"Uh oh oh oh!!"

A bear-shaped Honkaimon stood up, slapping two huge bear paws forward.

But two cold lights flashed from the opposite side, and the silver scalpel went directly through its defense gap and pierced it. In his eyes, the bear-shaped Honkai Beast retreated in pain, and the scalpel was quickly pulled back by the silk thread behind it. Then a figure quickly rushed in, and bombarded the bear's belly in a circle. There was a muffled bang. , a mark appeared on the bear's back with the sound of bone cracking, and then it was pierced through the heart and fell to the ground. Swain clenched his right fist, shook his hand, and hugged the two round and slender thighs on his side. He tilted the figure on his back upwards, and his soft body seemed as light as a boneless body. Even though she was tall, Siwen still felt that she was a little light.

Siwen continued to limp forward.

This It's the second day of being trapped in Orobas' body, and it's also the second day of Sven's continuous fighting. But here, you don't need to care about other people's eyes. The weak eats the strong. As long as you defeat the opponent, its power will belong to you!

This is cruel, but also very realistic.

As a result, Sven's physical strength and energy have been depleted, but his Honkai energy has relatively recovered a lot.

"You have left that weird cave, but why did you end up in a place like this after passing through the cave entrance?"

Sven looked around. He was surrounded by endless chaotic darkness. There were huge floating stones everywhere. If you want to move, you can only move between the stones by jumping. You can't tell up, down, left, and right here. You don't even know. Whether he is standing on the ground, hanging upside down, or standing somewhere parallel, it is like a small universe.

"I can't find the exit, I can't even go back to the original cave.

Swain raised his head and left hand and asked,"How about it? Can you draw a star map and action route map?""

"The surrounding space is unstable, it is impossible to establish landmarks and map the star field, and the timeline is chaotic and it is impossible to establish a course of action."

Sven looked at several charts that the AI ​​was trying to draw.

The route planned above clearly showed that he would continue forward without taking a detour, but now there were marks on the rocks under Swain's feet that he had made a few hours ago.

And looking at the trajectory of the action map, it actually shows that I have only walked ten minutes, and it even said that the time since I arrived in this space has only been thirty seconds?

What the hell is this?

I have only been here for thirty seconds, But you’ve been there for ten minutes?

But in fact, according to Swain’s feelings, he should have been here for a day and a half.

"The area where time and space are chaotic always reminds me of some not-so-good places. Really, how can such an environment exist on an ordinary planet? It's not a space crack where it's easy to get lost."

Sven complained and prepared to continue on his way with Ying.


After taking only two steps, Ying had some reaction.

Swain stopped, turned his head, and called her softly

"Shadow, how are you?"

Seeing that she didn't respond, Swain put her down, took out a mat, and let her lie down. He first checked the condition of her wound. It was not bad. The wound had begun to heal.

Ying did not open her eyes, but just opened her eyes. Her mouth moved, and when Sven leaned down and put his ear close to her lips, which were still white and slightly dull, he could hear what Ying said with the faint heat.


Fortunately, it's good that she can speak. This is the first time Ying has reacted after her surgery.

Hearing the sound, Swain took out the water cup and poured a full cup of water. He put his finger into the mouth of the cup. After a flash of light, the water was boiled under high pressure.

After sipping some of it in his mouth, and after it was no longer hot, Swain leaned down, slightly raised Ying's upper body, and pressed her white lips.

Following Sven's movements, Shadow's throat moved involuntarily.

Everyone in the gem was already used to seeing this. It was a sight that basically happened every half an hour. What was there to be surprised about?

They were more concerned about this than this. Every time Sven gave Shadow water, he would instill some of his own vitality into her.

Unable to transfuse blood, Swain could only use this method to hang on to the life of the other person and wait for her body to heal on its own. Now it finally paid off.

Swain repeatedly fed Ying some water while paying attention to the rise and fall of her chest and the frequency of her breathing, being careful not to choke her, so he did not notice Ying gradually waking up.

The long eyelashes trembled slightly, and she slowly opened her eyes. The first thing her purple eyes saw was the dark sky and the huge pumice stone.

