"We also went to see if there was anyone left in the city."

Zhen Zhen hugged the little fox and ran two steps into the city when he found that the residential area very close to his general's mansion was still brightly lit and people were coming and going. Although it could be seen that it was urgent, but This number of people is really too large, and there is no sign of retreat at all!

"This is.....Why?"

It really felt like my head was empty, but Sven was right before. Now is not the time to reflect. What is more important than escaping?

Thinking of this, she and the little fox accelerated their pace and ran towards Daozuma City below.


Kamisato Ayaka, the little boy Kazuma, met by chance on the street, and each expressed their intention to come. Finally, they decided to act at the same time, so they ran towards the largest family that still stayed in Inazuma Castle, the Kujo family.

"Hurry up!"

"Move quickly!"

The head of the Kujo family was hurriedly directing everyone to load the packed luggage onto the carriage.

"How is this going?"

As soon as Zhen entered the door, he saw everyone busy. According to Sven's plan, the city should be almost empty at this juncture. After a while, it will be necessary to cover the retreat of the shogunate soldiers on the front line, but with this number of people....

The sudden intrusion of a large number of people attracted the attention of the people in the courtyard, but most of them stopped for a moment and continued busy with their work without paying too much attention. On the contrary, after the head of the Kujo family in the distance saw Zhen's appearance, he did not So anxious.

With a general with unparalleled martial arts here, even if the worst happens, there will be no problem with the lives of my family.

"Lord General."

Kujo Takayuki walked through the chaotic crowd in the courtyard and came to the general. The anxious color on his face turned into a sorry smile in an instant. Kujo Kamaji and Ippei who followed behind him could only helplessly accompany him on one side.

This But General!

You can save your life!

You can’t offend him!

"Tianling pursues......."Zhenzhen glanced at Kujo Takayuki with a complicated expression, and walked forward while holding back the anger and confusion in his heart.

Kamisato Ayaka beside her consciously followed her as an attendant, while Toma, Xiaodian and others were watching from behind.

"How is this going?"

"Why are there still so many people here?"Looking around, these people are still busy loading things onto the carriage.

"Didn’t I already say that it’s important to bring the necessary things first and escape from here?"

"Yes, General, these are necessities."Kujo Takayuki didn't panic at all, and even explained calmly.

"We went north with the refugees, and they definitely didn’t bring as much as we did. At most, they brought some luggage and the like. When we become refugees, if we don’t have enough food and clothing, and we don’t have extra money, we won’t be able to bring anything with us. In order to trade with the local people, do we need to exchange these things?"


When Zhen heard the words, he was immediately speechless. What the other person said made sense.

It is true that escaping now can survive for a short time, but what about later?

Supplies are necessary.......

To exchange for supplies, you still need to have money and things in hand.

Really speechless.

And she is really not suitable to be a ruler. She is too kind in her behavior. At this time, she needs to order other places to support her. As for money, of course, she will talk about it later, but she really doesn’t have the courage.

"Well, that's enough for now, right?"

"We must leave here quickly. The frontline is bleeding and dying every moment. We cannot delay it any longer."

"Yes, the general is right."Kujo Takayuki nodded with a smile, but in his heart he felt that this was Inazuma Castle. Even if the front line was broken through, it would still take time for those monsters to come here. By then, he would have led the convoy away from here.

He was attacked. That is absolutely not allowed.........

"A group of black shadows were spotted approaching rapidly on the southern sea surface!"

"Hit the route directly and head towards the city!"

"It seemed like he was preparing to hit him directly!"

The little girl holding a telescope on the roof of a three-story building suddenly shouted.

The other little girls on guard basically shouted indiscriminately, and the content was roughly the same.


Everyone looked up at the same time when they heard the sound. Even the servants of the Kujo family stopped when they heard the shout.

"Miss! Thomas was the first to react among all the people here. He hurriedly ran towards his young lady.

Zhen and Little Boy almost shouted at the same time:"Everyone avoid it!""

The moment the little girls heard the order, they each looked for cover, or came to the open ground and pressed their bodies directly against the ground to protect their heads.

Under Swain's training, they reacted very quickly. After all, Swain was really ruthless in his attacks. , if you are slow to dodge, you will be beaten with a wooden knife!

There is no mercy!

Bruises on the nose, swollen face, fractures, cracked bones, etc. are commonplace!

And the most common words you hear are......

If your brain can’t remember it, use your body to remember it!

It's better to get injured during training than die in actual combat!

And it turns out Swain was right.

