"Identity confirmation………Please help us restore some lines. Due to the impact of the impact and subsequent secondary disasters, some lines were damaged and cannot be repaired independently relying on the existing functions of the machine."

"If it continues, it will hinder the implementation of the plan."

Obviously the AI ​​will not react because of Xiaoxue's tone, it will just execute the emergency procedure according to the preset procedure.

"Restore the line?"

"Plans in the way?"

Xiaoxue looked at the miserable state of the entire laboratory and had no idea what to do, let alone Swain's laboratory. Even if there was a problem in an ordinary researcher's laboratory, she might not be able to repair it, let alone this fusion. There are a lot of black technologies, as well as a magic bonus research room!


Xiaoxue originally wanted to refuse directly, saying that she didn't have the ability, but then she thought about it, the other people here didn't even recognize the things here. If there was any hope that anyone could repair this place, besides Swain, no one else. It's just her. she clenchesHis head and figure seemed a bit thin, but he bit his cherry-colored lips unwilling to admit defeat and said in a stubborn tone:"What should I do?"

Yes, he was right.

Just blindly evading and making excuses will not change anything. If you have that time, you might as well work hard to move forward and surpass yourself now!

"The third row of bookshelf, the third book from left to right is the emergency manual"

"bookshelf?"Karen, who was closest to the bookshelf, turned around and walked over, squatted down, and looked at the bookshelf with only two or three books left. The rest of the books were scattered on the ground.

"But these books are all scattered around. How can I know which book you are talking about?"

AI was silent for a moment.

"Sorry, the existing sensor is only a simple infrared camera, and other components and programs are not equipped. It is impossible to accurately grasp laboratory information. At the same time, all control systems require manual operation."

"The emergency manual has a red cover and is made of fireproof and waterproof plastic material. It is also the thickest book on the bookshelf."

Hearing this, the three of them quickly rummaged through the pile of books.

"Is this this?........"

When Kamisato Ayaka picked up the manual, she had a complicated look on her face, because the area of ​​the book was larger than her face, and its thickness felt even more exaggerated than a dictionary. Calling it a manual, this thing was There’s no problem with the tiles!

And more importantly, the words above are all in English, and Ling Hua, a native of Daozhu, can't understand them at all.

"So thick! ?"

"Can you finish this book?!"

Karen also had a complicated look on her face and screamed out in surprise.

"give it to me."

Xiaoyue took the emergency manual from Kamisato Ayaka.

"Then let me report the fault situation. Please check the corresponding emergency manual directory."

"I see!"

Xiaoxue calmed down and responded directly. She put the manual on the ground and spread out the catalog.

"The energy supply system is unresponsive and the energy supply is completely cut off. It is now mainly supplied by the built-in emergency energy source. Ninety-seven percent of the entire system is paralyzed. It is expected that the remaining systems will shut down completely in three hours and fourteen minutes."

"energy supply.....energy supply......."

Kamisato Ayaka held a flashlight to illuminate it, while Kallen and Koyuki lowered their heads to look for the corresponding catalog.

"here!"Karen discovered the corresponding entry first.

"Energy system not responding......Part Seven, Article 36......On page nine hundred and sixty-two."

Xiaoxue quickly turned to that page and found the corresponding entry.

"Check the energy system, restart it, review the line, shut down the main energy line, switch to the backup line, and connect external energy."

I glanced at these small items. There are a lot of operations behind each item. It seems extremely complicated at first glance, but it is very precise, down to every step of the operation.

As long as you can understand these words and follow the Operation, as long as a modern person with a certain degree of modern education should be able to complete the repair operations.

However, these operations need to go to the energy room to start

"Where is the energy room?"Xiaoxue suddenly raised her head and asked

"The fourteenth underground floor, this is the tenth floor."

AI quickly pointed out the way for them and asked the three people to put on communication headsets so that they could remotely confirm their respective situations.

