Shadow glanced at the corpses of Honkai Beasts scattered all over the ground. A bright light lit up in the distance. It should be that the new sacred cherry tree was in place. The damaged thunderstorm circle revived again.

"This is not possible. Not to mention the replacement of the sacred cherry tree is too fast. Even if the replacement sacred cherry tree can still be found, there are not many talismans......"

"The wear and tear is too high, and even I can't last long in my current state."

Kage began to worry about her sister.

She touched the naginata in her hand. She kept storing the power she had secretly accumulated in her body as her final trump card. In case of any accident, at least she could still bring her with her. Follow my sister and leave here

".......If something really goes wrong then, just tell him."

"It's just for the help and strength on the way out of here. It's just for my sister's safety. It has no other meaning."

Ying said to herself, but if she had been a long time ago, she would never have had such an idea. Entrusting her sister's safety to others?

That is absolutely impossible!

Boom boom boom——!

The sky in the sky Thunder exploded.

Shadow raised his head and looked at the thunderclouds slowly gathering above his head. They were not thunderstorm circles, but naturally formed rain clouds. It looked like it would rain soon.

".......It shouldn't be. How could thunderclouds appear in weather like this just now?"

The shadow controlling the thunder and lightning tilted his head in confusion.

"Hello! There seem to be traces of monsters here too!"

However, before she could think deeply, human voices were heard in the distance, and through the dense trees, Ying could see that they were shogunate soldiers.

It was better to leave quickly, it would be troublesome if these people saw her.

I hope that the Just don't let your clothes get wet......It's really not possible.......Then just crush the thundercloud?

Even if you spend more energy, you can't get your clothes dirty!


Different from the shadow intersecting with the thunderstorm, Sven walked on the way home and looked up at the huge sun.


The sound of Tuili rang out for a long time, and his eyes swept towards the street, and he happened to see a shop selling herbal tea in the distance, but there was also a three-color dumpling shop on the side!

Intermediate supply point!

We’ve come this far.....Then just go and have a rest.

Swain walked to the bench at the door of the herbal tea shop, hid under the parasol at the door, picked up the iron fan to fan himself, and tilted his head towards the shop and shouted:"Boss, give me a big bowl of iced herbal tea."~!"

Then he turned to the dumpling shop on the side and shouted:"Boss, come and have five skewers too."....No, let’s get ten skewers of dumplings!"

"Okay~ It’ll be ready soon!"

"OK, please wait a moment."

The bosses on both sides seemed to have a tacit understanding. Apparently, many people ordered his herbal tea and then turned around to buy dumplings. However, seeing that there were many people in the dumpling shop, it might take some time to wait for the dumplings to arrive.


After placing the order, Swain sat against the outer wall of the herbal tea shop, tilting his head back and closing his eyes, quietly listening to the sound of the wind chimes.

If it's not on the street, Swain Highlands will show you what it means to turn into a puddle!

"Oh, isn't this Yae Boss?"

"What a coincidence?"

Sven heard the sound and opened his eyes slightly. His orange hair and light armor

"ah.....It is you....."

The person coming here is Thomas, who helped Sven on the outlying island. I heard Ayato Kamisato say that he would be coming back soon, but he didn't expect that he had already arrived.

"Hehe, I haven’t seen you in a few months. Boss Yae seems to have made a lot of money. Thomas said hello behind him, smiled and sat down next to Sven and ordered a bowl of herbal tea, but kept a certain distance because he could see Sven's overheated look.

Observe his words and expressions. He's not bad at what he does. If he pays a little attention, he might leave a bad impression on the other party, otherwise it won't be easy for him to ask for help!

"But it seems that Boss Yae is not used to the hot weather."

"If you know, just get down to business."Sven doesn't want to see Thomas at all. It's already a great honor for him to be able to talk to him now."

"Boss, your herbal tea~"

At this time, the boss of the store came out and brought Siwen's iced herbal tea, and he said he lifted it up from Siwen, rather he took the tea money with his powerless shrug.

Herbal tea is It’s faster than dumplings~!


Siwen drank a few sips of iced herbal tea before he finally calmed down.

"Hey, the boss is really quick to talk. Thomas used his own fan to fan Sven, and at the same time hesitantly said his request.

"actually.....I just want a favor from my boss"

"What are you busy with?"

"Are the Kamisato family members planning to use my favor?"Sven kept looking at him as he said this.

"No no no." Thomas shook his head quickly. He didn't have the dignity to use this favor privately.

