"But even so, this discount rate is too high."

Sven frowned and glanced at Zhen Zhen's profile. The expression on the other side was very serious. The black hair slipped from behind his ears repeatedly and floated in the air.

Looking back, Swain felt that there were other reasons.

"the rest of the reasons.....Then there is only the main tree."I really noticed Swain's gaze just now, but he didn't react. He just put his broken hair back behind his ears again.

"Main tree?"This topic caught Swain's attention, and he shifted his gaze from the battle report in his hand to Zhen again.

And the two people just looked at each other across their fox faces.

"eight moons......When you first entered the city, no one paid much attention to you, but now that I know your true identity, I can be sure that you came here for the sacred cherry tree."

"You're here to find the main tree that serves as the support point for the summary world, right?"

"From the time you entered Inazuma Castle and broke into the castle tower, you were all looking for clues, right?"

Zhen clenched her hands tightly, and there was a trace of cold sweat in her hands. She swallowed dryly, her heartbeat accelerated, and she seemed very nervous.

Now that Ying is not with her, she will definitely not be able to defeat the person in front of her according to her own ability. Now to expose his words, it is There is a big risk!

If the opponent breaks out, I will definitely not survive!

But for some reason, my nerves really relaxed a little just now, and I asked directly!

"Well, that's right."However, Swain's tone was calm, he admitted it openly, and did nothing else.

"Can I ask why?"I really have deep doubts about this.

"It's because of that shrine.....Is it actually your home?"

"Yes, this is one of the reasons, but more importantly, that sacred cherry tree is the key to me getting my two sisters back."Sven slowly took off the fox mask and stared at Zhen closely, his eyes were very firm and he did not dodge.

"If it's you, you should understand me. After all, you and Ying are two people. I think they are incomplete without either one."

".....Yes, you are right."Zhen also stared into Swain's eyes and nodded.

Speaking of his sister, Zhen understood Swain immediately.

If Ying or himself disappeared, no matter who it was,......No, I'm afraid I can't keep calm, and it won't be weird to do anything!

But now Swain is sincere and the two sides have made things clear, but it seems to be more difficult. She really thought that Swain would change the topic or answer vaguely. However, it turns out that she still does not fully understand Swain.

"Didn't you ask me where the cherry tree fell?"

"I asked you, can you answer?"Sven looked straight at Zhen.

Zhen lowered his head slightly, nodded first and then shook his head.

Swain raised his eyebrows and gave her a questioning look.

"I nod.......Because if I can help you, I will tell you what I know, but unfortunately, regarding the main tree, I really don’t know the current specific location"


"You are the person with the highest status in Daozhu. There is no one else. How can there be something here that you don’t know about?"This is the thing that puzzles Sven the most.

Because there is no record of the main tree in the real room or the entire castle tower.

"You are right, I know most of Inazuma's things, but this matter is an exception."There is obviously something unspeakable, but for some reason I can't explain it clearly.

"I can only say.......This is part of the deal. I can't tell you about it, nor can I tell you who knows the whereabouts of the main tree. This was a condition of the contract at that time. I can't violate it, otherwise many people will die."

"contract?"Sven narrowed his eyes and kept stroking his fingers, thinking about what Zhen said.

"Well, that's all I can say."Zhen bowed his head and apologized apologetically. He pointed his finger at the ground, his head had already hit the ground, and his face was very solemn.

"However, please rest assured that I will do my best to protect the main tree, even if it costs my life. This is my promise to you!"

"So I was hoping that before Inazuma gets through this ordeal, could I borrow their strength for a little bit?"


Swain was silent and clenched his fists, mentally fighting in his heart. He didn't answer or get up, and the scene remained deadlocked.

Swain was very confused. Can he make decisions for others?

What qualifications do you have?

But what would Sakura and Rin do if they were replaced?

Rin doesn't understand complicated things, but he helps others unconditionally, and the same goes for Sakura. if.....Even if it were to happen, what would the two of them think when they knew that while they were being saved, countless people in the entire country would be put in danger?

Will he be happy because he saved the two of them and harmed others? What would you think of yourself?

Is it to remain as it was a long time ago, or is it......Will you alienate yourself and hate yourself?

