"Xiaoxue, aren't you happy that Xueyue is welcomed?"Sister Xiaoxue asked with a playful and happy voice.

"As a sister, I really like to see my brother being welcomed. After all, it’s better than the one who just smiles fakely to everyone, doesn’t care about anything, and just seems to be indulging in his own time. I don’t know how many times"

"But my sister is as fastidious as he is......"

"Xiaoxue, don't forget, what you said is normal in this era of three wives and four concubines."Sister Xiaoxue seems to be very open-minded, but in fact she just wants to have some fun so that her sister can quickly get out of the shadow of the destruction of her hometown and her anxious mood. Now

Xiaoxue seems to be dissatisfied with Swain's behavior, but In fact, I am really anxious. Can I take everyone back to my hometown if I live like this?

".....So what, no matter what, this idiot is an idiot and a bastard."

Xiaoxue also understands her sister. Maybe she also understood that she has a bad mentality early on, but this does not prevent her from continuing to speak viciously about Swen!

"general....grown ups?"

Kujo Sora, who was standing at the door, saw Shin surrounded by everyone, and immediately stood there dumbfounded.

What's going on?

The person in front of him, wearing inconspicuous brown clothes and dressed like a village woman, looked like a general. Ah!

This expression, this voice, this smile, I feel like a general.

Kujo Sora fell into deep self-doubt.

Do you think there is a possibility that she is really the Raiden General?

Kujo Sora felt I felt dizzy for a while, holding on to the door frame on one side, and at the same time covering my slightly aching forehead.

"No, it's impossible. The general can't appear here dressed like this. He must be too tired recently. Do you want to go back and take a rest?"

Everyone in the store also noticed the existence of Kujo Sora. Of course, so did

"Ah, Sanluo, are you here too?"However, it was really unexpected and surprising to take the initiative to say hello.

Upon seeing this, Xinhai also stood up with a happy face, looking at the friends who came to visit, but there were more doubts in his heart.

"Miss Sanluo, why are you here at this time today?"

"Ah, no, just passing by by chance."Kujo Sora felt a little sick in his stomach.

Swain, you bastard!

See how I deal with you when I go back!

Kujo Sora secretly made up his mind to punish this guy!

"But, Miss Sanluo, do you know this person?"Xiao Gong got in between Kujo Sora and Zhen, scanning their faces back and forth.

"this......"Kujo Sora just wanted to call Mamoru directly, but when he saw Mamoru on the other side, he put on a special disguise. It must be just to avoid being recognized!

But why does the general appear here?

Do you want new clothes again?

"Of course, Sanluo and I have known each other a long time ago and are very good friends."Zhen walked forward with a smile and took Kujo Sanra's arm.

"Is that so?"Xinhai looked at the two of them with a smile.

Xiaogong was also very happy. In this case, everyone is either a friend or a friend of a friend, and they are no longer outsiders.

"So, Miss True, do you want to come and play together?"

Xiao Gong pointed to the rest area on one side, where there were many board games.

"Anyway, Boss Yae is away for something right now and won’t be back for a while, so why not play and wait?"

"This is.....Game?"Zhen asked unsurely.

"Ah, by the way, how about Miss Sanluo coming too?"Xinhai glanced at Zhen, who was under consideration, and then extended an invitation to Kujo Sora.

"No, I still have my words......"Kujo Sora immediately wanted to refuse, saying that he still had official duties.

But then I thought about it, all my work was taken away by that bastard Swain, otherwise I wouldn't be so bored that I would show up at the Eighth Hall at this time!

"Sanluo, I remember you don't have work today?"

Zhen turned her head to look at Kujo Sora in confusion, with a mischievous smile on her lips.

She knew everything, and she also knew that Kujo Sora had nothing to do now!

"Why not come together?"Zhen blinked and extended an invitation to Kujo Sora.

"this....."Kujo Sora hesitated again and again, and looked at his general, as well as Xiao Gong and Xin Hai with expectant expressions....

"......Oh, Miss San Luo has shaken it to three o'clock."Xiao Gong said as he looked at the dice that had stopped spinning.

Kujo Sora turned around, picked up the chess piece that represented himself, and counted the squares in front of him.

"one....two....three.....Opportunity grid?"

Looking at the words on his position, Kujo Sora seemed a little confused.

