Kamisato Ayato glanced back and forth between Kamisato Ayaka and Sven, as if looking for something.

There was nothing wrong with Sven, so she didn't notice anything. However, Kamisato Ayaka lowered her head in embarrassment.

"......."Kamisato Ayato was silent.

I hope I am overthinking it

"No need, just have a good reunion as a family today, and we’ll talk about the rest later. Anyway, I have to do it again to completely cure Ling Hua."

Swen turned around, holding Xiao Bai in his arms, looking at Kallen, Gan Yu and the two little wolves.

"what about you?"

The two little wolves followed Sven without saying a word, while Kallen and Gan Yu looked at Kamisato Aya and Kamisato Ayaka.

"Miss Ling Hua, we won’t disturb your family today."

"Yes, we will say goodbye first, but we will remember the kindness of taking us in, and we will definitely visit again to say thank you someday!"

"You two are so polite, it’s us who should thank you."Kamizato Ayato returned to normal, turned around and greeted the two people, and thanked Kamisato Ayahua together.

However, Sven didn't like this kind of courtesy, and strode out of the courtyard directly.

A wealthy family. This set of etiquette is complicated!

"Ah, Sven, wait for me!"

"Why are you walking so fast? Upon seeing this, Kallen and Gan Yu hurriedly caught up, following Sven on the left and right, chatting and laughing along the way as they drifted away.

Toma wanted to go out to see him off, but found that they After leaving Kamisato's house, he rode on the two wolves and ran away. That was a speed that even a fast horse could not catch up with!...

That afternoon, Xiaoxue and Xinhai were in the backyard of Yaeongtang, looking at these two amazingly sized animals......You call this a little wolf?

He's almost turning into a giant wolf!

What breed do you have?

How many months does it take to grow so tall?

Of course, in addition to the wolf, there are also Kallen, Ganyu and Xiaobai who were separated before.

Xiaoxue was very happy to see that they were all safe and sound. They had all been close friends before, and they had saved her several times. When they met again, Xiaoxue started chatting with the two of them until late at night.

Swain, who lived in the next room, listened to the sounds coming from the room and was very curious about how talkative these people were. They didn't feel sleepy all night?

Because of their size, Sesame and Nuomi couldn't leave the house. Swain had brought them into the city with a wrench before. Fortunately, the backyard was very large and they all had their own people. The temporary resting place for employees was not connected to the backyard. In addition, here The little girls have all seen the dragon lizards raised by Swen, so why should they be surprised now that there are two wolf cubs with long bodies?

Xiao Bai was as popular as ever, but his arrogant temperament made it difficult for everyone to get close to him.

Kallen is a familiar person. Even if she comes to a new environment, she can quickly integrate into it and mix with Xiao Gong, an optimist.

Kallen also wanted to go over and ask about Sakura, but looking at Sven's current state, I'm afraid she wouldn't gain much, so she kept silent. Kallen might look a little careless, but she was very considerate. Otherwise, she wouldn't be called a saint.

Gan Yu is still a little uncomfortable with it, maybe because his butt is still swollen, so he seems restless, and rarely interacts with others, but he surprisingly gets along well with Xinhai, maybe because both of them are a bit weak..

The clerks and customers in the store looked at the two new faces and asked the others curiously, but very few people could answer.

But looking at the way Kallen and Sven get along, with their bodies so close to each other, holding each other's arms from time to time, feeding each other, tickling noses, combing hair, etc., laughing and interacting, they really don't care at all. , seems to be many times closer than Xiaoxue, and he doesn’t even occasionally sarcastically mock Swain.

It seems like this is the real boss lady?

"Do you think he will marry Miss Karen in the future?"Timid girls seldom speak, but when they do, they smell like gossip.

"Hard to say....."Seeing this, Sister Xiaoxue couldn't make any rash judgments, so the fun-loving person changed the subject and asked her sister with a smirk.

"What do you think, Xiaoxue?~?"

"have no idea."Xiaoxue replied coldly.

"What a boring answer~" Sister Xiaoxue drawled, very dissatisfied.

"Give it an interesting answer after thinking about it a little bit.~!"

