"If this time........If we have a chance to meet again in the future, I'll buy you a drink and I won't come back until you're drunk."

Sven looked at Kujo Sora with some surprise. You must know that Kujo Sora is famous for being strict with himself. Even if he holds a celebration banquet and other events, he will only drink a glass of wine for fun. The rest of the time A teetotaler.

But such a person would now invite himself to drink.

"good."Sven immediately agreed.

"When the time comes, I’ll treat you to a drink of the fine wine I brewed myself, wine that would make even the gods drunk!"

"It’s a deal!"

"I hope you won’t miss your appointment!"

Kujo Sura also agreed happily.

"rest assured!"

"I have never broken my promise! Kujo Sora confirmed again and again:"

Then it's agreed, let's survive each other and don't break the promise!""


The two looked at each other and bumped their fists to make an agreement.

But soon both of them chuckled and turned their heads away from each other. At the same time, they raised their heads to look at the sky, enjoying themselves in silence. To this last tranquility before the war


Xiaoxue stayed in the corner, leaning against the room, looking down at her feet, one of her toes kept touching the ground. Everyone was silent after listening to the conversation between the two.

In modern terms, this is If you are planting flags like crazy, generally people who say this kind of thing will basically not be able to come back alive.

But this also shows that the two of them have already made sense.

That is the consciousness of a warrior who fights for survival, for his ideals, and for his own beliefs!.......

Crash- bang-!

The waves on the coast are becoming more and more fierce, and the moonlight in the sky has completely dissipated, but the time is still very early, it is only six o'clock in the morning.

Everyone on the west wall of Inazuma Castle wishes that it was winter now, so that the dark days would be much longer and there would be enough time to prepare.

Kallen, Sesame and Nuomi were on the outside of the city gate, Kujo Sanra and Gan Yu were on the walls on both sides of the city gate. As for Sven, he was half-kneeling on the hummingbird, flying at a low altitude further outside the city gate, at a very high altitude. It's low, only about four or five meters. For some large Honkai beasts, it's just as high as they can reach by jumping.

Apart from that, there is no line of defense. Time is too tight. After Sven has prepared his weapons, he can only lay some simple traps on the streets near the city gate. In addition to gems processed into ammunition, he now has There are no extra gems or other extra materials to create any large-scale and highly lethal traps.

In addition, there are other people here, and using poison is not an option, so the only choice to stay in front of everyone is to rely on strength!

Xiaoxue and Zhen stayed behind, away from the rest of the ordinary people, and let the dignitaries who didn't want to leave at first save themselves.

Zhen was originally opposed to it, but the good reason given by Swain turned out to be that he would sit in the middle of the army and the miscellaneous soldiers would not bother the general to take action. But if he was really defeated, the general would have to step in and turn the tide.

However, I still understand my own dilemma very well. There is nothing I can do to turn the tide, and she is not a shadow!

But he turned to look at Kujo Sora, who was nodding in agreement, and it was hard to tell him that they were two sisters........

Really, you don’t want others to know that you have a sister, right?

Therefore, under Swain's semi-coercive rhetoric, Zhen had no choice but to agree.

The pink-furred little fox now knew what was important and what was important. He just stood quietly at Zhen's feet, looking up at Zhen with a solemn expression. He did nothing but shake his big fluffy tail.

Xiaoxue touched the pistols in her hands, and Swain gave her two. One was held in hand, and the other was also put in the holster and tied to her right thigh.

"Remember, no matter who your opponent is, don’t hold back. No matter how close your relationship is or how innocent he looks, don’t hesitate if you want to survive!"

"In this world, if you don’t fight, you will be the only one who dies."

Xiaoxue kept recalling what Sven said in her mind.

At that time, Sven's face was full of gloom, as if he already had a specific imaginary enemy.

In contrast, Xiaoxue also gave her gem necklace to him just to be on the safe side. into the hands of Swain, who had the highest survival rate on the scene.


Sven held the gem necklace, and Xiaoxue said it was an amulet, so she should wear it properly, since she would be asked to wear it every now and then.

Lowering his head, he slowly hung the string around his neck. When he raised his head again, Swain saw the wriggling black shadows on the coast in the distance.

"The enemy group is approaching, with a distance of three thousand and an estimated number of twelve hundred."AI warning said


The lively female voice screamed out in surprise.

