Boom boom boom—!

The vibrations continued, rubble, rubble and dust continued to roll down from the ceiling above, and a very ominous cracking sound came from the surrounding walls.

"Oops, it looks like this place won't last long."Kamizato Ayato looked around with a gloomy face.

"Need to evacuate from here."Kujo Sora bit his lip.

"but………"Kamisato Ayaka hesitated to speak and looked at the mechanical arm in the distance that was still diligently assembling.

Not even close!

Just a little bit closer!

The main body is complete, just install the remaining armor plates!

Xiaoxue pressed her earphones and asked anxiously

"Can't we find a way to get this big thing out and install it again?"

"For example, places like the roads used for sorties?"

"The attack route has not yet been planned and constructed, and it is currently unable to move."

However, AI's answer broke everyone's illusions.

"What does the master want?………"When Xinhai wanted to ask another question, he was interrupted by AI.

"After the signal is received, the command is transferred to the commanderMission progress and diaries began to be reported, and the battle plan was changed.………"

Even when AI was explaining, the shaking on the ground stopped.

"The estimated completion time is three minutes and twenty-seven seconds. At the same time, preparations will be made to enter the attack procedure, and a Level 2 combat warning will be issued, asking nearby staff to retreat as soon as possible."

Hmm hmmm hmmm————!!

Yellow warning lights and piercing sounds echo throughout the building

"Why does this sound sound so bad?"

Gan Yu felt from the bottom of his heart that it was no longer safe to stay here.

At this point, everyone looked at each other, and then directly issued an evacuation order.

"Everyone retreats!"

"Get out of here and stay as far away from here as possible!"

Following the order of Kamisato Ayato and Kujo Sora, all the people who stayed here began to evacuate.

Xiaoxue finally looked back at the big iron block and muttered with a complicated expression:"I'm sorry, now I just I can help you get here"

"But, I swear, it won’t take long before I can…………"

"Miss Xiaoxue, let’s go!"

Karen turned her head and saw Xiaoxue standing there, so she turned around, took her hand and ran away.

Orobas kept hitting the cliff in pain, but to no avail, so he jumped down again It flew in the opposite direction towards the ocean. At the same time, it continued to increase the distance and flew above the clouds. After hovering for several weeks, it reached an astonishing height of 30,000 meters!

Then with a shrill scream, its body In the middle, a red-black magic beam suddenly shot out from the abdomen!

"Roar oh oh oh—!!"

Boom boom boom—!!

Its abdomen exploded, and a red-black hole appeared at the wound, and then large pieces of messy stuff fell out of it.

Mountain peaks, gravel, sea water, mud, human buildings, land or deep sea animals and plants, as well as many metals, ores, etc. It seems that there is everything, and there is even a palace that has been destroyed long ago. It's shocking what exactly this guy is eating and drinking!

"Phew! Out!"

Sven was also among them. After liberating Liya's Noble Phantasm and shattering the light sphere, the space collapsed and shattered. All the things inside were sucked away and returned to the outside!

Boom boom boom—!!

These debris fell from high altitude and almost all crashed into the sea.

Sven looked at the debris that was falling rapidly around him. Through them, he also saw the huge body of Orobus hovering around him.

"Where is the sacred cherry tree?………Damn it, I can’t find it!"

The environment at this altitude is no longer possible for humans to survive, but in fact, Swain feels much more comfortable at this altitude than on the ground. As for the temperature and oxygen required for life, it seems that it is not within his scope of consideration.

Obviously the last time he was in low-Earth orbit, he couldn't adapt to the environment as well as he does now.

Quickly climbing up the nearest big rock, Swain used the stepping platforms in the air to leap towards Orobas' body.

He quickly climbed onto its body.

But because this guy was flying faster, Swain had to bend down slightly and raise his head to cross the extended body. Swain found that he had fallen into the back half of Orobas' body. , near the tail.

There are layers of ice-blue scales under its feet, and there is a special darker scale separated by a small area. The inner layer is its white and silver body, and the side of its body is made of water. It's like a flaming mane.

