That's because they understand that showing mercy here won't save these people, it will only increase casualties!

Therefore, the dead soldiers who appeared were quickly cleared away by these two people.

Kallen and the others are not familiar with her, but this woman, Kujo Sora, is indeed a heretic, and she can be so ruthless to the people she lives with day and night!

So is it dangerous to wait for others by yourself?

If he had become like this, would he also be mercilessly executed by this woman?

The remaining people did not look at the two with tears of gratitude. Instead, they all moved away from the two with a slightly frightened look.

Among these people was Kujo Sora's adoptive father, Kujo Takayuki. Kujo Sora, who was good at observing, paused, slowly moved his eyes away from these people, and lowered his head.

But he quickly regained his composure and said to Zhen in a businesslike tone:"General, we can't stay here any longer."

"Otherwise, more people will become like this, and maybe they will all be wiped out. Now the only way is to take risks and break through those beasts."

"A considerable amount has been cleared in the wave just now, and the next wave is yet to come. This is the moment with the highest success rate at present!"

After hearing this, I also knew that it was time to make a decision. I mentioned this matter during the previous combat meeting.

".....Okay, Sanluo, you lead the team!"

"What about you, General?"Kujo Sora looked at the general curiously.

"I want to stay and break up the relationship!"Zhen was planning to evacuate in the end.

Kujo Sora wanted to exhort him, but seeing Zhen's determined expression, what he wanted to say was swallowed back alive.

"......I see."

Gan Yu walked over from the side, with two little wolves following him to protect him.

"How was the route?"When Kujo Sanra saw this, he directly stepped forward to ask.

"Hmm, you can go to the northwest side. No obvious large Honkai beasts have been found there yet, so it should be safe for the time being!"

Zhen Zhen felt relieved immediately after hearing this. Without any further instructions, Kujo Shura returned and hurriedly commanded everyone. He loaded all the wounded into the carriages that had been emptied despite the objections of the Kujo family head and other eunuchs and merchants, and immediately followed Gan Yu's instructions. The investigation route fled out of the city.

But now, the opponents who were making a fuss just now have all calmed down, and basically all of them got into the carriage with livid faces and said nothing, which made people feel relieved. A lot of care.

Everyone divided into groups again. Kallen, Ganyu and others were leading the way. The two little wolves and Xiaoxue were in the middle of the group, and Sura Kazuma was at the end. Although he was said to be leading the team, Kujo Sura was still worried. Really.

Xiaobai has been vigilant and issuing warnings from above. However, even so, the team still has attrition from time to time due to some hidden small Honkai Beasts. The problem of dead soldiers also often appears, and the number of infected people has also increased from a few scattered at the beginning. People appeared in a large area at the back.

Apparently the concentration of Honkai energy here rose too fast.

Even after some men were infected, because their bodies could not withstand the changes brought about by Honkai energy, their transformation into dead soldiers was not complete. As a result, their bodies first It collapsed and turned directly into ashes on the ground, completely destroyed!....


A black shadow once again flashed in front of the demon warrior's eyes. At the same time, the barrier protecting him was attacked several times again. Although the intensity was not strong, the concentration of the withering power accumulated outside the barrier was increasing, and the Honkai energy in the surrounding environment was increasing. The increase in concentration also makes Sven's aggressiveness more powerful!

It can already clearly feel that when its barrier is broken, the accumulated withering power will cause astonishing damage to itself in an instant!

The warrior shadow on the other side was severely hit by Sven's explosive state just now. His whole body was in tatters, his head was missing, and the armor on his body was cracked. If it were the real body, it would be basically useless..

After the warrior phantom regained its strength briefly, it raised its flaming sword high and pointed it at Sven, who was taking a short rest and breathing after launching the wave of attacks on the ground.

Sven tilted his head and glared directly at the warrior phantom with his shining emerald demonic eyes.

He did not get up, but instead closed the Cui Yao Magic Eye in his right eye. Soon, both eyes lit up with purple light at the same time, and a small magic array appeared in the middle of his eyebrows.

"Magic Eye, freeze it!"

Using the unique external magic circuit of the eyeball, Sven transformed his mental power into powerful magic power, and then a dazzling purple light from the magic array between his eyebrows turned into a substantial magic beam, which suddenly shot out with astonishing momentum!

He There are more than one kind of evil eyes!

The warrior phantom is not the real body, and does not intend to stop attacking. It still raises the weapon in its hand. If the evil ghost warrior feels the phantom, even if it is injured, he can use the phantom to Sven. Come with a knife!

You will be seriously injured even if you don't die!

So let the purple beam bombard the shadow's body.

