"The mission is completed. There are a total of forty-two people in the bandit group, and all of them, including one leader, are confirmed to be dead. This is the leader's head. Please confirm it."

The dazed woman glanced at the head at her feet, with some emotion in her eyes.

Yes, this is the person who caused her family to be ruined overnight, and she was also the culprit of being bullied.

"No need, this is the person........"

The woman stood up in a daze, turned around and looked at Swain, with a little nostalgia in her eyes.

".......My child is like you and very smart. If he lives, he will probably become a scholar."

"Thanks....Thanks! Thanks!!"

The woman lowered her head and muttered with a hint of crying in her voice. Tears continued to flow down her face. Then she handed a bag of coins to Swain.

"This is the promised reward."

Sven reached out and took the money bag, and then the woman walked to the edge of a new pit dug next to the grave without looking back.

The woman took a deep breath, took out a knife and stabbed her neck directly.

Swain She watched quietly from behind and did not take any action.

The woman's body swayed slightly, her steps were light and she fell directly into the new pit.


Swain shook his money bag and was about to turn around and leave, but....

Sand— sand— but just after taking two steps, Sven turned back and used a shovel to cover the hole where the woman fell.

But at this moment, Sven looked at the stone tablets in front of other tombs, and then looked at the stone in his hand, and suddenly felt worried.

"If the reason for burying the corpses of living things is to avoid causing a plague, I can understand it, but what is the use of tombstones?"

Looking at Si Wen who was scratching his head and scratching his head until he was unable to write anything, Xiaoxue slowly walked forward and squatted down to take a closer look at the too young Si Wen in front of him.


"Really yes!"

"Humanity is in enough trouble!"

Sven stood up impatiently, took out a copper coin from the purse that the woman had just given him, then swung it and embedded it into the stone in his hand, and erected it as a tombstone.

But this time He really left here.

When Xiaoxue thought he was going back to rest, she discovered that he was just going to take on the next commission.

"......My daughter was forcibly taken away by that family. She wanted to come back, but her body was not found. I want you to help me kill that person and his whole family!! As long as I can, I can give you my property, my life, and even my soul!"

"What's wrong with me? I just want to work hard to live, as long as I have food to eat and a place to live. Why do those nobles burn my house and fields! I want revenge! I want revenge on them!!! Even if it costs my life! I want to make those guys miserable!!"

"asshole! Those guys robbed my carriage, my goods and my wife and daughter. All my servants are dead. All I ask is.......No, please save my family! As long as you agree, I'll give you anything!"

"Damn prime minister! You have emptied my rights and reached an agreement with the enemy. Are you going to exchange my life for glory and wealth? Damn it, I want to strike first! As long as you kill the prime minister and all the rebellious officials and traitors in his camp, I will guarantee that you will be prosperous and wealthy for the rest of your life!"

"I really can't stand it anymore. Since this emperor came to the throne, in addition to heavy taxes, he also organizes beast-fighting competitions every month, allowing real people to fight wild beasts with bare hands. My father, brother, and husband all died. In the Colosseum, I didn't want my young son to die too! I want you to kill that king!! As long as you agree, I can do anything you ask me to do!"

"Hahaha!! That's it! Come on! My brave soldiers!! Tonight we will have a celebration drink in the palace of the enemy's capital. I want you to kill the people guarding the city and open the gate to help my army enter the city! You also know what the people in this country have done. Compared to them massacring the city wantonly, I am already very merciful! And when the time comes, I promise, this mountain and river will be your territory!"

"How can my daughter, my lovely princess, get married? And still marry that scumbag prince? Even if you marry a commoner, it's fine! damn it! These guys are waging war wantonly. How can it be solved by marriage alone to this extent? Returning all the land, huh, what a dream! You don’t know how to find a better excuse to lie!"

"No, I must ruin this marriage! We still have to find a way to defeat the enemy!"

"A child wrapped in a black robe, whose face can’t be seen clearly......Ah, I know you, the moonlit little devil who can make your wishes come true as long as you pay the price! Just in time, I want you to kill that prince......No, I still want you......Destroy that entire crazy kingdom that only starts wars wantonly and makes everyone crazy!"

