"Judging from some of the information obtained from General Raiden and General Kujo, the huge black shadow is now trapped in the outer sea area."Kamizato Ayato shook his head and smiled in a self-deprecating way.

"As expected......."

"When everyone has no hope for the future and is ready to give up, you still have the ability to deal with them."

"Gotta get it!"Seeing that Ayato Kamisato wanted to continue speaking, Sven quickly interrupted him.

"I don't want to hear you say this. It won't help the current situation. If you have this time, you might as well think about how to arrange for the refugees tomorrow."

Svenba chirped twice, put the empty teacup aside, got up and walked deep into the forest.

"Brother Ayato, you should protect your family by yourself. If you want to entrust your sister to her, you should tell your brother-in-law on the day she gets married.~!"

Seeing Sven waving his hands and walking towards the camp, Kamisato Ayato wanted to reach out to hold him back, but after carefully thinking about what Sven just said, he took his hand back.

".....If you want to get married, you must at least survive this disaster."

Kamizato Ayato muttered in a low voice, shook his head and laughed at himself twice, then stood up, packed up all his things, and returned to his camp.

Entering the forest, Sven didn't go far before he stopped. He stopped his steps, slightly tilted his head in a certain direction, and said with a hint of a smirk:

"......If you don't want to be startled, don't look at your feet on the right side, look straight ahead and walk away quickly."

As soon as these words came out, Xiaoxue, who was hiding in the shadow on the back of the tree, knew that he must be saying this to herself.

But don't look at your feet on the right.....

Human beings are such wonderful creatures. If you are told not to do something, there will occasionally be a moment when your body has already reacted before your brain can react.

As soon as Xiaoxue lowered her head, she immediately saw a big gray mouse at her feet, holding a crushed big spider in its mouth. It was standing up and staring straight at him with its green and reflective eyes.


Xiaoxue's reaction was not too violent, but when she walked out from behind the tree, her pale face still showed her inner shake.

"Oh, I didn’t even scream."Sven said teasingly, with some surprise.

You must know that after experiencing the Black Death and the underwater caves, Xiaoxue, who was originally afraid of these strange 'little animals', even developed a psychology towards such creatures as snakes, insects, rats and ants. Shadow.

I was very neurotic for a while, and even acted as extreme as PTSD.

But this time, I just turned pale and had no other reaction.

"how? Is it the hobby of the scumbag dark knight to use these methods to make beautiful girls scream in the dark night, and then take advantage of it by hugging her when she is panicking?"

Xiaoxue grabbed the coat she was wearing with both hands, squinted her eyes, and looked at Swain with a disgusted look on her face.

"The title seems to have changed again."Sven didn't care, laughed, and then continued to move forward.

Xiaoxue glanced at the surrounding environment, and chased after him with small steps.

Although he wanted to subconsciously continue to say venomous words, Sven was too inconsiderate, but Seeing that he was deliberately slowing down, and he had been tired for two days, I thought about it and let it go.

"So why do you travel so far without rest at night?"Sven tilted his head and squinted back, his steps still unchanged.

"I remember I said don’t let me catch anyone staying outside during bedtime, otherwise the homework will be doubled the next day."

"Unfortunately, I don’t have any homework. When I go to class or take exams, because I am a top student, my homework is sometimes waived and I don’t have to write it at all."


"Take class."Speaking of this, Si Wen had a look of emotion on his face.

He walked forward in small steps and walked to Si Wen's side. Xiaoxue looked at his profile and finally asked the long-standing question in his heart.

"I remember that you have obtained many degrees and certificates. Was the aircraft called Hummingbird you built before also built using the knowledge taught by your instructor during class?"

Not just Xiaoxue, many people in the gems felt that the technology used by Swain was a bit too advanced. Even in their time, no one could build such a maneuverable aircraft.

"No, I didn't take a class.....No, it should be said that I spent a whole day, even though I was only in a fantasy world, and I was in a daze most of the time. I didn't come back to my senses until school was over."

Sven scratched his head in embarrassment. How could he have the time to spend decades studying?

"Ah, but I have a friend who helps me with my homework every night after my job as an assistant in the medical department. Does that count as class?"


Siwen's words confused Xiaoxue.

You haven't gone to school and you're still a medical assistant?

Doesn't that mean that he is completely self-taught?

And he learned these things during his combat training?

Xiaoxue's mouth opened, but she didn't know what to say.