Just like Alice who saw her violent side?

Swain doesn't want to take risks, no matter how small the chance is, it's better to avoid it if it can be avoided.

"........"Swain tilted his head and looked at the scenery outside the window.

Once upon a time, I often looked at the scenery outside the window like this in the shrine,

"......I understand, you have already said this......However, if there are any changes or accidents along the way, I will forcefully intervene in my own way."

"Don’t think that just because I’ve never hurt anyone means I’m a good person. I don’t know what I’ll do when the time comes, so don’t blame me for not warning you in advance."

Zhen was overjoyed when she heard this. Even though her legs were a little numb, she still didn't get up. Instead, she lowered her head and closed her eyes and thanked her.

"Thank you so much......I will do my best not to let things get to that point."

The conversation looked very serious, but the sudden click broke the stalemate.

Zhen slowly raised his head and stood up, while Siwen lowered his eyes and silently listened to the conversation between the two, but he kept eating delicious food. Bei, the pink-furred fox who looks like he's staying aloof


The little pink-furred fox's mouth was full, and his little paws were lowered and pressed down a few pieces, while the other little paw was still stretching towards the plate in front of him. He realized that Swain was looking at him, and the little pink-furred fox's movements After a pause, she looked up at him, but she didn't panic at all. She even kept moving her cheeks, continued chewing, and thoughtfully handed the newly picked piece of senbei to Sven.

"Do you want it too?"

Sven read this meaning from the eyes of the opposite party.

While silent and speechless, Sven still reached out and took the senbei. He and the pink-furred little fox started eating one by one.

If you don't eat, you won't get it. Well

"Ahaha~ I finally know who this little guy is following~" I was really amused by the behavior of these two people. I covered my mouth and leaned back, not daring to look at these two people who were so similar from their expressions to their movements.

However, just because Leaning back revealed the fact that my legs were really numb, and I suddenly lay on my back on the tatami. What happened next?...

"Hiss hiss~~~"

Zhen took a sip of tea, straightened his legs, and moved his ten round white toes casually. He also picked up a senbei and started eating it. He even had his hands free to stroke two handfuls of pink-furred foxes.

How comfortable and comfortable it would be to look like that

"Huh~ It’s rare to have time to relax~" Zhen squinted his eyes, his face full of satisfaction. At this moment, he just wanted to enjoy this rare leisure time.

On the other hand, Si Wen was drawing his bow left and right, holding two pens, and his mouth was hanging. Holding half a piece of senbei, he was processing documents at a speed that was truly astonishing.

"Do you know this?"Zhen tilted his neck slightly and looked at the documents that Swain had processed. It seemed that there were no problems. Even the follow-up finishing work had been arranged.

His behavior was more mature than his own.

"It's okay. I watched some unreliable uncle deal with this thing, and sometimes I will help. After all, I am also the lord of a city, so I still have to learn this kind of thing."

Sven said that this is all trivial, and he can handle it with ease!

However, Centoria is said to be one city, but it is composed of the capitals of four countries. Therefore, Swain has always felt that he can handle the affairs of one city. Actually it’s from Shikoku......

However, it was impossible for Bercouli to tell him this, otherwise it would be tragic if he gave up his choice, and Bercouli would not be able to fish!

As for when the destruction will be discovered, let’s wait until then!

"Is it."Zhen nodded and continued to lower his head and play with the little pink-furred fox next to him who had eaten and drank enough and started to roll around sleepily. However, he soon started to yawn.

However, Swain glanced at Zhen's tired look, and then looked at him again. Focus on the matter in front of you

"If you are tired, you can go to rest, I am here"

"That's right, then I accept your kindness."

Zhen nodded, got up and left without any hesitation, because she knew that Sven must have rummaged through all the information here in order to find the sacred cherry tree, and if it weren't for the fact that the main tree was neither her nor the Sanfengxing Society. Management, so if there is no record, Swain must have left long ago.

Therefore, in order to get clues from himself, I believe he will not mess around. Only

Swain and the dozing Pink Hair are left in the room Little fox, the surroundings suddenly became quiet. You could only hear the sound of the pink-furred little fox rolling and chirping, as well as the sound of paper being blown by the sea breeze.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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