

Obviously the first person to be in danger was Sven, but Meilin, who was watching the show from a distance, screamed the loudest.

The sound was so high-pitched that Sven wanted to ban her microphone!

However, the AI ​​​​voice came out at the right time. Ring

"X94 program has finished starting"

"System under testing......Completed, the camouflage and defense systems are broken, the base is fixed, the energy circuit is connected, the turret is extended, and enters the design state........Finish."

At the same time, Zhen, who was on the city wall, looked confused as the shells of the stern ones on the top of the city wall suddenly cracked. Small bricks scattered in all directions. Hidden inside was an unknown all-metal object..

Then four mechanical arms began to extend from the bottom of this thing, which were firmly inserted into the ground as the base of the legs, completely fixing the body. The upper metal shell cracked from the middle, revealing the dark but cold center. The metallic luster of the gun body!

While the gun barrel extended outwards, the crosshair was aimed at the depths of the ocean in the distance, where Orobas' body still had a considerable amount of body that had not yet dived into the sea!

Bang bang bang——!

The cannon muzzles on the city wall were fired one after another, and dazzling rainbow-colored light spots passed through the dim and seemingly turbid air like meteors, bombarding the sea area where Orobas was!

Boom boom boom——!!

The explosion set off the ground The monstrous white waves were telling how much damage Orobas had suffered!

The deafening sound of shelling, as well as the subsequent storm and impact force, made people who thought they were used to these strange weapons used by Swain really have to frown. She frowned.

She wanted to release her hands and cover her ears, but her work was not done yet!

Hold on!

Compared to others, your job now is easy!

I don’t want to be the one who always relies on the shadow, If you have been relying on the presence of others, now is the time to show off your courage and perseverance!

Really relax, let yourself consciously ignore all the noise around you, and focus all your attention on the line you are currently checking.

"good.....There is no problem with this part, then there is........this! ?"

Everything was normal at first, but soon she discovered a very bad situation, and an obvious look of panic flashed across her face.

And because she didn't believe in evil, she checked it several times!

But the result was the same.!

That part of the line is not disconnected, but has basically disappeared completely. It is like a large optical cable with hundreds of lines, but now only four or five are still connected. It is not completely broken and can be connected. It’s useless!!

And as a result, if it was not deliberately wiped out, then only the city wall would be damaged to a certain extent!

Bang bang bang!!

Boom boom boom——!!

Sven looked at it in the sea Orobas, who was constantly twisting his huge body because of the pain, relied on his privilege to move freely in the sea to launch interference and attacks. He also used the sea water controlled by his mental power to trap Orobas' head in the sea as much as possible. Let its huge body exposed above the sea continue to receive the baptism of artillery fire!

Bang bang bang——!

Another round of shelling. Because it was not clear what was happening on the sea, Orobas, in addition to constantly struggling violently, also used The wings tried to protect his body, but obviously the length and hardness of the wings were not enough to protect his huge body, and the injuries he deserved were not less!

Swain was quite satisfied with this situation..

It seems that what I accidentally saw with my eyes was right, and it was also right to choose to build an attack position here!

It was not in vain that I emptied all my wealth and built hundreds of forts here!

So much so that Swain It can really be said that we are completely destitute now.

Before coming to Daizuma, the mineral veins that Sven discovered on the seabed, after this consumption, together with the gems, there is really not a bit left!

Fingertip the resources inside, Now except for the vegetable patch.....Then only pastures and fisheries are left...

There is absolutely no remaining minerals and other resources. In order to collect materials, Swain also demolished some unused railways and demolished many buildings........

The most important help that allowed him to complete the change from pure hand-made manufacturing to industrial assembly lines in such a short period of time was what he obtained from the altar underground in the Apokalis family mansion, and is now integrated into the gem on his chest. The power of that half gold cube! thunder and lightning.......No, it is the power of different expressions obtained again after the power of erosion, the power of decay, and the power of creation - the power of structure!

However, because this ability is not complete, it requires consuming materials and Honkai energy or other energy at the same time to create objects!

And there are many conditions that need to be complete, from drawing design to material selection, complete structure, etc., to create what Swain wants.