"As long as you can take good care of my citizens, this position will be given to you!"


"......I know the reason, so I will accept this commission. Please prepare the promised reward. If you break your promise halfway, I will take your head."

Sven was wrapped in a large robe and under his hood. No one could see his expression clearly, nor could they guess what his mood was at the moment from his calm tone. It seemed that no matter what request the other party made, as long as there was a reason, If enough, if you can convince him, he will accept it.

No matter what kind of commission it is, whether it is to kill a commoner, a noble, a group of robbers, a minister, a king, the people of a city, or to overthrow a country.......

Countless people's wishes gathered here, Xiaoxue has been standing on one side watching all this.

She knew that Swain had a past that he didn't want to mention, and she had also speculated that maybe he had hurt some people in the past.

But she never thought that there would be so many of these people!

In the mountains of corpses and seas of blood, Sven narrowly escaped death several times. Sometimes he was chased, blocked and ran around in alleys, and sometimes he was besieged by a large army and finally used poison to kill them all. Of course, the competition among his peers was also fierce, and there were also times when he was sleeping at night. Someone showed up to assassinate him.

Most of the time, Sven experienced seventeen waves of raids by different teams in one night. Xiaoxue felt that she understood why Sven only rested his body and not his mind at night, because once he fell asleep, he would never wake up again.

This is good, at least the opponents are all humans. According to his skills, he can basically complete the task and escape or fight back without making mistakes.

However, there are many beasts among the opponents, and the size and power of beasts are far beyond what normal people realize. They can basically be said to exist as Warcraft!!

I fought with a four- to five-meter-tall black bear with my bare hands, and after narrowly escaping from a day of fighting with a large number of humans, I hunted a giant crocodile with a hungry stomach and a broken arm, and even ate raw meat without even having time to make a fire. , he was intercepted by a group of hyenas that appeared halfway. Not only was he injured, he had to run away desperately, but he was still hungry.

Many people couldn't bear to look at Sven, who was much younger than themselves. Just what they saw in front of them made people feel stomach cramps.

At this age, he is fighting for his life every day in order to survive, and he doesn't even know if there will be another day.

But what were you doing when you were his age?

Go to school every day, followed by various tutoring classes and various interest classes. Of course, cultural classes, including piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, and the six arts of gentleman. With Swain, if you fall asleep even slightly, you will lose your life. A completely different kind of 'trial'.

But what does this mean?

Totally incomparable!

When Swain finished his last commission, he sat on the top of the tower at the top of the palace in the capital of a country to welcome the night as the night passed and the sun rose.

The capital city, which should have been gradually becoming lively, was so quiet. Not to mention traces of human activities, even the sounds of birds and animals seemed to have disappeared in this area.

It was also during this commission that Xiaoxue saw the real horror. A real murderer only needed to sit at the highest point in the town and wait for the poison that had been placed at the upwind of the city to spread freely in the air without wasting a single person. One soldier even said that he could kill all the creatures in an entire town quietly............

".......It's daybreak. It's been a long time since I came out. I'd better go back. I hope the flowers I planted haven't died."


The empty mountain land is full of dry and cracked rocks exposed to the strong wind.

When the wind blows over the earth, it always raises a layer of light red mist, which is actually weathered rock debris.

Even if you stand on the top of the mountain and look out into the distance to see the red land, you can't find any life or vitality here.


Xiaoxue felt that it was impossible for anyone to live here. Even for survival in the wild, this was the most difficult area.

However, when she turned around, she saw Sven, who had been cold-faced before, happily holding a handicraft. Kettle made for watering flowers.......

"Hum hum~~"

"This guy really can't understand."

Who in the right mind would grow flowers here!

At the very least, they should grow food!

Xiaoxue took a look at this flower field. It must have taken a lot of effort to create such a large field in this environment. But how could this place be anything else? There is no one except Sven?

Is he really not alone?

However, just as Xiaoxue was thinking about this, a huge ghost suddenly appeared from the ground behind Sven.

Xiaoxue thought it was because he didn't know The monster appeared out of nowhere and almost screamed.

But Swain also felt it when it appeared. He stopped watering and turned around. Then he saw the ghost rushing over and hugged him directly. Swain.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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