"Why not sow?"Sven looked at her coldly and retorted vigorously.

"After all, you have given up and don't want to try to surpass your current powerless self. You just blindly make excuses for your failure. What can you do like this?"


"Then I'll prove it to you, you bastard!"

"Just wait for me!"

"I will definitely become the top magician, and when the time comes, you will call me your master sincerely, and not just rely on the so-called cause and effect and owed favors!"

"Who wants the expectations of a scumbag knight like you!"

"I have to act on my own will!"

Xiaoxue flicked her arm, loosened Sven's collar, and then turned around and walked towards the camp alone.

Seeing this, Sven stayed where he was, still leaning against the tree and not moving. Instead, he raised his head silently looking at the night sky

"......Not going back?"

Karen walked out from behind the bushes on one side at the right time. She had discovered that Xiaoxue was missing a long time ago, so when the two returned to the camp, she had already come closer.

"No, let’s look at the moon again."Sven gave a sour smile.

Kallen covered her mouth and chuckled. Seeing Sven's deliberately trying to be brave, she felt helpless. No wonder people say that it is unreliable to judge a boy's mental age from his appearance.

All of this How old are you to be so tough-talking!

Just like a child!


"Isn't it because the wound on his back was hit by a tree just now, and now it hurts so much that he can't move for the time being?"

"Well, if you see through it, please help me first."Sven shook his head helplessly.

Kallen said this, but she still quickly stepped forward to help Sven and led him back to the fire outside the camp.

He took out a pile of new medical equipment and opened it. Swain's shirt helped him rebandage

"You are trying to be brave, are you going to suffer now?"

Karen looked at the wound on Sven's back. It was simply an old wound that hadn't healed and a new one had been added. She stretched out her slender fingers and touched it gently.

"Wound.....There are a lot of them, will they leave scars?"

"Fortunately, I use medicine every time to clean up the scars and try not to leave any traces."

Karen and Sven chatted wordlessly.

"Were you a little too harsh on her just now?"

After bandaging the wound, Kallen sat next to Swain and slowly said

"i rarely.....No, no one has ever seen you like that, right? Are you really angry?"

Sven was silent for a while, and then said:".....That's a necessary acting skill"

"is this necessary?"Karen still felt that Swain was a bit harsh and thought that as long as they communicated well, the problem should be solved.

In this regard, Swain just shook his head regretfully.

"No way, communication may be effective, but.....We don't have much time left, and she is a bit paranoid. It will probably be difficult to persuade her alone. She will have to give her some harsh medicine."

"Furthermore, the environment in which she lives is so different from ours. We think about how to survive, but she thinks about how to survive."

"In this era, a person as indecisive as her would probably die because of her kindness and gentleness. Her mind must be changed."

Sven remembered that when she was on the road before, she had seen Xiaoxue sharing her rations with other suffering people while she was hungry.

Not even once or twice. If she hadn't been following him all the time, she would have been hungry twice. , she is weak, dizzy, and the best outcome is to say goodbye to this world forever.

Kindness is a good quality, and there is nothing wrong with the act of giving, but if you care for others if you can't even meet the conditions for your own survival, then in the end She will be eliminated by the survival rules of this era!

"Gentleness is a good thing, but being gentle to everyone is cruelty, because a person is nothing but gentleness, and being gentle without any reason is a sin."

"The truth is cruel and harsh, and makes people avoid it, but lies must be gentle, sweet, and easy for people to accept."

"I will not deceive her, nor will I deceive you. This is my promise."

"So no matter how many times, even if she would beat me up, I would say the same thing."Sven turned his head and looked directly at Kallen's delicate face.

"Don't think about taking care of others who can't even protect yourself. Before extending a helping hand, you should first think about how to prevent yourself from starving."

"That's right."

Kallen thought about it carefully and felt relieved. She turned sideways and rested her head gently on Swain's shoulder. Suddenly, a light and elegant fragrance filled the air around Swain.

"Tomorrow, we leave here. The three little girls will leave with the rest of the Kamisato family."

"May I?"Karen is still a little worried.

".....I have taught them survival skills, and the dragon lizard is still here. If it is fed properly, it will not be a problem to tame it, even if both of us are gone......No, it’s better not to be too pessimistic, that’s not good either."