"Thinking about it will not lead to results, nor will it change anything, because we can only watch the development of things, and everything that happens here is a foregone conclusion for our era."

"After all, he is not Xue Yue now......"

Xiaoxue watched Siwen's performance during this period, and she felt more and more the gap between Siwen and Xueyue.

A researcher and magician who wears a mask all day long, pretending to be a scumbag, and is not interested in anyone. A cynical, unconscious playboy, a scientist knight who seems to know everything except how to cook.

The two of them were obviously completely different, but yet they made themselves so entangled.

She thought that after the two parties signed a contract, the relationship would be strengthened, but Swain's attitude towards her has always been tepid.

Xiaoxue once wondered if the other person was so kind to her, but she found that he was the same to everyone.

Fair, just, sunny, positive and uplifting, powerful yet gentle, no matter how you look at it, it is the benchmark for knights.

Many people in the gems even said that if their lover chooses such an existence, they must be very strong. sense of satisfaction and happiness.

But instead, she felt an extremely strong sense of disobedience!

It seems like it's all a bit too much.....normal?

It seems that everything he hopes for can be seen in Swain, or maybe.......In fact, he has always been playing the image expected by everyone!

Own......Or no one can ever really understand him!

Xiaoxue turned her head and no longer looked at Sven who was sitting there helping Kallen braid her hair, but looked at the book in her hand.——《"Summoning and Use of Familiar"

Sven's study does not have any books about Servants and Masters. It may be that he put them there intentionally, or there may not be any at all. This book is the one that Xiaoxue has found that is most likely to be close to her and Sven. A book about the state of gentleness.

Touching her chest, Xiaoxue always remembered the words she said when she met Justisa for the first time, and she kept them hidden in her heart.

"At that time, that person said that I didn’t even have native magic circuits, so what qualifications did I have to be his master?....."Xiaoxue repeated in a low voice

"Yes, that person did say that at the time. So the question is, this book says that summoning a familiar requires magic power, which means that the summoner needs to have a magic circuit. Even if it cannot be used at all, it still needs to be capable."

"As recorded in the book, even if there is no magic power, it can be obtained by sacrificing something. This is one of the reasons why demons appeared in the Middle Ages."

"When the magician runs out of magic power, he will sacrifice himself and pay a certain price in exchange for magic power. In short, this is the most basic condition."The calm young man began to express his speculation.

Because too much information was poured in at once, his brain almost crashed. Now he wants to restore his reputation!

"First of all, Xiaoxue-san does not have a native magic circuit at all, but she has successfully concluded a contract. This means that she has a magic circuit in her body, and according to these scattered records, the servant is the top familiar. So the quality of this magic circuit And the quantity must be amazing!"

Everyone listened quietly to the young man's reasoning. All the knowledge in it was learned from reading books with Xiaoxue recently. At least in terms of theoretical knowledge, they have just started.

"Before we arrived here, there was only one person among the people who followed us from the same era who had this level of circuitry, and that was—Classmate Xue Ye, or let’s call him Doctor Wing!"

"However, he has already......"The gentle female voice wanted to warn the young man, but she guessed that Xiaoxue and Sister Xiaoxue were not in the mood to speak.

"Well, but this is impossible. The magic circuit will disappear directly when the master dies. This is written in the book. Only the magic mark, which is the magician's lifelong research, can be left behind."Young people don't panic at all even if they are questioned.

"Moreover, Xue Ye’s circuit has long since disappeared. It disappeared long before meeting Xiaoxue’s ancestors, so it is impossible to pass it on!"

"If that’s the case, that’s not right!"Someone raised objections

"i know but......The premise is that Xue Ye’s circuit is his own!"

"What's the meaning?"The timid girl was a little confused.

The calm young man took a deep breath, because what he was going to say next was an extremely bold guess!

"Under normal circumstances, magic circuits cannot be transferred because they are unique to each person. Just like human organs, only the ones that are native to you are the most suitable.......So what if a person could travel through time and space, sending his past magic circuit to the future, and then send it back to the past after being developed and nurtured in the future?"

"!!!"Many people present were shocked.

This idea is a little too crazy and too bold!

"I know that many people question this statement, but there is still a lot of evidence."

The calm young man is very confident to prove that his statement is possible!

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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