"Actually, this is my personal request"

"Please boss, please help me for the sake of helping you.~?"Thomas clasped his hands together, lowered his head and begged with deep pleading.

"Hmm....."Siwen took a sip of herbal tea and his cheeks looked bulging.

"Well, I was taken care of by you when we were on the outlying island, and you even invited us to dinner. Let’s talk about what happened first. Thomas was immediately overjoyed. He didn't expect Sven to be so easy to talk to, so he hurriedly continued:"I want to ask the boss to make me some clothes.""

"That's it?"

"Can you just go to my store and pick up a set, or a few sets?"What did Swain think was going on? As for being so solemn, this is the result?

"No, I want women's clothes"

"how? Are you wearing it? Swain replied subconsciously.

"......."Thomas froze immediately, how should he answer this?

However, before Thomas could answer, Swain continued to speak nonchalantly.

"It's okay, I wear it occasionally"

"???"Thomas frowned, his expression serious.

I seem to know something I shouldn't know. Is it better to forget it?

No, it’s possible that as a producer, I wear experimental clothing, so it’s probably not my interest!

"If you don’t think it looks good, I can even help you put on female makeup, which I’m quite familiar with!"


No, you.....this......Ah Ang? ? ?

Boss, stop making trouble!

In a big family, few servants who know things they shouldn't know can survive three episodes. I don't want to add chicken drumsticks to my dinner today!

"no no!"

"If I don’t wear it, who gave it to my young lady?"

Seeing that Sven seemed to want to say something else, Thomas hurriedly blocked Sven's mouth before any more shocking secrets were revealed on the other side.

"That's not a difficult thing, right?"

"What kind of clothes does my store not have?"

"Even if you don’t know the size, can’t you just get a set of all sizes?"

Ever since I was little, I've always had this if you want me. I'm so confident! As soon as

Thomas heard this, he knew that Swain was capable. This is really righteous!

The things he sells are used by civilians. It’s really cheap, but the ones used by the rich are also really expensive!

These are all real money!

"Actually, I want a special dress."

As soon as Thomas said this, Swain felt a strong sense of déjà vu, as if he had heard similar words not long ago.

Immediately, Swain turned his head and looked at Thomas up and down with a strange look.

"What, what happened?"

"Are you sure it was given to your lady and not to the person you like?"

I remember the one who said he wanted special clothes last time, but he still doesn't dare to confess his feelings now.

"Eh? Thomas looked at Swain in surprise again and hurriedly explained

"This, no, no, no, it was really just given to my young lady to express the kindness of saving my life and finding someone to meet me!"

"Phew, yes, that’s good."Sven breathed a sigh of relief and casually mentioned:"After all, Kujo Kamaji said the same thing when he came to see me before. As a result, he turned around and revealed that it was for the girl he liked, and that person turned out to be... The eldest lady of the Hiiragi family has been appointed!"

"The two seem to exchange letters frequently and seem to have a good relationship."

"I just don’t know what the relationship between these two people will be like if they actually get married in the future."

"Hey, tell me, can these two people get married?"

"I think it's hard to say. Maybe the two of them might elope.......I just don’t know if the young master of the Kujo family has the courage."

"However, if it is an elopement, I can provide some experience. I just elope some time ago!"

Although it was only once, there are some lessons learned that should help!


Thomas looked at Sven dumbfounded.

This is a lot of information!

I shouldn't have gone out today!

You shouldn’t come to Yae Boss either!

There is a possibility of marriage between Tianling Fengxing and Kanding Fengxing. What do you think of the social practice to which I belong?

And boss, if you want to elope, just elope, I don’t want to know about this kind of thing!

It's over, it's over, you don't really want to get a boxed lunch tonight, right?

Thomas had a headache and looked very haggard, sitting on the chair with his head lowered and both elbows resting on his thighs.

But at least he's finished telling his story.

"That's right. If you need clothes with strong cold resistance, then use those for extreme cold combat......It just so happens that Chaldea's uniform is a special disguise to withstand the cold."

Sven held his chin and thought. There was a plate of three-color dumplings placed on the bench between the two of them, but none of them had time to be moved.

"Is it really true? ?"

Thomas was very excited when he heard that there are really excellent cold-resistant clothes. You must know that there are only cotton clothes here now, and if you wear too much, you will have difficulty moving, but even if you are wrapped into a ball, you can't resist your own lady. The coldness on my body!

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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