The evil ghost warrior immediately felt a stinging sensation in his mind, as if a sledgehammer had not attacked. Instead, my head bypassed the solid skull and directly gave my brain a hammer!

Immediately, I dizzy and relaxed the control of the warrior phantom.

At this moment, from the warrior phantom's On the chest, the purple ice quickly submerged the entire body of the warrior shadow like a tsunami wave. In just one breath, the shadow turned into a huge ice pimple, and in the blink of an eye, it was branched out by Swain's blow. The impact caused broken ice cubes all over the ground!

The moment these ice cubes hit the ground, the shadow under Sven quickly shot out, directly swallowing up all the ice cubes, and was eventually absorbed by Sven. Swain's body collapsed. The energy concentration increased again, and the energy just consumed was restored a lot!

Turning his head again, Sven discovered that the evil ghost warrior reacted with fear like a human being. When the shadow disappeared, it turned around. He ran away to the northwest without caring about anything!

And with such overwhelming momentum, he directly destroyed everything in the way, as if he would be saved as long as he escaped far away!

Sven narrowed his eyes, and his body was not in a hurry. The earth began to dive into the shadows.......

In addition to taking care of Kallen's side, Xiaobai in the sky has actually been paying attention to the situation on Sven's side. Now when he saw such a big man rushing towards this side desperately, he immediately faced the people below. issued a warning

"What's coming?"

However, at this moment, everyone, together with the servants and guards of these nobles, are dealing with the dead soldiers who appeared in the crowd again, and there is no spare time to solve other problems. The evil ghost warrior who fled for a while found his target by virtue of his height advantage. , a large number of ordinary people with no fighting ability!

So it directly charged up and jumped over the heads of Kalian, Gan Yu and others, fell into the crowd, and directly smashed everyone on the carriage to death. He was under his body, and the shock wave caused overturned two nearby carriages, and the people on them were also thrown around.


And among these people happened to be Kujo Takayuki, Kujo Kamaji and Ippei.

Kujo Kamaji and Ippei, who were lying on the ground, were the first to get up. Looking at the huge evil ghost warrior standing beside them, they immediately collapsed on the ground in fear.

Such a thing was not something that a usually weak scholar or an ordinary servant would dare to face. Needless to say, Kujo Takayuki lay directly on the ground, timidly holding his head, completely losing his previous momentum. Ling Ren even said that in just one day, the hostility in him had been wiped away to an unknown extent.

After the evil ghost warrior landed, he looked at the people around him and felt that these people happened to be his ideal subordinates!

So it Then he stretched out his left hand and grabbed the nearest Kujo Kamaji and Ippei.


The master and servant hugged each other tightly, shouting and crying.

However, the next moment, a wave like water ripples appeared between the shadows of the two people.

Sven suddenly jumped out from below, He stretched out his fists and struck head-on with the palm of the evil ghost warrior's huge left hand.

Sven, who had just devoured the warrior's shadow, was not completely at a disadvantage, but he still suddenly retreated and slid for a distance, with his right hand slightly boned. It cracked, and the Ghost Warrior also leaned back.

However, it recovered from its erect state earlier than Sven, and emitted a large purple flame all over its body. However, the temperature of this flame was not high, and it immediately swept the surroundings.


After landing on the ground, Sven stood up, leaned forward, shrugged his arms casually, and used all the remaining time of Explosion Saint to recover all the injuries on his body!

The momentum that erupted from his body was just enough to repel all the flames flying towards him, and also saved the frightened master and servant and the head of the Kujo family beside him.

Swain felt what the attack was about, and he could tell just by looking at the other people affected by the flames.

Whether it was a normal person just now or a person who had become a dead soldier, the golden light lines on his body were mixed with a hint of purple at this moment, and he suddenly changed from the state of a straggler to the state of a commander. They all rushed towards the direction of the Ghost Warrior and Sven.

Their purpose is very clear, to protect the evil warriors and kill Sven!

"them......Is this being controlled?"

"Is there any help?"

The rest of the people looked at their friends and family members with weird expressions, and they were still praying in their hearts, hoping that these people could recover.

Therefore, just like the previous waves, these people were not prepared to take action.

Swain was not He didn't care whether these people were still alive, because he could no longer feel the vitality of ordinary people from these people. He immediately jumped up and used one of the special moves of the Twins on the Other Side skill set.

"Wait, those people might be able to be saved......."

"please wait!"

"my father is still there......."

Many people looked at Sven's appearance and subconsciously tried to dissuade him, and some even began to cry and pray.

But Sven was still deaf and blind, and did not stop his attack!

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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