On the other hand, the people on the Kujo family side reacted much later. Except for the few people closest to Zhen who were knocked down by Zhen with a piece of thunder and fell to the ground and ate a mouthful of dirt, the rest of the people greeted him with almost no movement. Attacked!........

Buzz -

Swain pulled the trigger again, the purple beam shone in the distance, and moved the muzzle slightly to sweep across.

The beam hit four or five petrels. Under the high temperature, their bodies were directly melted and cut open. They died immediately and fell into the ocean. However, new petrels would soon fill these vacancies, and even Sven had the guts to hit them more and more. What an illusion!

Bah, bah, bah—!

Swain changed the magazine again, and at the same time, a lot of white gas was released from both sides of the sniper rifle in his hand. Apparently, he had used the illumination mode for too long and the cooling system was somewhat overloaded.

There has been almost no stopping of irradiation for more than seventy seconds, so the current black barrel has a little bit of superheated red light. Now when it is put into cold water, it will definitely burst out a large amount of water vapor.

"Damn it, I can’t continue using the irradiation, it will overheat."

"The enemy continues to approach, the distance is three thousand!"

At this distance, Kujo Sanra has also noticed the enemy. It would be better to say that she has been paying attention to the direction of Swain's continuous shooting from the beginning.

Now it seems that Swain's blocking has failed!


These are almost Kujo Sora's first thought was to attack Haiyan who launched a surprise attack on the coast, but then he suddenly realized that the speed of these things was too fast! In almost the blink of an eye, they had covered a distance of several kilometers. In front of my own eyes


"Everybody get down!!"

Kujo Sora yelled at the top of her lungs, but the battle line was too wide, and her voice could not be transmitted to everyone instantly.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

As they approached the coastline, the group of petrels began to raise their altitude almost at the same time, but some He raised his height to the height of Inazuma Castle on the cliff, and some were as high as the coastline of Kujo Sora's position.

Kujo Sora lay on the ground, protecting his head with both hands, and looking sideways at the defense line on one side..

Some people heard the instructions or saw someone suddenly lying down, so there was nothing wrong with those who followed the lying down, but there were also many people who didn't react.

These people raised their heads, their pupils had not fully contracted, and they did not look at them at all. When they saw something in front of them, Haiyan arrived in front of them.


Everyone lying on the ground holding their heads and shivering turned to look at the people who were standing beside them just now, only to find that those people's bodies were weak at this moment. Kneel down and move your eyes upward, the living person will see the head, neck, and body that are divided up and down.


Seeing such a tragic situation, everyone screamed, but when they wanted to get up and run away, because they were afraid that they would become the same, they could only lie down again, covering their heads with tears streaming down their faces and shaking.

Zheng Clang--!

Abnormally sharp cutting sounds continued to sound all around. The few remaining trees on the coastline were cut into several pieces by Haiyan's sharp blade-like wings, and even the grass behind felt like it was... It was a lot shorter.

Of course, there were many Haiyans who were killed in a collision in a trench that Kujo Sanra led people to build in advance with sandbags and gravel. If it hadn't been for this trench, I don't know how many people would have died by now.!

And the petrel that skipped the crowd continued to violently increase its altitude, flying straight towards the clouds above, disappearing!

Turning around to look at those on the Inazuma Castle side, the petrels that attacked here were flying at a height higher than those on the coastline. It's a lot higher, but it's not that high. It's only two or three stories high or lower at most. It can basically be regarded as flying close to the ground.

Therefore, facing the higher-rise buildings in the city, these Haiyan's choice is to directly crash into them.!

Bang bang bang!!

These Haiyans used their boomerang-like bodies to directly completely destroy the middle and bottom floors of the buildings. Therefore, large areas of buildings in the city suddenly collapsed and were destroyed due to the strong wind pressure they brought. The building collapsed to the same side, pressing on other surrounding buildings, making the damage area even wider.

Even the castle tower in the Shogun's Mansion in the distance was crumbling at the moment, and it looked like it had just experienced a major earthquake.

"These bastards!!"

Sven looked at Haiyan rushing towards his tower, stood up, held up a sniper rifle in his right hand, and took out a shotgun in his left hand. At the same time, two suspended shotguns appeared beside him.


Split explosion The bullet was shot out, and suddenly there was a large explosion of fire in front of Sven. The large area of ​​petrels that rushed towards him were immediately reduced to ashes. However, this number was nothing to the entire group of petrels!

The rest of the petrels rushed from his side. As it flew across, the wings cut through the air to form sharp blades, cutting several holes in Sven's clothes.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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