Xiao Gong on the other side picked up the game manual

"Let me take a look.....On the opportunity grid, throw a dice again. If the number is greater than three, your funds will be tripled. If the number is less than four, your funds will be halved!"

"You can choose to give up, don't roll the dice, and nothing happens."

Xiaogong put down the instruction manual with a confused look on her face.

She was thinking about what she would choose if it were her.

"This game seems to be called Monopoly, right? It seems quite interesting that there are even such emergencies."

Zhen also held a small manual and read it while watching the changes on the field in front of him.

However, when everyone heard what Zhen said, they all lowered their heads.

As expected of the leader of a country, Zhen's current funds are compared to the other three people. It adds up to a lot!

When it comes to marching and fighting, Kujo Sanra and Xinhai are fine, but in terms of business strategy, they are still not as good as Shin!

"Hey, I really can’t compare to the real lady."

"There is no mercy in buying and selling."Xiao Gong was helpless as he leaned on the sofa.

Fortunately, her family sells fireworks and she also knows some business. Otherwise, instead of the other three competing now, she would just lie down and prepare to be at the bottom.

"Okay, I still have some experience in this area."Zhen smiled humbly.

Hearing these words, Kujo Sora felt a stomach ache again, and complained in a low voice:"If it was really just some, Inazuma would have finished playing by now......."

"But looking at it now, I miss the little pink-furred fox a little. The master said that it is now fostered at a friend's house and I don't know how it is doing."My heart misses the little fox a little, and the one who cheated openly and kept a calm expression after being discovered. He is really thick-skinned!

"Yes, by the way, I don’t think I even saw the little ones?"Xiaogong also looked around in confusion.

Xinhai took over Xiaogong's question.

"The little one said that he has fallen behind in his homework recently, so he went to make up lessons and practice with others."

If it weren't for this person and one fox, Xiao Gong and Xin Hai wouldn't have the chance to play with Zhen and Kujo Sora.

"Ah, where does that little fox stay with me now?"Zhen held the dice in both hands and prepared to start the next round.


"At Miss True's place?"Xiao Gong and Xinhai were shocked.

Kujo Shura was also stunned, little pink fox?

At the General's place?

Why didn't he know about it!?

When did it happen!

Besides, when did the General follow this Are you familiar with the owner of this store!?

Why don’t you know it yet?

This sentence immediately made Kujo Sora feel that he had missed a lot of things!

It shouldn’t be!

The general hasn’t left the house in a long time, except for the first interview. After that time, every time I delivered something, I had to go to someone from the General's Mansion, and the things were carefully inspected by the female officers and myself. The two parties even cut off direct contact. How did the little fox get in? Could it be that it was still there ? Someone else gives something?

But someone else....other people.....other people! ?

The image of Sven, neatly dressed in a black suit, taking off his courtesy and greeting him with a gentle voice suddenly appeared in Kujo Sora's mind.


Eight moons! these two people......Could it be.....In fact, he is a person! ?

But as one of the first people to be suspected, Kujo Sora had long suspected that Swin and Yazogetsu were related, and that it was either him or a collaborator!

However, not only did she gain nothing from staying in this store for a long time, she also studied the various behaviors and habits of Swin and Yaegue.

In addition to the incomparable faces, the height, hair color, walking movements, details of the joints on the body, the length and flexibility of the fingers, and the voice and intonation of the words are completely different!

Even the way they behave and deal with the world is different.

Sven is eccentric, has a strong desire to perform, is extremely exaggerated in speech and movement, and expresses himself extremely. He is a typical playboy.

Yazogyue is relatively reserved and calm, or lacks a certain amount of energy. She usually looks like an ordinary person, and sometimes even seems dull. She is often in a daze and doesn't know what she is thinking. She is completely different from Swain's alert look!

How could these two people be the same person?

Could it be that my previous judgment was wrong?

No, it must be tested again!

Kujo Sora secretly made up his mind, and the other three people didn't notice anything unusual, and they were still playing enthusiastically.

As for the little one in the previous topic, she is now in the courtyard behind the Eighth Hall, in the small half of the courtyard beside the many little girls.

"Sister, our recent intelligence gathering has not been very smooth."

One of the little girls reported to the little one a summary of the intelligence collected during this period.

However, due to the attitude of the head of the Jiuchong family, the Jiuchong family and its affiliates are now basically in a closed-door state. Even the young master of the Jiuzong family is They were all forcibly detained at home by his father.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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