The batch early this morning was already amazing, but compared with the current number, it is not at the same level at all!

"This number can only be matched by modern warfare weapons."

"But the reality is here.......There were only four people and two wolves."The magnetic male voice and the calm young man spoke with heavy tones. Apparently they didn't think that such an enemy could last long with such combat power.

"Hum, it’s finally here!"

"The battle begins, a red battle alert is issued, and tactical support is activated. Commander, the enemy is approaching, directly ahead at twelve o'clock, with seventy-four in the air and thirty-four on the ground."

Sven connected the electromagnetic gun with his left hand, and held up the sniper rifle with his right hand. His feet were also fixed on the backs of the double-sided flying wings and hummingbirds, directly transforming into the firepower point of the fort.

Whoosh whoosh!

When a wave of collapse When the bad beasts have arrived at the beach, traces of those petrels appear again on the sea level in the distance!

And the petrel group will overtake the land-based Honkai beast group and become the first wave of offensive!

"As predicted, the first wave is indeed you guys!"

Sven attacked them this time. There were almost no high-rise buildings in the city. Continuing to fly low would pose a greater threat to these guys. It is very likely that they did not achieve any results. As a result, they hit the undulating ground. The convex surface on the ground. He was knocked to death by rocks and other rocks on the ground. Therefore, the target of this wave of petrels is the only remaining combat unit on the human side!




In Swain’s hand The two weapons, as well as the two close-in defense guns of Hummingbird under their feet, were fully fired, which directly attracted most of Haiyan's attention.

"Come with me!"

Sven smiled confidently, tilted his body slightly, turned the flying wings under his feet, and the blue tail flame at the rear suddenly increased its power, guiding these guys towards the forest on the west side. The hummingbird is not a simple accelerator, it is originally The design concept is a fire foothold that can be stepped on and can hover in the air, and an auxiliary flight device equipped on the back to compensate for close combat maneuverability. These two modes. The advantage is not in speed, but in sensitive maneuverability. , capable of rapid rotation and other maneuvers. Although an animal like the petrel sprints very hard, it is impossible to brake and turn quickly.

Therefore, in a forest environment with complex terrain, its mobility can be limited to the maximum extent.!

"One hundred meters ahead, we entered the forest. At six o'clock, the enemy continued to approach, and the distance was shortening."

Sven took the lead, entering the forest while fighting and retreating, and continued to lower the height, controlling the center of gravity of the body to control the hummingbirds to dexterously avoid all obstacles encountered. The petrels followed closely behind , before they fully entered here, many petrels directly hit the trees. The powerful impact knocked down large areas of trees, but at the same time, many petrels were directly killed or incapacitated.

For such an opponent, Si Of course, Wen would not be polite and directly hit the target!

With full firepower, violent explosions and fires continued to be heard in the forest.

"The threat from the air appears to be no problem."

Karen in front of the city gate raised her head and looked at the scattered flying Honkai Beasts. She raised the fairy bow in her hand and shot them down easily.


Zhizhi and Nuomi lowered their bodies, grinning at the beasts in front of Kallen, with low growls coming from their throats.

Holding the fairy bow in both hands, Kallen fired a shot of gun spray, and followed Sesame and Nuomi forward under the cover of Ganyu and Kujo Sanluo.

Bang bang bang!!

Kallen's goal is very clear, that is to aim at the eyes of all Honkai Beasts and shoot!

These guys are very big, and the carapace of some seafood is very hard, so it is difficult to kill them. So it is better to follow Swain’s instructions and blind all the eyes of the previous batch and make them headless. Flies, wandering here, can at least serve as roadblocks!

Sesame's ability is to sneak into the shadows on the ground. Although it lacks attack power, it constantly chooses tough-looking opponents.

For example, the conch here has many spikes on its shell. Sesame will Attack directly from the ground, rush out of the ground, lift the conch, and then throw it into the rest of the Honkai beasts, often damaging a large area in this way.

And Nuomi's abilities are very similar to his temperament, they are both so arrogant.

The two claws are wrapped with black shadows, and each swing will leave four black scratches in the air. The penetrating power is amazing. Basically, if it is scratched like this, it will be torn apart on the spot.

It is even said that if its claws are not enough, it will bite!

Compared with its sesame, it is simply wild, but this also makes it the one with the highest kills in the team except Gan Yu.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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