Due to the serious injury and blood loss, the things he saw were still a little blurry, and the control of his body was not smooth, nor was his perception.

But the first thing he felt was the warm feeling flowing slowly down his esophagus, and the second was the strange touch on his lips that he had never experienced in thousands of years.

It's a little warm, but also a little rough, as if it's caused by thirst.

Therefore, she subconsciously wanted to smack her lips, and it was this slight movement that made the two people in close contact feel the most direct feeling.

Only then did Ying come to his senses. He was being scorned while he was unconscious!

Since her birth, she has not even held hands with anyone except her sister. At this moment, besides being shocked, she wants to gather up the energy that has not yet recovered much to kill this thief who dares to treat her lightly!

Her left hand trembled slightly, and the furious anger in her heart kept urging her to summon her naginata and kill the thief in front of her until no scum was left!

However, before she could do anything, the warm touch on her lips disappeared. Sven turned her head, looked at Ying who had opened her eyes and said softly with joy:"Ying, you finally woke up, how do you feel?"

"Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere else on your body?"

Ying stared blankly at the person who was almost touching his face.

".....Swain?"Ying's voice is still a little hoarse. It doesn't sound as airy and soft as usual.

"Well, it's me."Sven answered her with a smile, and at the same time stretched out his hand to gently touch her face. The weak heat made Ying relieved, believing that this was not his illusion or fantasy. After receiving the affirmative answer, Ying suddenly felt that his whole body relaxed. The left hand he had just raised also dropped it, and the nervous and angry emotions just now dissipated instantly. Of course, the feeling of shock still stayed with the touch of his lips.

But looking at Swain's face and the water stains around his mouth, Ying She subconsciously turned her head to one side, her eyes wandering, and her sickly white face now turned slightly rosy.

It was a little different from her usual aloof look, with a shyness like a little girl suddenly appearing. The feeling made Siwen feel a little fresh and cute. He is usually quiet, but occasionally bold and sincere, and usually aloof and occasionally shy, all have contrasting cuteness.

Siwen pursed his lips and let out a weak laugh, This makes Ying look even more embarrassed.

"There is some water left, do you still want to drink?"

Sven picked up the water glass that was completely bottomed out with one or two sips left in his hand and placed it in front of Ying.

Ying glanced at it and found that the entire glass of water was almost gone. In other words, the action just now meant that he and him She had repeated this countless times. Thinking of this, Ying didn't want to talk even more. She even had the idea of ​​why should I wake up at this time? I might as well continue to be in a coma!

But soon, she thought of what happened before thing, so he didn’t care about other things, and turned around to ask anxiously what was going on.

In response, the smile on Swain’s face also faded a little, and he stretched out his right leg and sat next to Ying.

He can’t find it now There's no point in worrying about the way out. Let's take a rest first. After all, a few Honkai beasts will occasionally pop up here from nowhere.

Sven explained what happened on his side, and Shadow also explained what happened to her. Things I experienced

"Really, she is really alone......"

"You were suddenly locked outside the barrier, wandered around and destroyed some Honkai Beasts. After a while, when the barrier was lifted, you discovered the energy fluctuations of Shadow Mountain. When you rushed there, you were injured when you ran into Orobas. Yes"

"That person is so reckless, so I must take care of her next time we meet!"Sven was obviously unhappy with Zhen's actions.

"Are you qualified to say this?"Ying Ye couldn't help but complain.

"Did you say something just now? Miss Shadow?"Sven rolled his eyes at Ying.

Anyway, these three people are all in the same relationship, so no one can say anything about the other.

Ying turned his head sideways, squinting without leaving any trace, and peeked at the big piece sitting next to him, leaning against him. Stone Sven's coat was long gone, and he was also covered with bandages.

She touched her clothes with her right hand, and it was obvious that they had been changed by the person in front of her, and it looked like he was still wearing the same clothes. , he has also treated the injuries he suffered before. Now that the bleeding has stopped and there is no pain, he can no longer waste time here.

Ying planned to get up, but after taking a deep breath, he found that the sternum and ribs were faintly The pain, coupled with the pain from the abdominal wound, caused her face to change slightly and she moaned in pain.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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