Sven knows that those special scales and manes are this guy's attack weapons! It's better not to touch these two parts casually, otherwise Orobas will be disturbed.

Raise your head, Sven Wen could only see the huge fleshy wings of Orobas that blocked the sun all day long and the two claws suspended in the void. As for the most critical head, he could not find it at all. He quickly searched around, but This winding body, coupled with the floating debris and clouds in the sky, obscured most of the sight.

"No, I can't find either the main tree or this guy's head. I have no choice but to move forward.………Let’s find a way to kill this guy first."

Sven squinted his eyes and glanced at his body status bar in the corner of his sight.

Swain seemed to be running quickly on Orobas, but because this guy was also flying at high speed at the moment, Swain could only keep moving his body Pressed down, the speed was greatly restricted.

Whoosh whoosh!

The fierce wind swept from the front, causing Sven's face to be blown so painfully that it felt as if he had been cut by a knife.

"Damn it, we can't move forward like this. How are we going to find this guy's weakness?"

Sven is already considering whether to use his energy for stealth and just sneak into the shadows to move forward.

"You want to find my weakness?"

Suddenly, a figure appeared next to Sven. When he heard the sound, he quickly dodged to one side.

Looking up, he saw a part of the blue, flaming mane made of water separated. The back of Orobas regrouped and solidified into the image of a woman.

The body was very illusory, made entirely of pure blue water. There was no trace of hair on the body, but it didn't matter what it looked like.

After all, she was a Apart from the body shape, it can be seen that the elemental body is female, and even the face and expression of the elemental body cannot be clearly seen.

When the person on the other side tried to move his body, he behaved like a patient who had been bedridden for many years, and his movements were unusually stiff.

Swain Looking at the opponent carefully, although I didn't see any weapons she carried, it didn't mean that she had no attack power!

"Orobas' split body is made of a mixture of water and Honkai energy, but its body strength and weight are astonishing, and it possesses extraordinary wrist and leg strength."

Wrist strength and leg strength?

Is it a close combat type?

It seems that you have to be careful not to get a direct hit."

The person separated from Orobas slowly lowered his eyes and placed his gaze on Swain.

"Why are you still alive?"

"I remember that humans can’t live more than a hundred years?"

The clone's eyes widened, expressions gradually appeared on the stiff face, and the edges and corners of the facial features were slowly taking shape.

Moreover, the body shape was gradually getting closer to humans, and the blue water was imitating the shape of the muscles. Swain even looked On the opposite side, the inside of the body showed the appearance of dark blue water forming bones and blood vessels.

Swain could see from her continuously forming body that she was imitating human body structure, behavior, movements and expressions.

However, this body showed a transparent blue The human blood vessel skeleton specimen in liquid color is quite scary when it moves!

"but………Why are you here?"

"You blocked me thousands of years ago, why are you still alive and standing in front of us thousands of years later?"

"Hmm, who knows, maybe I climbed up from hell to seek revenge?"Sven sneered and looked at the person in front of him.


"If this is about revenge, it’s us. If it weren’t for your sneak attack, we would have won and occupied this land thousands of years ago. Then the human species would not have appeared on this land. This is the best result.."

The clone of Orobas stopped here and did not continue. Then her expression became richer and richer, and she seemed to be inexplicably excited. There was a fanatical smile on her face, her mouth widened, her eyes Staring wide like a hawk that has discovered its prey

"Forget it, it's useless to tell you anything anyway."

"However, I can feel that you should already have a core. If you break your chest open and take away your core gem, I can get closer to God!"

"Hum, then come and try it!"

As soon as the words were spoken, the two sides immediately prepared for battle. They took a step forward and used flying knees as a starting point to attack, shortening the distance between the two parties.

Swain did not make a hard connection, dodged sideways, and was ready to hit the opponent when he landed hard on the ground. But when his body landed on the ground, he raised his fist to meet Swain's fist.


The forehand punched against the backhand, but with a dull sound of flesh and blood colliding, it was Swain who suffered the loss!

So fast!

The strength is so strong!

It would be irrational to face her head-on.

Swain quickly took a few steps back, took the opportunity to regroup, and began to pursue.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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