Time waits for no one. Now that the elevator is destroyed, everyone can only continue to climb down the emergency stairs. After leaving the laboratory, Xiaoxue looked at the wall in front of her as she climbed down the metal pipe ladder against the wall, and behind her was the endless darkness caused by insufficient energy. The space here was very It is so vast that you can even feel the presence of wind. The air is filled with the smell of metal, engine oil and other objects mixed together. It is obvious that there is something in the endless darkness. When we come to the energy room, there are rows of them, connected to many The metal platform of the large pipe has devices like transparent capsules on it. Inside are engraved runes, fine magic arrays above and below, and gems floating slightly up and down, emitting a faint light. The brightness here is amazing. , so that as soon as the three of them entered here, they almost thought they had walked outside.

"This is it, we’re here!"Xiaoxue pressed the earphone to communicate with the AI.

"The console is on the innermost side."AI reminded him in time.

He ran in in small steps. As expected, the control system was the computer control most familiar to modern people.

Now Kallen and Kamisato Ayaka were completely unable to help. They could only watch Xiaoxue quickly pull over the seat. , while looking at the emergency manual at hand and typing on the keyboard quickly.

As time went by, Xiaoxue completed one check after another, at least confirming that the system was operating normally.

This made Xiaoxue, who had been typing on the keyboard for nearly ten minutes, slightly relaxed. I breathed a sigh of relief, but soon something went wrong.

"The energy facilities are complete, the control system is normal, the lines are interrupted, and the emergency is also........"

I looked through the table of contents again and found the page I was looking for.

"Main energy line replacement......At the bottom."

However, when the three of them arrived at the bottom floor, they looked at the cables in front of them. Each of them was as thick as two people hugging each other. One end of the cable was plugged into the main facility embedded in the wall, and the other end, except for one cable The line goes to the laboratory above, and the rest all extend into the darkness that Xiaoxue saw before.


Karen tried to use her strange strength to lift one end of a spare cable. Although it was not impossible to lift it, it was very difficult. After all, there was a long cable trailing behind it.

"What exactly does this kind of thing provide energy for? ?"

Xiaoyue and Kamisato Ayaka also went to help when they saw this, but unfortunately they couldn't help much with their strength.

So before Kallen dragged the spare cable over, the two of them needed to remove the damaged old cable. Pull out the plug of the cable!

Each of them grabbed the handles on both sides of the burned cable and applied force at the same time, but the plug did not loosen at all, and there was no reaction at all.

Even though they had tried their best

"come on!!"

The two cheered each other up, but they didn't have the energy to shout out.

After working hard for a few minutes again, Kallen also had to take a short break. She really wanted to know how Sven installed these things alone!

But In fact, Swain did not install it at all. The reason why it is what it is now is just because these facilities were already like this when they were manufactured.

Just like a mobile phone, various parts are manufactured first and then put together. Yes, but here, the production process of this mobile phone will be from the top and slowly downward, just like printing, the internal parts are directly produced in one go, there is no so-called assembly process at all.

Kallen has no choice, I have to give up on this first and unplug the old plug.

"one two three!!"

The three of them exerted force at the same time, and the plug started to loosen up. It slid out a little bit, but as soon as they stopped, it got stuck again.

They tried several more times before finally pulling out the plug..Bang!

The plug fell to the metal floor, making a heavy sound.


However, before the three people could be happy, they turned around again and saw a very desperate scene. On one side, there were many identical plugs.

Obviously this was not a task that could be completed by just three people.

"Let us help."

At this moment, the voice coming from behind the three of them made them feel refreshed.

"Brother?"Kamizato Ayaka looked at the people who appeared behind him and his party in surprise.

Kamisato Ayato, Kujo Sora, Yonomiya, Shinkai, and many shogunate soldiers. Apparently they had repelled the Honkaiju beasts above. At the same time, they also established a considerable defensive position, and then they took out their hands to help.

Kamisato Ayato looked at Kamisato Ayaka, nodded with a smile, turned to look at Xiaoxue, and smiled gently:"For things that are too complicated, we may I can't help, but this kind of strenuous work is still no problem."

Xiaoyue looked at Kamisato Ayato, the expression on her face didn't change much, she just said in a calm tone:"Then I'll leave it to you."

If someone comes to help, then use it directly.

Division of labor and cooperation are the most efficient behaviors!

"no problem."

Xiaoyue briefly explained the work to him. According to Ayato Kamisato's wisdom, he understood it at once.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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