For this person, he does not need people thousands or hundreds of years later to judge him using the common sense of that time.

No pity, sympathy, or admiration was needed, because to Swain, this was just normal life.

In order to survive, you must exercise your body, in order to protect your family, you must practice martial arts, and in order to defeat powerful enemies, you must use other means to strengthen and arm yourself!

Thinking of this, Xiaoxue stopped in her tracks. She felt it was necessary to have a good talk with Swain now!

Noticing that the footsteps behind him had disappeared, Sven also stopped and turned around, with a look of confusion on his face.

".....Do you really think it's appropriate for me to be your master?"

"I don't want you to add any other emotions or reasons. I just want to hear the most objective evaluation."

Sven's eyes looked into the bottom of her eyes, wandering back and forth for a while, and she was silent for a while, and then she spoke again.

But she didn't hear the answer she wanted from Swain's mouth.

"comfort? snort."Sven chuckled and shook his head slowly.

"I thought you were different from other girls, you were a very strong person."

"but......Now I think I saw it wrong."Sven could see that he was a little disappointed. He tilted his mouth slightly and had a sad expression on his face.

"you......What's the meaning?"Xiaoxue was startled.

"Don't look at me like this, but I actually have people I hate."Sven shook his head, pointed a finger at Xiaoxue, and said slowly:"One of them is the type who is strong in body and mentally disabled, and groans without illness."

"And you are this kind now"

"you!"Xiaoxue looked at Sven's fingers and immediately frowned.

"Don't say it yet, let me guess what you want to say?"Sven continued to interrupt Xiaoxue's words.

"Do you think that after you became my master, you couldn't use magic, which made it difficult for me to use magic, and my fighting methods and combat abilities were greatly reduced. Not only was it not helpful in fighting, it was also a serious hindrance?"

"......."Xiaoxue fell silent, which meant that what Swain said was exactly what she was thinking.

"Let me guess again, is it because of the exposure of my previous relationship with you, the whispers of those around you, and the puzzled and disdainful looks that make you restless?"

"And now you come to me and ask me what I think of you?"

"It's just because you feel in your heart that these people are right, but you don't want to admit it, so you come to me and want to hear from me, the so-called victim, that this is not your fault and has nothing to do with you. , you are very suitable to be my master, it's not your fault"

"Me, I didn't......."Xiaoxue immediately took two steps forward eagerly, getting closer to Deswen, trying to suppress him with her momentum, and the expression on her face became impatient.

"Do you dare to deny it?"Swen stared directly into Xiaoxue's eyes with a condescending aura and emotionless eyes.

However, the auras of the two parties were not at the same level at all. The moment Xiaoxue and Sven met their eyes, she was instantly defeated. Suddenly, she lowered her head and averted her eyes.

Obviously she felt guilty, and at the same time she was also scared.

She was afraid that Siwen would really abandon her because of this incident!

Siwen looked at Xiaoxue's current state, tilted his neck slightly, and approached Xiaoxue. He continued to say in his ear:"Did you see it?"

"You no longer dare to look me in the eyes, don’t you have the courage? Feeling guilty? Or do you feel you owe something?"

Xiaoxue felt the warm breath next to her ears, and subconsciously took two steps back and turned around. The expression on her face changed several times, and her mood became visibly worse. She sensed that the atmosphere between the two was not right. , everyone in the gem wanted to come out to mediate, but Sven could not hear what they said, so they could only find Xiaoxue.

However, the crazy sister Xiaoxue looked at the two people on the field, and the palms and backs of her hands were full of flesh. , it’s really uncomfortable for her to be caught in the middle!

What should she do now?

And why does Sven feel like she’s angry?

And she’s so angry?

From the previous descriptions of Kallen, Gan Yu and others, they didn’t Everyone had seen Sven get angry, and everyone had the impression that Sven, let alone angry, rarely yelled, and his appearance was simply uncharacteristic.

Is it really like what others said, that Sven was doing it because of his magic? The circuit problem will finally make all the dissatisfaction with Xiaoxue that has been suppressed come out tonight?

"Xiaoxue, anyway, you all calm down first........"

Sister Xiaoxue tried to comfort Xiaoxue first, but was still interrupted by Swain.

"see it?"Swen walked forward slowly and came to Xiaoxue's side.

"You already have the answer in your mind."

Xiaoxue glanced at her and continued to turn around, showing only her back to Swain.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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