Tick- tick-tick- tock The sound of water drops falling into the small pool echoed in the surrounding space.

Sven lay motionless on the ground. Fortunately, his chest was still rising and falling slightly, and his breath was flowing through his mouth and nose.

"Sven, it's morning, get up quickly~!"

"Otherwise, my sister will take off your quilt.~!"Merlin tried to wake Sven, but apparently failed.

"Ah, sister, I'm working hard, can't I wake you up?"

"This is difficult to handle~!"

"The commander is unconscious, the signal is interfered by unknown reasons, the connection with the terminal host is disconnected, and it enters independent operation mode. The surrounding environment determines that the concentration of Honkai energy is high and the danger level is high. Forced awakening... Prepare for electric shock."

Sven's left hand gathered a small amount of energy without his conscious awareness.


He gave Swain an electric shock through his arm.


Sven's brows immediately wrinkled, his eyelids trembled slightly, and then he woke up leisurely.


Mei Lin was silent. Good guy, you are really too gentle to him, right?

Did he just use electric shock to wake him up?

He is really a cruel person!

What Sven saw was pitch black, with only the faint pink light emitting from the walls acting as lighting. It was like a sea cave on the coast, but it also looked like a group of hollows formed by large pieces of dead coral. The surrounding space was quite large. The roads are also extending in all directions. In addition to walking left and right, you can also walk down and up. However, one is to jump into a deep pit, and the other is to climb up. Sven feels like he is trapped in the middle of a piece of sea. They are all roads, and it seems that even if you are using the navigation system, you have to be prepared to go around here for several days without being able to get out.

And whether it's the ceiling above, the walls, or the ground where Sven is lying on his back, there are some small holes on them. The holes are not big, and it doesn't look like a creature can pass through, but just a little movement is enough. It will produce a huge echo and be transmitted to a long distance.

In addition to Sven himself, he could also see some people who were drifting with him, including the broken branches of the main cherry tree, the ruins of the shrine building, large areas of mud left on the ground, and many of the people he had killed. Corpses of soldiers.

Returning to consciousness, Sven raised his head, opened his mouth, coughed out some mud in his mouth, then lowered his voice and shouted tentatively


"Can you hear it?"

The surroundings were as quiet as ever, and no echo could be heard.

Sven pursed his lips and tried to stand up with his hands, but the severe pain in his right leg made his body stagnate. He reluctantly turned over and propped up his upper body, Sven He looked at his right leg and saw that the knee was completely twisted to one side. He touched it with his hand and determined that it was fractured.

In addition, the knee seemed to have been cut in half by some sharp weapon.

"The fractures were okay, but the stab wound was from that thing. Fortunately, the vital part was avoided and only the leg was injured."Sven's tone was calm, and he didn't seem to care so much about this 'minor injury'.

Looking left and right, Swain directly reached out and grabbed the wooden remains on one side, as well as some rags.

Taking a deep breath, he lifted his right leg The bones twisted suddenly, and with a crisp crunching sound, the bones returned to their positions, but the pain still made Sven's face change slightly, and the muscles at the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, but at the same time, he treated his wounds neatly with his hands and feet, and The legs were temporarily fixed using wooden remains and cloth as splints.

".....Looking at your appearance these days, my sister thought you couldn't feel the pain anymore."Meilin said to Swain in a strange tone, as if she was teasing, but also seemed to be concerned.

During this period, she kept looking at Swain with a grin on her face. It was obvious that it was not her leg that was injured, but Mei Lin. Lin lowered her head and looked at her slender calves wearing pure white knee-high socks, and still felt a heartbreaking phantom pain!

"What nonsense are you talking about? I am only human after all. If I get hurt, of course it will hurt and I will die."

Sven found a branch and used it as a crutch. He straightened up and looked at the flow of the debris on the ground, guessing that the shadow should be nearby. A simple sentence made everyone in the gem pay attention again.