Sven covered his head and kept shaking.

This is his bad habit. He anticipates various possibilities for everything, so he always prepares for the worst.

This makes him look very gloomy and feels It was as if he was ready to die at any time.

But the final results of these worst-case plans were so clear and organized in Swain's mind, as if they had really happened.

Swain was not sure , is this my own prediction, or is it.....My own magic eye of distant seeing, the clairvoyance that may occur naturally at any time, saw something again.

However, Swain felt that he was so pessimistic because the opponents he faced were too outrageous!

Look at all these things you picked up along the way!

There were legion-level Honkaimon and Herrschers who already had prototype gem cores, plus large-scale Honkaimon that could cover the sky. Maybe the gems were to blame this time.

Which one of these seems to be suitable for one person to play alone at this stage?

And even if you want to lead teammates, they won't be able to resurrect and lock their blood multiple times like you can, so the risk is too high.

After much thought, I decided to rely on myself.

Kallen and Sven chatted around the fire for a while. When they felt a little sleepy, Sesame and Nuomi also came over.

The two little wolves climbed down to sleep around the fire. The two did not go back to the house. Instead, they leaned against Sesame's side and cuddled up to each other to rest. The summer night was not too cold, and there was a fire aside. The person's body was still covered with glutinous rice tails, so that after falling asleep, Xiaobai fell on top of Swain's head again and took a nap.

At this point, everyone in the camp had gone to rest, except for the person who had not fallen asleep in the house.

Nothing happened all night.

In the early morning, there was a faint mist in the forest. The humidity in the air was very high, and the field of vision was not very good. Not only could there not be a ray of sunlight in the dark sky, but the air always felt a little inexplicably heavy.

Hope this is just an illusion.

The sound of thunder in the thunderstorm circle not far away never stopped, but this sounded very reassuring to everyone's ears.

The dew from the mist made Kallen and Sven's hair look wet.

The bonfire nearby had just been extinguished, and it was obvious that someone had been adding more firewood to it during the night.

It was still early, so no one got up now, but Karen was woken up by a series of small beeps.

Her eyelids moved slightly, and her long eyelashes trembled, making Sven's neck feel a little itchy. When she opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was the collarbone wrapped with circles of bandages exposed from the collar, and she moved slowly. She raised her head and met Sven, who had also just woken up.

The two looked at each other and smiled. Sven patted Kallen's back slightly. Kallen understood, but closed her eyes first. She lazily lowered her head and rubbed the side of Sven's face a few times, and made some thoughtful noises during the process. There is no nasal sound, which looks suitable and cute.

When she was done, she let go of someone's hands on her waist and stood up like a big white cat that had just woken up, stretching her waist.

Swain also let go and looked at the information fed back on the screen in the palm of his left hand.

"What's wrong?"Karen leaned over again, side by side with Sven, and continued to rely on Sesame's furry body.

"Found those two bastards!"

Sven clenched his fist with his left hand and raised his head, just in time to see the haze in the sky showing through the leaves and branches.

"Let’s end it today!"

"......"Karen didn't speak, just nodded slightly.

Everyone woke up, washed up and had some breakfast.

At this time, Xiaoxue raised her head and glanced at Sven, only to find that the opposite side was no different from usual.

If her eyes weren't still a little red and swollen, Xiaoxue would have thought that everything that happened last night was a dream.

But after calming down today, Xiaoxue also discovered Swain's sincerity.

Swain undoubtedly supported her;Rather than seeing himself so suspicious and unable to concentrate all day long, he still hoped that he could keep moving forward!

"Poor provocation."She muttered softly.

But understanding the truth and being able to do it are two different things.

After breakfast, they packed up the camp and met up with Ayato Kamisato. The two teams headed towards the area of ​​influence within the local area.

Kujo Takayuki expressed that he wanted to return to the territory where Tian Ling was enshrined, so he took his confidants and some followers to guard her territory.

Kujo Kamaharu was originally planning to follow his father back, but when the team was about to When they parted, he hesitated again and again and finally decided to stand up


"I feel that I need to follow the people of the Kamisato family."

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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