sorry, Lord Shanluo!!"

The guard suddenly became smart and stood in place to salute. His teeth were still chattering slightly, and cold sweat continued to flow down his neck.

When the people around him saw this, they were shocked that the person in front of them was Kujo Sora, but they reacted the same way as this guard They are exactly the same!

The guard who guards the door does not know the owner of his family. This is an absolute dereliction of duty and will cause a big problem!

With the addition of Kujo Sanra's customary iron-blooded military discipline, wouldn't this mean that after a long time, he will be preached to? Being punished for training again!?

However, Kujo Sora really didn't want to waste time at the door at this moment. He just looked at the person in front of him coldly and went back home directly.


"Just, just leave?"

A few people looked at each other and explained their incredible expressions.

"What, you still want to be lectured and trained?"

"Then, forget it then"

"But why did you suddenly get dressed up like this today?"

"Did you go out to meet someone?"


Although he didn't say it directly, everyone speculated whether Kujo Sora had a boyfriend.

"Ah, speaking of which, after seeing Lord Shanluo yesterday, it seems that he didn’t come back last night."

As a result, one of them suddenly spoke, causing everyone present to fall silent.

Big news!

It's over. I and others have discovered the secret hidden by Kujo Sora. Will they not survive to receive the boxed lunch tonight?

Would you like to go out for a good meal today at noon?

Kujo Sora returned to his residence and wished he had two more legs. He almost ran back to his house at a trot speed, closed the door, and then felt relieved. He looked around. , a room with no life atmosphere, Kujo Sora calmed down.

She put the two suitcases in her hands on the table, opened the closet, and started to change clothes.

As expected, she felt so relieved after changing back to her normal clothes. He lowered his head and glanced at the smaller of the two suitcases. After thinking for a while, Kujo Sora put it on the top of his wardrobe.

He was just keeping it temporarily!

He would give it back to him later!

The clothes inside were definitely Not wearing it!


But when Kujo Sora was about to take the suitcase given to the general to find Kujo Takayuki, he discovered that Sven had tied up his long hair........Can't take it off

"this......How to do it!"

"Absolutely no, I can't get it off at all. Is that guy stuck to me?"

Sven had already guessed Kujo Sora's first reaction after returning home, which was definitely to change clothes and take off his wig.

The clothes couldn't stick to the opposite body, but the hair could!

Kujo Sora worked on it for a long time and finally gave up. , I had no choice but to tie my loose long hair into a ponytail, let’s do this for now.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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