Perhaps It's because he acts too powerful and too mature at the same time, which makes people subconsciously ignore this. After all, he is only a human being! He is also made of flesh and blood like himself. He will hurt when he is injured, and he will die if he is fatally injured. It's just that Compared with myself and others, I will be resurrected, but it is not infinite.

The pain I received will not be forgotten, and the pain when I die will not disappear. Even like now, the injuries I received will remain intact. On his body.

Swain was limping in this unfamiliar area. The surroundings were a little dark, but Swain's eyes were able to see clearly even in places with no light at all.

"Ah, yes!"

Soon, Swain found a shadow at a corner that was entangled with the branches of the main cherry tree that had almost lost all its petals. He limped quickly and walked over. Swain looked at the state of his eye shadow. , is much worse than before, and is already dying.

If it is not the shadow, and what is here now is true, according to her physical fitness, it is definitely impossible to survive!

Move the sacred cherry branch aside, Si Wen laid Ying flat on the ground

"There are also heart sounds, there is no obstruction in the mouth, the sternum is shattered, and four ribs are broken......The kidney was punctured and needed to be reset and the kidney parenchyma sutured. His left hand was fractured, he lost too much blood, and his body temperature continued to drop."

Sven, who judged that he was in a shadow state, immediately took out his medical kit and looked at the prepared tools. Well, everything he needed was there.

"Be prepared for first aid."

Sven took off his tattered and muddy clothes and threw them aside, revealing his body covered in black bandages. He also took off the two necklaces around his neck. Put it behind you to prevent the two necklaces from dangling in the way during the operation.

Cut the clothes on Ying's body directly with scissors. The snow-white and plump skin now looks a little sickly white, and slightly lacks elasticity and luster. , which is the stiffness of the body caused by excessive blood loss and lowered body temperature.

Swain also cleaned the sludge on the surface of his skin first, and then directly disinfected himself according to the standards of regular surgery.

"Disinfection completed, tool preparation completed, opening position confirmed, under costal margin......."

As the scalpel sliced ​​through Shadow's abdomen, Swain's emergency surgery began.

However, because everyone in the gem was placed behind him by Sven, except for Sven's busy back, no shadows could be seen at all.

While Swain was busy, Zhenya on the other side woke up leisurely, but compared to the two on the other side of Swain, Zhen, who was alone here, was really panicking.

Although she was not injured, after thinking about her own strength, she felt uneasy and uneasy.

She tried to hug her arms tightly, but this could not provide her with any warmth, and the uneasy haze kept shrouding her.



"Where are you?"

However, her cry did not receive a response. Except for the black sky above, which was as dark as an abyss, there was only the wild rocks and weeds everywhere. There were no trees left in the desolate land.

She was really at the commanding heights of the surrounding area, but even so, the scenery as far as the eye could see had not changed at all.

It was obvious that the distance between her place and Swain's place was different. At the same time, it also makes people wonder. Orobas's body is slender, and the internal space should be quite limited. But why after being eaten by it, the surrounding space is in three-dimensional space. The surrounding area seems to be expanding infinitely?

This is obviously not in line with common sense!

".......OK, the broken bones are cleared out."

Sven will use tweezers to clamp a small section of bone into a metal tray on one side, making a clear knocking sound, which is transmitted very far in this space.

And he has also progressed to the step of suturing the renal parenchyma.

Slender The slender index finger was very flexible, and he was able to strike accurately without hesitation. Therefore, Swain quickly completed the treatment goal, sutured the shadow's flank, and then wrapped circles of bandages.

However, for a girl, her abdomen was left with There is such a trace that looks like a centipede. Even Ying, who is a sister in addition to practicing, should be very concerned about it, right?

Although he has tried his best to sew the wound to make it look better, the worst he can do is help Ying remove it later. The scar was healed.

While Swain was wrapping a bandage on him, a white figure appeared far behind him.The middle of the road.

At the same time as it appeared, Sven turned his head sharply, his eyes widened with a look of alertness, and his eyes looked around like searchlights.

However, wherever he looked, he found nothing. The ground around him was all mud that had not dried up. As long as something stepped on it, there would be traces, but there were no other traces around here except his own footprints.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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