So without a certain level of knowledge reserve, this ability is really useless!

".......Is the city wall damaged?"Sven was surprised by the news of AI feedback.


"What about size? Are there any others? What is the impact?"Sven pursed his lips. This was an unexpected incident. There seemed to be no accidents in what he saw.

"About thirty meters, the inspection results only found this larger one. Although there were slight errors in the rest, they were all within the allowable range. The lines on both sides of the damaged location could barely be connected, meeting the conditions for the activation of the barrier."

"Thirty meters.....This size is too big. Although it can activate the city wall, it will affect the overall strength."

"However, if there is only one spot, it is not impossible to try to repair it later........"

Swain frowned. He had already repaired some necessary parts of the city wall. Some errors were allowed, but this was too big!

Unexpectedly, something unexpected happened at this critical moment?

It was this momentary loss of concentration that caused Sven to lose control of the seawater. There was no way for him to control the seawater without magic power, but it did require a lot of mental power!

It’s too much trouble!

With such a large size, it’s great to be able to trap it for a while!


Orobas broke free from the restraints and raised his upper body suddenly. The sea surface exploded, and tons of sea water was lifted into the air and splashed everywhere.

Orobas' golden pupils shrank suddenly, and his vertical pupils stared at the forts on the city walls!

It opened its mouth wide, and ice-blue light began to gather deep in its throat. The target was the city wall directly in front!

During this period, those forts did not rest and were bombarding continuously, but Orobas, who was so angry, ignored these small wounds on his body.

It must give these crudely made rags a bit of power!

And now this unactivated city wall can never stop the breath attack that basically destroyed Inazuma Castle with just one blow!

"real! Do it!"

When Swain saw this, he made a prompt decision and immediately shouted to Zhen through the communication. He also quickly swam from the sea towards the gap in the city wall.


Zhenyi gritted his teeth, without hesitation, and immediately injected a large amount of ability to activate the magic nodes on the city wall!

Buzzing buzz -!

The node pressed by Zhen's hand emitted rainbow-colored light, and the powerful impact made Zhen's purple Her long hair flutters in the wind, and the light spreads rapidly along the lines on the ground in an instant, like dominoes. You only need to knock down the first one, and you don't have to worry about the rest.

The patterns painted on the city wall light up front and back, Then a transparent barrier that floated like an aurora rose into the sky, cutting the sea water on the ground to the clouds in the sky. Using this city wall as a benchmark, the world on the east and west sides was completely divided into two halves! Boom boom! Boom——!

The light in Orobas’s mouth seemed to have been accumulated, and the thunderous sound emerged again, and then shot out tilted towards the distant city wall!

Bang bang bang——!!

The ice blue light pillar bombarded the city wall in the distance! Waves of water-like ripples spread out on the aurora barrier, and violent vibrations were transmitted from top to bottom to the ocean and the earth below. The seafloor trembled, the seawater agitated, and the city wall looked crumbling.

But It is this barrier that looks fragile and is about to be broken. After withstanding the breath for a period of time, there is no problem, and even the light of the aurora is not reduced much.

Orobas tried to increase the output, but even if it As it gets bigger, the barrier seems to turn into a chasm that can never be broken through.

"Roar oh oh oh——!"

Orobas stopped the attack, looked up to the sky and roared unwillingly, then flapped his wings, hovered in the sky for half a circle, and then rushed directly towards the barrier.

No need to think!

Just be big!

That’s reckless!

"Isn't it?"

Zhen raised his head and looked uncertainly at Orobas, who was rushing straight towards him. He was not sure whether this incomplete barrier could hold up! On the other side, Sven climbed back out of the sea. When he arrived at the city wall, beside him was the damaged area he had discovered before.

The traces were still very new, not to mention seaweed, but marine life. There were none of those conches, oysters, etc. It was obvious that this place had only been destroyed not long ago.

When I was talking to Skaya on the city wall, there was no problem at that time, so it was destroyed today?

Is it a coincidence? Or man-made?

And looking at the damaged areas, it doesn’t look like it was damaged multiple times. It looks like it was smashed open by something.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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